Toyota Prius
lights Problems
Here are Toyota Prius lights problems, by model year. The most common Prius lights problems cost $500 to fix & occur at 93,000 miles.
The worst model years for lights problems are the 2007 Prius, 2008 Prius, and the 2006 Prius.
Worst Toyota Prius Lights Problems
#1: Headlights Go Off Occasionally 2006 Prius
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $400
- Average Mileage:
- 92,000 mi
#2: Headlight Randomly Turns Off While Driving 2007 Prius
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $300
- Average Mileage:
- 97,000 mi
#3: Headlights Malfunctioning 2008 Prius
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $600
- Average Mileage:
- 91,000 mi