I am experiencing the same problem w/ oil consumption. Prior to that, I didn't have any problems. It's been a year dealing with this. My oil light doesn't come on, and about 6 weeks after getting an oil change my car died on the FREEWAY, and the engine light started flashing. The highway patrol checked my oil and said it was bone dry! I recently had the consumption test, which it failed.
Toyota informed they'll fix it for free, but they need a part that has been back ordered, and other people with the same issue have been waiting for over six months for the same part. I was directed to top off the oil weekly, because the consumption is so bad. I did complain to corporate, and they're involved...however, they've pretty much told me the same thing.
It's so frustrating, and I'm looking into buying a new car. I was very loyal to the Toyota brand, and am completely appalled at how they've handled this. It's clearly unsafe to operate these vehicles in this poor, hazardous condition.
Engine oil light went on after 8 years, still have no clue how it happened. It's too expensive to fix it since the car is already out of warranty. I can only check oil level frequently and add oil as needed. The situation is getting worse and worse. Now I have to add 2 quarts every 3000 miles.
Our 2007 Toyota RAV4 4-cyl (w/120 k miles & maintained regularly) needed a qt+ of oil added between the 3k mile normal changes. Toyota sent us a "recall" (TSB) letter so we took it in & paid the required $30 to change the oil & "seal" our engine. Returned after 1,200 (but not more than 1,300) miles. We qualified for the "oil consumption repair" but they informed us that on average owners are responsible for $1,000-$1,200 in "additional required" costs that aren't covered by Toyota during the recall/warranty work. They stated that getting our engine "fixed" was such a bargain that we would be stupid not to take advantage of the repair option & shouldn't complain about the $1,000+ in costs we have to pay out of pocket. Does this seam reasonable to others who are dealing w/this ? We've have a good relationship w/our dealer to date, but this seems odd to admit to a factory design problem and then require $1k or more to have the repair work completed ? It's also a situation that allows Toyota to remain vague about what they are actually doing to "repair" our Rav & what $ amount we will have to pay out of pocket since "they won't know specifics until they open our engine up & evaluate the required work." The Toyota factory statement we read in the TSB said that "Toyota would replace the Pistons," but the service manager stated that "they would replace the rings (from a $700 ring/gasket kit we have to pay for) and if necessary they might replace 1 or more pistons." That sounds like they are covering the labor for R & R, and we are covering the cost of most/all parts that created the problem in the first place....
I've got a similar experience as many others. The last time I had an oil change (around 95000 miles) the tech told me the oil was low. That was a surprise since the warning light had not come on. 6 weeks later I noticed the warning light flashed VERY briefly then turned off again. I checked the oil and sure enough, it was nearly empty. This was never an issue before. I won't bother bringing it to the dealer where I purchased it as I have had nothing but problems with them. When you add this problem to having more recalls than I can recall, this will be the last Toyota I purchase.
Update from May 1, 2016: So I brought my Rav4 in for the oil consumption test and it failed. Toyota told me they have to order the parts and would call me in April. It's now May 1 and I still haven't heard from them. I have to add about a quart of oil every 10 days to keep it running. Since Toyota admits it's their mistake, shouldn't they also reimburse me for the oil I have to purchase? I will update this complaint again whenever I hear from them.
Update from Jun 29, 2016: So I'm still waiting. I emailed the corporate office and they called me and said they are still waiting for parts. I said I shouldn't have to pay for the oil I'm buying to keep it running. They told me to save the receipts and I would be reimbursed once the problem is resolved. So start saving your receipts! Again I will update this complaint if I ever hear back from them.
Update from Oct 25, 2016: Update. I finally got fed up with this so I emailed Toyota corporate and threatened to go to Consumer Reports, the Better Business Bureau and my Congressman if they don't get this fixed. After getting jerked around via email and phone calls for a week, lo and behold, my local dealer suddenly had the parts after a year. I brought it in, they needed a week to fix it, but it appears to be fixed. I will continue to monitor my oil on a regular basis as I have no reason to trust them, but after 2 weeks, so far so good. Interesting side note: 6 days after getting my Rav4 back, my alternator died. Coincidence? Maybe. I can't prove anything certainly. Anyway, my advice is to email corporate and threaten them that you will report them. It worked for me. Good luck everybody.
