I take very good care of my vehicle and get my oil changed in a timely manner. When the oil light first went on, I was told I needed a new engine. Fortunately, I have a friend who is a mechanic. His girlfriend has also has a 2007 RAV 4. He told me not to get the new engine but to check the oil every week and keep adding it as needed.
First, I feel as though the dealership was trying to take advantage of me to the tune of $5,000. Second. I don't feel as though I should have to play mechanic every weekend, by checking my oil and adding it. I bought the vehicle brand new and have been very conscientious about maintenance. Also, my friend's girlfriend received a recall and her engine was replaced for free. I have yet to receive my notice.
I bought a Toyota because of longevity but there have been more recalls and problems than I have ever had with any other vehicle. I seriously doubt I would buy another one.
I was worried that the oil level light came on, I am very careful with my car and try to keep up with the oil changes. I had to add a whole quart of oil to it. This was the first time it happened.
It started using oil a little over ago, going through a quart every 1,000-1,500 miles. While having some taken care of, the service adviser at the local Toyota dealership said she has seen several come in with the same issue. It is a common problem with that particular engine, and that my car needs an engine rebuild to fix it. Which would cost me 5-6 THOUSAND dollars. She advised me I would be better off to just keep adding oil. Now, it's burning through a quart every 600-800 miles and far from cost effective to just keep adding oil. This is my first Toyota and probably my last.
Does anybody know how long it takes to fix it? I'm trying to figure out labor hours so I can estimate my costs.
So, after returning yesterday for the results of my oil consumption test. I was told that even though my Rav4 used more than a quart of oil during the 1200 mile test, it was still above the specs that Toyota set for determining "excessive oil consumption." REALLY???
Apparently, your vehicle has to run bone dry during the 1200 test to meet the specs for excessive oil consumption. With all the recalls this poor ol' thing has had, I'm not sure it hasn't spent more time at the dealership than it has in my garage. I'm planning on a new vehicle within a year or two, but you can bet your ass that Toyota has been completely removed from the list of future vehicle purchases.
My Dad originally bought the 2007 Rav4 brand new from a Toyota dealership in 2006. He never had any problems out of the vehicle before but. Approximately a good year ago that it had started using oil. He discussed trading the vehicle in on something else and I told him not to do that. After all it is a Toyota and it only had 112,000 miles on it. I offered to purchase the vehicle from him since my wife and I were looking for a good working vehicle, so we bought the vehicle.
Not only has it done nothing but use oil, at around 1200 miles its only getting worse. We checked it today and just 2 weeks ago when we had the oil check done which by the way supposedly passed (yeah whatever!) It has already used a quart in a little over 200 miles. I really don't know why the Toyota garage is trying to cover this up. I know that my vehicle was bone dry of oil when I took it in for that oil, because when I got home I checked and you could see where the old oil was at on the dipstick which was almost bone dry and where the new oil was added. According to them my vehicle passed. I guess the only way to fix this is to quit buying Toyota. I have always loved this brand of vehicles
But unless they do the right thing and fix this issue I am going with Honda next time.
- Brian C.,
Nippa, KY, US
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My wife and i own a 2007 toyota rav4 sport 4 cyl. me being a mechanic i have always taken great care of this car and have been very pleased with it. my wife typically drives this car, however i had taken it for a few days and noticed the oil light coming on. being very close to my matn being due i checked the oil and noticed there was no oil on the dipstick. this worries me. this engine has never consumed more than an a quart of oil in a 5k period. now that this has happened i am keeping a close eye and going to try and get this resolved. after looking up the web it seems to be a very common problem this car. hopefully i can get this issue resolved with little to no money out of my pocket due to it being a problem with toyota.
Well, let's see.....I had a Jeep that I truly loved, but with gas prices going up, I needed something better on gas. So...Toyotas are supposed to be a very reliable vehicle. People have gotten very high mileage on the cars with little maintenance to the car ..right? How VERY WRONG!!!!!
I bought my 2007 Rav4 just over a year ago...used...I have already had front and rear brakes and a muffler and front strut put in...now the EFFING car sucks oil like crazy!!!! I have to check my oil every week to make sure there is enough oil..usually adding 3 quarts of oil before my next oil change. WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER TOYOTA AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to the dealership for my normal oil change in Sept 2013 and was told there was no oil on the dipstick, RAV had 85,000 miles at the time. No lights had come on that alerted me to an issue. They noted it on the records and said they would keep an eye on it. I went for my next oil change Nov 2013 and same issue of no oil on dipstick and again no warning lights. They noted it again on paperwork and said we might need to look into why it is using oil.
We made a phone call to a friend who is a Toyota mechanic and was told there was a service bulletin issued to the dealerships about oil consumption issues. Dealership did not say anything about this to me either time. We have watched the oil ever since and have to add oil between changes. In January 2015 we received warranty enhancement notification about oil consumption issue. In February we had oil consumption test performed and was told the RAV was within normal limits of oil usage. I called Toyota customer service and logged a case. They told me to go back to dealership between 1100-1300 miles and have oil level checked again. It was 1500 miles later before I could get back in to dealership. They noted the RAV had used 1 quart of oil in 1500 miles. I am being told that is normal usage and at this time my vehicle will not be included in the "fix". The RAV only has 120,000 miles on it. I have a 2002 Toyota Sequoia with 234,000 miles on it that doesn't use any oil. My RAV has an issue with oil consumption and the amount of oil it is using is not normal.
We have been long time Toyota owners but after this I think my Toyota loyalty days are done. I will not purchase another one ever! I am disappointed with how they are handling this not only for myself but many others. It is time for the car manufacturers to take responsibility for bad product.
