Honda Clarity Plug-In Hybrid
Model Year Comparison
- Worst Model Year
- 2018
- Worst Category
- engine Problems
Here are total complaints by model year for the Honda Clarity Plug-In Hybrid. Overall the worst problem category is Honda Clarity Plug-In Hybrid engine problems.
The 2018 Honda Clarity Plug-In Hybrid has the most overall complaints, & we also rate 2018 as the worst model year ranked on several factors such as repair cost & average mileage when problems occur. The most-reported problem is also with the 2018 Honda Clarity Plug-In Hybrid for high revs and loss of power.
Worst Honda Clarity Plug-In Hybrid Problems
#1: High Revs And Loss Of Power 2018 Clarity Plug-In Hybrid
- Average Cost to Fix:
- N/A
- Average Mileage:
- 6,000 mi
#2: Gas Door Won’T Open 2018 Clarity Plug-In Hybrid
- Average Cost to Fix:
- N/A
- Average Mileage:
- 0 mi
#3: Sound System Is Pathetic 2018 Clarity Plug-In Hybrid
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $1,200
- Average Mileage:
- 0 mi