Update from Jan 22, 2017: My final update. It's been 3 months since "the fix" was completed. I've been checking the oil level every 2 weeks, and everything is fine. If it goes bad again I will update this complaint. Again, my advice - Scream to the heavens. Threaten Toyota with the Better Business Bureau, lawsuits, anything you can think of. It finally worked for me. Best of luck. P.S. This is my last Toyota.
I’ve been adding one quart of oil at around 1,500 miles for a few years now. Toyota said it was normal. I also had an issue where my check engine light was coming on and when Toyota did the diagnostic test, it came up as the O2 Sensor. $324.00 Plus the $99.00 spend for the diagnostic test.
I read on multiple sites that oil consumption can cause your O2 sensor to go bad and affect the catalytic converter. I will mention this when I bring my car back to determine whether or not my car passed or failed the consumption test. I will be surprised if it passes because now I am putting in two quarts before my 3,000 mile oil change at 125,000 miles.
Wish me luck.
- Keri G.,
Haverhill, MA, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
December 2012, about 6PM my Toyota RAV4 started Over heated. When my wife called me and reported the problem I went to look at the car. The oil was completely dried with about 1500 miles before the next schedule oil change. I towed the vehicle to Toyota dealer where they gave me an estimate of $ 4500 to fix it. They also told me to add every 2000 miles a quart of oil which I found ridicule and unprofessional. I took the car out and paid $3500 to fix it. I always mentioned the oil consumption to Toyota representative technician any time I take the car for oil change. No one never take my complaint in consideration.
I noticed a few years ago, when it was using a quart of oil about every eleven hundred miles. if it wasn't for my husband checking this for me, I could have ran out of oil before it really needed to be changed. I had took my Rav to the dealership and had complained that this was happening and all they did was make me pay for another oil change and must have put some kind of markers or something on it so that no one could tamper with it. I took it back for them to check it and pay for another oil change and they said that it was fine, and that the guy who did the last oil change, over filled it....then they told me to wait till it's really been hot out and bring it back and they would do this again.... well my husband changes my oil and he has noticed that it has been using even more lately...he told them over a year ago that this wasn't right, and when I went to them back in May of this year they tell me that it's normal...my husband just went out to check it again and said that it has used another quart of oil and he had to put it in for me....now how long will this go on... shouldn't they do something about this?
I knew the car was consuming oil and brought it to Toyota several times before I found out they recognized the issue and were developing a fix. I contacted Toyota USA since my local Toyota service kept telling me the fix was not available but online I saw that it was.
Mine was the first vehicle scheduled for the fix at my local Toyota service and it tool them over a week to supposed fix it. When I went to pick up the car (after also paying for new water pump and v-belt they said needed replacing) the ENGINE light was on!! So I walked right back in and told them to try again. They called the next day to say it was ready.
One week and approximately 500 miles later, the Oil light was Back on!! twice as bad as before the fix now instead of buring through a quart every 600 miles I am burning over a quart every 300 miles. UNBELIEVABLE.
Toyota tells me I have to go for another 1100 mile consumption test but there is no way I can go 1100 miles without needing to add oil. I am scheduled to bring it in again in 2 days but now the Battery light has gone on and i have to get it Toyota for diagnostic (in addition to the oil test again) - if it is not the alternator then it means they messed up the v-belt install?
I tried taking it to another Toyota dealer service but they refused to take it citing "poor workmanship" on the oil fix.
I have had the RAV4 for 3 plus yrs. After first oil change I noticed it was off the dipstick. Very Concerned!! I kept an eye on it ever since and added a quart every 800-100o miles. I checked out owners manual and it said it was normal to consume some oil. I never owned a recent vehicle that said it was normal to consume oil! (maybe back in the 60's or 70's!)
So here I am pumping oil in this thing. Seems to run fine & no smoke so where is the oil going? I assume at some point something will get fouled up with oil & cost me dearly.
I hear there is a lawsuit against Toyota about this. I don't know what the status of that is. I get dozens of pointless recall letters about things that don't amount to a hill of beans but they won't fix something seriously wrong. I bet resale on this dog is in horrible.
