Notes: The 2010 Honda Accord some several significant flaws: excessive oil consumption, premature brake wear, & uncomfortable seats.
In October 2013, Honda settled a class action for excessive oil consumption which extends their V6 powertrain warranty out to 8 years & no mileage limit. However, is the inconvenience & risk of dealing with Honda on this problem worth it? We don't think so.
Owners have consistently reported uncomfortable seats with the entire 8th generation (2008-2012) of Honda Accords. Complaints range from back pain to leg circulation problems due to bad lumbar support, cushioning, & seat angle. Unwary buyers report the seat pain is mainly only noticeable after 15-20 minutes. The common theme we hear is "never noticed this during the test drive."
really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
21,300 miles
Total Complaints:
70 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
not sure (38 reports)
Honda should replace the seats (19 reports)
replace seats or offer good trade in deal (4 reports)
T - This petition is to make Honda aware of this problem so they replace their defective driver seat which is causing honda owners severe pain and injury to their body. This affects Honda owners from the year 2008 up to and including 2012.
We bought the car in July 2010 and were really excited! We drove it until Nov. took it off the road for the winter then but it back on the road in March. My husband drives the car and complains all the time. I never really noticed because I really never ride in it, that is until this weekend when we drove to Peterbourgh Ontario which is about 3 and a half hours away. My back and butt were so sore I could not wait to get out! We then drove back about 2 hours later and when I got home I told my husband we have to rid of this car it is the most uncomfortable car I ever rode in. I am really disappointed because I always told that the Honda accord was a good car to buy.
Looks like this problem transcends all borders! we in Oz have this problem too. Though the headrests are not as crazy as the US ones. If Honda USA wont listen to you what hope do we have? Meh, I just made a few trips to Clarke Rubber and bought high density foam to pad out the seat and covered it with a sheepskin car seat and now its not too bad. No way I would sell it and take a big loss, that`s like getting shafted twice!
First of all, I do love the vehicle exception for this issue. While test driving vehicles I personally test drove another version of the EX-L with NO issues; not sure why, but that car was awesome. However, after negotiating, etc. I purchased the same model, but a different vehicle; big mistake.
Note: It seems that this problem is more prominent for male drivers versus female drivers, but I also know that my wife has started having more issues as she drives it more.
This problem has become so bad that I refuse to drive it past 1 hour on the road; it just doesn't happen. Why is this so? Because the driver's lumbar is improperly designed. statement comes from experience of personally having several vehicles over the past 30 years in addition to driving rental vehicles on a very frequent basis (I typically place more miles on rental vehicles than my personal vehicles) – and I really do enjoy driving vehicles on long trips
The 2010 Accord EX-L front seats were never tested for the comfort Honda is known for (at least not for a 6 ft 2 in male that Accords were previously known to support - one of the preferred vehicles for tall people). Having a 99 Honda Odyssey which is AWESOME for long trips as well as my 2002 Acura TL, the newest Honda is my fleet is quite a disappointment. I purchased the vehicle due to how Honda has always exceeded my expectations, but this current problem is less than acceptable.
When driving the vehicle I literally get a “pain in the backâ€. I have made multiple seat adjustments with no success. The lumbar area becomes very painful where it forces me to get off the road to rest the back. If I do not do this I become irritable (doesn’t go over well with my spouse or the family) and starts impacting my driving ability. I have taken measures to wear a flexible back brace that provide additional comfort, but that only lasted another hour prior to the “pain in the back†returning. This is unacceptable (& I have never done this with any other vehicle I have owned or rented) I have communicated to my wife (it is her vehicle) that I will no longer drive the Accord EX-L except on short trips (less than 60 minutes). The physical pain (legs, back, hip, etc.) the seat causes is unacceptable and needs resolved prior to my giving it another chance.
I have done significant research since the purchase looking for fixes, etc. including inquiring with dealership and speaking with Honda Customer Service with no assistance. The last result from the dealership was that the engineer did also experience the problem, but could not proceed further as Honda did not have a “Tech Note†on the problem. I spoke with Honda Customer service (the 800 #) again on Friday about this with little success. I communicated that the amount of complaints being found on this topic is unbelievable and they responded "Honda Engineers do not have time to research the internet to understand the problems with the seat and are uninterested in helping with this issue as they are focusing on other vehicle improvements/enhancements". WOW! is what came to mind when this was stated to me. I confirmed the response provided to me and she basically stated "Oh well, it’s your problem now as there is not a Technical Service Note, Service Repair, or product recall on this issue, but do feel free to check back up with us on the problem". This just didn't sit well and hence why this note is being posted.
Note #2: Similar issues occur with the passenger seat; only it is not as prominent of an issue.
I'm continuing to look for options with issue (seat replacements, seat cushion fixes, external seat support devices, etc.) as it is clear that Honda's customer focus has changed. Their ability to provide top quality vehicles, help service issues that are fundamentally flawed with a vehicle design, and ensure that a happy customer drives future sales is no there any longer.