Toyota has issued a recall for the oil consumption. Take to your dealer to start the oil consumption test. Mine is burning 3.5 qts per 5k miles. I think you need to lose 1 qt with in 1100 to 1300 miles.
Update from Nov 2, 2015: Engine blew and the oil lamp only flashed for a sec or 2. Oil consumption test was down about a month before engine went, they told me that it had passed the test and there was nothing they can do. I was told to come back in 6 months and try again. The oil level was barely above the passing line as per Toyota's guidelines. So no more car. It was junked because of other failing parts that we're recalled at one time or another.
I'm experiencing Excessive Engine Oil consumption on my 2007 Toyota Rav4. This started right after the warranty period and I understand now that this is an issue for a lot of Toyota owners. My issue is will Toyota take care of this problem and make things right with the consumer who is out of the warranty period?!
My wife Toyota Rav4 is drinking oil like crazy. Toyota said that 1.1 qrts per 600 miles is ok. Her is pass that point. Toyota said that they wont start fixing the problem till late spring or mid Summer. Is there not anything that can be done sooner. They said that the piston, rings, pins and bearings, need to be replaced.
Own a 2007 Toyota Rav 4 Limited 2.4l. I noticed that the oil light came on. I just had the car inspected and a oil changed two months earlier. When I checked the oil it was about 1 quarts down. This was very strange as the oil was always spot on. So I thought they shorted me a quart of oil on the change. So I added a quarts of oil. I then kept an eye on the oil level. I noticed that the oil level was dropping after about 1200 miles.now it as though I am adding oil every few months.
I requested my Toyota dealership performed an oil consumption test because my car uses an alarming amount of oil between oil changes. They determined there is no problem, and stated that Toyota considers it "normal" to add a quart of oil every 1500 miles. This is absurd!
Update from Jul 26, 2016: As a result of the class action law suit, Toyota performed another oil consumption test and agreed my car qualified for repair based on the amount of oil use. They added me to the list of customers awaiting the repair. I was hopeful at first, but since I have been stalled for nearly a year at "Number 15" I am not sure if they will ever fix my car. They continue to tell me they are awaiting parts for the repairs and will call me as soon as the parts are in.
My RAV is now using ----a quart of oil about every 1200 miles ----- Started slowly, about 3-4 years ago, but has gotten much worse - We have faithfully changed the oil every 3000 miles - Shop says I need new rings, at least, to fix the problem - rich.
I have owned 4 Toyotas in my life, that's why I bought a 2007 Toyota RAV 4 Sport 2.4 about 1 year ago, may be more, not sure the exact date.
But I check my dip stick and no oil was showing and I just had the oil changed like 2 months before. So I added oil and when it needed another service I told the Toyota dealer it was using oil, they told me that's common in this engine REALLY !!! I had a 1993 2.4 p/u that had over 300,000 miles on it before and only had to do a new head gasket at 250,000 miles and it never!!!!!!! used oil. They said either buy a new engine or trade in my RAV. I told them it's still under 95,000 miles, Toyotas don't do that, they said these do .....that's BS !!!!!
So I figured I would have to live with it until today when I brought it in for its 95,000 service and talked to a service writer. He told me Toyota is suppose to be doing a recall soon on this problem and extend the mileage warranty to 110,000 miles??? We will see. If they don't I'll trade it in and buy another Kia, at least they honor their warranty and service. So in the next 1200 miles I need to check he said, and if so bring it in and they will do that test on it.
Took a trip of about 2000 miles and as I drove into town the oil light came one. When I left I still had about 2000 miles to go before the next oil change. I was stunned. The oil barely showed on the dipstick. I took it in to a mechanic friend and they changed the oil, the transmission oil and did all of the 60000 mile check up requirements. I again checked the oil and it was down 1 1/2 quarts just a couple weeks after the tuneup work, and now I again had to add oil on about 1200 miles. Not expecting this kind of service from my Rav, I did not keep an accounting. My mechanic said it's cheaper to put a new engine in rather than fix this one. My other option is a new car. Talk about one pissed off old lady! I will not buy another Toyota!
Called my Toyota dealer about this problem. I have extended warranty. I was told burning a quart of oil every 1000 miles is with in industry standards, even with the oil consumption test the warranty will not cover (normal?) wear. So I questioned that I would burn 5 quarts between changes which I have done at Toyota since I bought the vehicle. So with no extended warranty coverage I am screwed..thanks MR. Toyoda, your company will not own up to inferior product repairs. Just as a side note my 1998 Chevrolet s-10 2.2 liter 4 cylinder engine does not burn or leak any oil after 16 years and a 188 thousand miles, even as a quart every 1000 miles is the industry standard..I thought I would never bitch about a Toyota, but it is true faulty cylinder rings,so kiss my ass.
I take very good care of my vehicle and get my oil changed in a timely manner. When the oil light first went on, I was told I needed a new engine. Fortunately, I have a friend who is a mechanic. His girlfriend has also has a 2007 RAV 4. He told me not to get the new engine but to check the oil every week and keep adding it as needed.
First, I feel as though the dealership was trying to take advantage of me to the tune of $5,000. Second. I don't feel as though I should have to play mechanic every weekend, by checking my oil and adding it. I bought the vehicle brand new and have been very conscientious about maintenance. Also, my friend's girlfriend received a recall and her engine was replaced for free. I have yet to receive my notice.
I bought a Toyota because of longevity but there have been more recalls and problems than I have ever had with any other vehicle. I seriously doubt I would buy another one.
- Laura R., Bensalem, PA, US