My first & last Toyota. I heard wonderful things about Toyota's, resale, longevity blah blah, blah to me. Back to my Chevy. Driving a 99 with 177,000 and burns one quart between oils changes! (5000mi)
Update from Jan 22, 2016: I completed the oil consumption test on Oct 4, 2015. It failed using 2 quarts in 1200 miles. I am impressed with the Toyota service department. It is now Jan 22, 2016 and I am still driving a loaner 4 Runner as the are waiting on pistons that are back ordered. I drop by once a month & renew the rental contract and off I go for another month of driving the 2015 4 Runner at Zero cost!
Thanks Toyota for standing behind your product.
Update from Jan 29, 2016: Took my RAV4 into dealership to have oil consumption test done. It failed miserably! 2quarts in 1200miles.
Toyota promptly gave me a loaner car (2015 4 Runner) for 3.5 months until all parts were received and the repair completed. As of 28 Jan 16 I got the RAV4 back. Significant power improvement! New piston, rings, head gasket, plugs, oil pump, antifreeze & transmission fluid. Cost $0. Impressed.
Purchased this 07 Rav 4 vehicle used in 2013 and have had to add oil between oil changes ever since. Took in for excessive oil consumption test and was told that 1 qt. in 1,100 miles was not excessive. I called Toyota and they told me I could do the test again. Really! Do they think it will change. That could be possible because it has been a year and am using more oil between changes. Which I have always done every 3,000 miles even if it calls for 5,000 mile changes. It has gotten to the point that with all the oil I have to add I might as well just change the filter because I'm adding new oil all the time. My conversation with the Rep at Toyota was frustrating to say the least. They stand behind their statement that the type of oil use is "NORMAL". Biggest mistake I made was trading my Nissan Altima for this oil guzzling piece of crap. When I can afford to I will buy another Nissan, only used a pint of oil in 3,000 miles even when the car was at 100,000.
Purchased Toyota Rav 2/2015 used. Have had Toyotas in past, including 2004 RAV very good luck. Wanted a reliable safe vehicle. Expensive mistake and continued worry. 1st oil change, down a quart. last oil change pan completely dry and the oil light only flashed hardly noticeable a couple times..thought because it was due for reg oil change. Had them switch to synthetic. Checked it yesterday and there is little coagulated "glumps" still in oil. Guy told me also the oil was very black but no leaking or burning. Have scheduled with my non Toyota experienced mechanic because there is also a popping noise when I make left turns. Now since oil for incident it poops out accelerating from starting and steep hills. I am not a rich women and should not have to pay with either money or my life for Toyota's mistakes, ineptitude or indifference. There should be a class action about this oil consumption issue. Oh yeah...it seems to be unstable sloppy ...not the wind..oh yeah did I mention the coolant bucket is registering low
My Rav4 failed the oil consumption test. I was told that I was going to be put on the list and would be called when the parts were available. I was told by the dealer where I take it for service that Toyota is aware of the problem but has not put out the parts to resolve the problem yet. In the meantime I have to constantly check my oil. I go through at least two costly quarts of oil every week. I was also told that they did not know when they would be able to rectify the problem. I have been on the to fix list now for a month. I have been doing this with my oil for the past year.
The engine burns a excessive amount of oil, I'm returning to a shop every month and 1/2 sometimes if lucky 2 months the most just to refill in oil, which around 1800 miles, I called a local Toyota there is no recall on this but numerous reports about it make me upset
I did not realize my car had used up almost all the oil. It was making a really bad noise so I had my husband check. He found out that the car was almost out of oil, no warning only when it started making the noise. I went online to check what was going on with the 2007 Rav4 and found out many people are experiencing the same problem as me. I have to be checking the oil every week and put oil as needed. I have no warranty on my car anymore and I hear that Toyota does not want to take responsibility for this problem.
This is regarding Toyota's Excessive Oil Consumption notice (Bulletin # ZE7).
If you received a notice from Toyota and are planning on bringing your vehicle in for the repair, things to be aware of:
We have a 2007 RAV4 that has been burning oil for some time, no drips or smoke coming from the tailpipe, just a loss of oil.