If this changes I will keep everyone posted as today Honda is not on my radar for my next purchase (& I have 1 to 3 new vehicle purchases within the next 5 years)
If I had to describe this 2010 Honda accord it would be like this. This is a well manufactured car of extremely high quality fit and finish that you will love to own but will sit in your driveway most of the time and only be used on very short drives of 10 minutes or less. It is without a doubt the most uncomfortable car that I have EVER owned and the fact that its a 2010 EXL with only 4900 miles on it is a testimony of how little I drive this car.I always wanted an Accord but will soon replace it with a 2012 Toyota Camry as soon as they come to the dealer showrooms. A test drive of only a few miles will not reveal this problem but long trips will soon prove my complaint. Do not buy this car until this seat issue is taken care of by Honda.
Update from Mar 24, 2012: I solved my seat issues with my 2010 Honda EXL-I sold it! nomore seat issues for me. Hope the new toyota Camry thats going to be its replacement is better?
Update from Feb 3, 2016: Purchased my 2012 Camry its 2016 and I have to say WHAT A FANTASTIC car the Camry is ,great gas mileage unlike the Honda, comfortable seats unlike the Honda, Real quiet ride unlike the Honda and since I change my own oil I can say it DOES NOT use oil unlike the Honda. The one thing that's positive about the Honda is resale value I sold it with 6000 miles for 22500 cash so I didn't lose a lot of money. Do not purchase a Accord Honda thinking its a great car maybe the older ones prior to 2007 were but something has changed and this car DOES DESERVE any car of the year awards from any magazine but it does get an award from me that being lemon of the year award 10 fold.
My Honda Accord LX seat is VERY uncomfortable. As many others on this site have said, the Driver's seat is SO uncomfortable that I can barely stand to drive it. Between it being so HARD and the 3 seat sections, it makes my buttocks HURT after drives of any length (20 or more minutes). I realized this shortly after buying it. The dealer said they have never heard of this before. I told them I would give the seat a chance to break in. 15,000 miles later, it is still as uncomfortable as the day I brought it home. Unfortunately, I did not notice this when test-driving it, nor did I see this complaint on any review sites. Nobody I asked about Honda's ever mentioned it, so it must be a NEW problem. I have been driving cars for 30+ years, I rent at least 10-12 different, I have NEVER experienced this before.
- Fred B.,
Toledo, OH, US
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Seats are the most awful in any car I have ever sat in. We have the EXL V6 with leather interior and the seats felt ok during the test drive but oh my goodness after we sat in the car for more than 15 minutes at a time we couldn't walk our backs hurt so bad! The problem is the lumbar support won't go all the way flat. You feel like you have a tennis ball in your back the whole time you are driving,, We took it in for a warrant claim and Honda said nothing is wrong and wouldn't fix it. So the only way I can sit in it is I rigged a 1/4" plywood board about 10" X 24" over the back cushion , then put some foam over that, then a car seat cushion over that. But I am still afraid to drive it on a long trip. So when the lease expires next year its going back!!! This is our 5th Honda but never again!!
I just bought a honda accord in 2010. The car is brand new and I lOVE hondas and the dealerships are great as far as fixing your car etc. However, the seats are very very uncomfortable and HURT your back!!!! I did not notice it when test driving but it has become a problem. Long car rides are awful.. day to day rides are tolerable. I would not have purchased the 2010 accord if I would have known how terrible the seats are. I would have waited to buy one once the seat problems was fixed. Again, I LOVE honda but damn these seats are PAINFUL.
I have a 2010 Honda Accord EXL. The lumbar support is not an inflatable pump, but instead a piece of cheap plastic that when you press the button on the side of the seat to increase or decreases the lumbar support and causes the plastic lumbar to curve up or flatten out. This piece of plastic they use for the lumber support could not have cost more that 15.00 to make. It feels like a brick in the drivers back. This is a safety issue because it causes the driver to constantly squirm around in the seat on long drives. I have heard of owners actually removing the back of the seat and then removing that plastic lumber piece that is causing all the problems. Which changes the structure of the seat. People have to do this in some cases because Honda will NOT do anything about the seat problem. I wish someone from the NHTSA would go out and rent a Honda Accord EXL and drive it on a trip of 200 miles. It is a very uncomfortable seat and is causing many people back problems. I do not advise anyone removing anything from the seats, but wanted to make the NHTSA aware this is happening.
The Honda Accord seats are very uncomfortable and have cause my legs to become numb while driving and in the passengers seat it is the same problem. This can be dangerous if your legs a numb and you cannot act as quickly as you may need to in certain circumstances. I hope Honda resolve this issue because they have lost future customers.
My wife and I bought the car in Jan. of 2010. We took it for a test drive and everything felt fine. After several months of driving the car my wife noticed her back hurting. I cannot sit in the passenger's seat for more than 10 minutes without having to move around or adjust the seat. The car is just uncomfortable and we wish we had not bought it. We have not had it for a year and are trading it in.
