Official recalls have been issued for the 1999 Mitsubishi Galant by the NHTSA. The complete details of all recalls are listed below, along with what they cover and the recommended solutions.
Recalls don't cost you anything to get fixed, but most are time-limited, so if your car is affected you should call your local Mitsubishi service department immediately!
This circuit failure could cause any of the following to occur: (1) the engine will not start because the main fuse will blow if the power lead is grounded; (2) the low oil pressure warning lamp will illuminate if the signal wire is grounded; (3) the airconditioning system will become inoperative if the lead to the ... Read more »
Loosening or cracking of the levers can cause directional lamps that do not self-cancel or operate, head lamps that do not turn off, windshield washers that operate continuously and/or windshield wipers that do not ... Read more »