On 3/21/15 we brought the vehicle to Melody Toyota in San Bruno CA for the test to see if it qualified for excessive oil consumption. At this time they said that we needed to have the oil and filter changed, at our expense, to start the process. Once that was done they marked everything and said to bring the vehicle back within 1100 - 1300 miles. Prior to reaching this mileage the engine oil light came on so we brought the vehicle back to Melody Toyota on 5/4/15.At that time Melody stated that something was wrong with the test and they wanted us to perform the test again. After a frustrating discussion Melody agreed that the car had failed the test and we were to bring tha car back to them once the parts become available.
Approximately one month later we brought the car back to Melody to have the work done. We dropped it off on 6/11/15 and they said that it would take approximately one week to do the work, even though the Toyota bulletin states the effort should take two days. Prior to the one week we called Melody and asked about the progress, this is when we started to get answers like "We don't know when the vehicle will be ready" then this turned into "we are waiting on parts to become available". After multiple discussions with Melody and Toyota Corporate we found out that they are still waiting on parts, standard push pins, and have no idea as to when these push pins will become available.
It is almost two months later and we still have not been informed as to when the push pin parts will be availabe. We cannot get our vehicle back as the original parts are no longer usable. Talk about feeling helpless and at the mercy of Toyota.
This is a horrible experience and paints a very bad image for Toyota.
Last June or so (don't have exact dates), I took my car in to the dealer because the mileage had dropped precipitously. I used to get in the 26-27 MPG range but it had gone down to 19 MPG. It's a low mileage car-- I walk to work, drive it under 7K a year for the most part. The dealer couldn't find a problem. I might have taken it in one more time in the fall, but the first time the oil light came on was in November 2014. I'd gone under 3,000 miles. They did an oil change, couldn't find a problem. The light came on again in January-- less than 3K miles. I was told about the excessive oil issue so I scheduled what I thought was an oil consumption test but apparently I didn't say the right words or they weren't doing it yet... it didn't get done.
I took it back when I thought I should and that's when I found out the test wasn't done. So they did phase 1 of the test. I went 75 miles over the 1300 mile limit-- had to repeat the test. Today, I finished the test and my car passed which means Toyota thinks my car is just fine. I burned a QUART of oil in 1180 miles or so. And Toyota has redefined acceptable oil consumption so that it's okay to burn that much oil. I can no longer go 3,500 miles between oil changes because I WILL RUN OUT OF OIL. When I took it for the 1st failed phase 2 test, I'd gone 1380 miles and the oil on the dipstick was well below the LOW line.
My mileage is getting worse as well which is part of the excessive oil consumption problem.
Toyota does not care. They know they have a big problem and they are just sticking it to their customers. I should say former customers. I will never buy another Toyota again.
When a company such as Toyota is fully aware of a design defect, and yet, still manufactures their vehicle with the defect, something is very, very wrong. Consumers were not warned. I would have never purchased this Toyota, and will not purchase another one unless this issue is not only fixed, but also paid for in full by Toyota. An engine defect, that now requires constant watch and added oil at my expense, should never be. Engines that consume oil at an abnormal rate are inadequate, dangerous, and defected. The only right solution is for said company, Toyota, to remedy the problem they have known about for years, and yet, continued to sell to uninformed consumers!
I am experiencing the same problem w/ oil consumption. Prior to that, I didn't have any problems. It's been a year dealing with this. My oil light doesn't come on, and about 6 weeks after getting an oil change my car died on the FREEWAY, and the engine light started flashing. The highway patrol checked my oil and said it was bone dry! I recently had the consumption test, which it failed.
Toyota informed they'll fix it for free, but they need a part that has been back ordered, and other people with the same issue have been waiting for over six months for the same part. I was directed to top off the oil weekly, because the consumption is so bad. I did complain to corporate, and they're involved...however, they've pretty much told me the same thing.
It's so frustrating, and I'm looking into buying a new car. I was very loyal to the Toyota brand, and am completely appalled at how they've handled this. It's clearly unsafe to operate these vehicles in this poor, hazardous condition.
- Erie M., Altadena, CA, US