Three days after having my 2010 Honda Accord delivered, my husband and I took a short road trip out of town - just a two hour trip - and my husband complained immediately about the discomfort of the driver seat and that his lower back was very sore. He is 6'4 and needs all the comfort he can get! Since I sat in the passenger front seat, I thought my discomfort was from just being in the passenger front seat and not having all the adjustments that the driver seat has. I drove the car on the way home - the same two hour trip - and found the same problem. My lower back was extremely sore and because of the stop and go traffic, I wasn't able to ever get comfortable in the driver's seat. I am 5'3. Seriously, it was like sitting on a concrete bleacher or wood board for two hours.
I've made two more short trips out of town and each time I get out of my brand new Accord, it takes me another hour or so to feel like I can resume my normal walking and daily activities.
Purchased the car and took for a test drive. I didn't realize the problem during the short test drive. While driving 30 minutes to work I quickly realize the driver seat was extremely uncomfortable. The lower lumber of the seat was stabbing me in the back. I have had lower back pain ever since my purchase. I don't know how a company like Honda can ignore such an obvious defect.
My 2010 Honda Accord ex-l has the most uncomfortable seats, they are like sitting on stadium seats with no padding. Definitely can not take a long trip or even 20 miles due to the uncortable seats. Honda needs to admit this problem and replace the seats. No band aid fix with a seat cushion. This problem has been going on since 2008. I do have leather seats, but this seems to compound the level of pain from these seats. This problem is a pain in the back and ass. Anyone who owns this Honda Accord can attest and confirm the seats in this Honda Suck.
The car is brand new. I test drove the vehicle but didn't notice how uncomfortable the seat was in such a short drive. Now that I drive the car everyday to work, about a 45 minute commute each way, its obvious there must be some kind of design flaw. I've adjusted the seat every which way possible with same result, total discomfort. I hardly ever have back problems, now my back hurts everyday. My claim was substantiated when I decided to google the problem and found the same complaint by many other Honda owners from 2008 thru 2010. I just cannot believe that a company with such a great reputation for solid cars can let this go on and not acknowledge there's a problem. Shame on Honda. If my problem is not corrected I will have lost all faith in the company and never buy or endorse another Honda product.
A week of having my new 2010 Honda Accord and I begin experiencing hip and leg pain. Sometimes the pain is so bad I can't walk nor get comfortable to sleep. I've tried every adjustment with the seat possible but to no avail. The length of the seat is too long and hits right at the bend in my knee, the seatbelt latch presses into my hip and cuts off circulation. Other than that......I love the bigger car and quieter cabin. My sister just rode in the passenger seat for an 8+ hour trip and she experienced the same type of leg/hip pain the next day. I've contacted Honda and was told to bring it back to the dealer to see if they can make any adjustments. I'll let you know the results.
I drove the accord for 1 week and spent my whole labor day weekend in beb. I couldnt get in bed and when I managed to lay down, I couldnt get up. The low back pain was the worst pain of my life. I have never had back problems until now. The dealership acted as if they had never heard of the problem. They had a horrible attitude and told me that, "it was my car now". I hate the car and I havent even made my first payment.
UNCOMFORTABLE SEATS!!!!! If you are thinking of purchasing a 2010 honda accord DONT DO IT!!!. I leased mine in June 2010. It was bad from the first week. There is no upper back or lumbar support. This leaves a prominent mid to lower back cushion which is incredibly stiff. To make things worse the genius who designed this seat made an inflatable "lumbar" support too. Its not lumbar. It inflates mid back in the already prominent area. Making a bad seat even worse. Furthermore I'm moderately built with larger back muscles so the sides of the narrow seat dig in to my lats. SO in short I've owned several vehicles and congrats honda your technical advances have lead to the worst seat design in automobile history!!!! Do not buy this car ever!!!! Unless you plan on shelling out some cash for recaro seats. Here was my conversation with the salesman:
Me: "Hi I purchased this car and the seats have given me terrible back pain is there anything you can do to resolve the issue? Can I return it?"
Salesman: "Sorry man, when you drove it off the lot it became yours"
Will I do business with them ever again? Absolutely not. Ever.
It's hard to figure out a car until you have driven it for a few days. After test driving the car at the dealership, it seemed ok. But after driving it a couple of days and making many adjustments to the seat, I realized that I couldn't get comfortable. The lumber
area, although adjusted completely down, feels like someone is sticking a knee in your back. There seems to be no way to remedy this situation. I've had several new cars in the past, but nothing like this. I called Honda Corporation, but they would not acknowledge any problem or previous complaints. I'm getting beat up by this car.
We bought the car in July 2010 and were really excited! We drove it until Nov. took it off the road for the winter then but it back on the road in March. My husband drives the car and complains all the time. I never really noticed because I really never ride in it, that is until this weekend when we drove to Peterbourgh Ontario which is about 3 and a half hours away. My back and butt were so sore I could not wait to get out! We then drove back about 2 hours later and when I got home I told my husband we have to rid of this car it is the most uncomfortable car I ever rode in. I am really disappointed because I always told that the Honda accord was a good car to buy.
- Lisa R., Prescott, Ontario, Canada