2005 Buick Park Avenue
Problems & Complaints

CarComplaints.com Notes: If you're in the market for a used, comfortably-oversized luxury sedan, you could do worse than the 2005 Buick Park Avenue. Read more »
This was the last model year the Park Avenue was available in the US market, and there's just not that many complaints about it. Plus, it has a hood ornament! There just aren't enough cars with hood ornaments anymore. Just make sure you avoid getting rear-ended as the car did very poorly in rear-impact crash tests.
Worst 2005 Buick Park Avenue Problems by Category
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- windows / windshield problems
- wheels / hubs problems
- suspension problems
- miscellaneous problems
- electrical problems
- interior accessories problems
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Worst 2005 Buick Park Avenue Problems
#1: Windshield Blurry At Night, Bad Glare 2005 Park Avenue
- Average Cost to Fix:
- N/A
- Average Mileage:
- 21,000 mi
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