Notes: The 2009 Honda Accord has several serious defects – poor brakes, excessive oil consumption, & uncomfortable seats.
BRAKES: There was a class action lawsuit against Honda in 2010 for premature & excessive brake wear. See our page on Honda's brake problems for more info.
OIL CONSUMPTION: Honda issued a TSB about this in late 2011, claiming it could be fixed through a software update to the VCM (variable cylinder management). There are class action lawsuits pending. See our page about the Accord oil consumption.
UNCOMFORTABLE SEATS: Owners have consistently reported uncomfortable seats with the entire 8th generation (2008-2012) of Honda Accords. Complaints range from back pain to leg circulation problems due to bad lumbar support, cushioning, & seat angle. Complaints aren't limited to only a certain body type -- the seat comfort problems are from a wide spectrum of owner height & weight. The common theme we hear is "we never noticed this during the test drive." Unfortunately for unwary buyers, the seat pain is noticeable after 15-20 minutes.
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
8,750 miles
Total Complaints:
126 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
Honda should issue a recall and make a design change (54 reports)
not sure (53 reports)
new pads and machine turned rotors (8 reports)
fixed under the TSB 09-096 issued for front brakes (5 reports)
I noticed that the brakes were squealing once I got the car home from the dealer. I was really excited to have a new car, so I washed it often and would really notice the squealing after the wash. I kept telling myself it was from the water that getting into the brakes. After the new feeling wore off and it wasn't raining as much I would really notice the squealing and it slowly started getting on my nerves. I stopped by the dealership after work one day and they told me they were closing but it was probably the fact that they are new brakes. I should give it some more time, because the wax or whatever is on new brakes could cause the noise. The service lady told me that I could call to report that I was having issues and they could add it to my account. So, I did that the next day. I then gave it some more time. Still hearing the noise. I called to complain and the Service Manager told me it was a known issue and the Manufacturer is working on a resolution and it could take 13 or more months!!! I had my car for 6 months and made it to 15,000 miles when I had to have my brakes replaced!!!
Same problem as everyone else. I just wanted to add another complaint to the list being that I am just given the same excuse by Honda which is that there is no resolution yet but they know about the problem. I bought this car in May and after 300 miles started hearing the brake squeal. I've taken it in and called each month since then. It's August 11th 2009 and I just talked to the service tech at the dealership and he said they're still waiting. What a crock this is. It's not like the engine needs to be completely revamped. It's a break problem and this is supposed to be one of the finest auto manufacturers? They could solve this problem and I'm sure already know how to. It's just that they would rather save the money as opposed to issuing a recall. I'm very close to getting a sign out in front of the dealership and letting my voice be heard. I'm so tired of these stinking noisy brakes.
We bought our first Honda Accord and my wife drives it. The brakes have squeaked since day 1. It is annoying to her. Thanks for all the useful posts. We took it to the dealer and he said everything was working just fine!! We will carry it forward, hopefully the wave of complaints will cause Honda to deal with it. Will post any new info.
Hi there, Another Honda Accord 2009 Victim here. After reading complaints here, i just wanted try my luck with Honda customer service.
Customer rep said, It's working as intended. Honda Accord 2009 do make noise. Currently Honda is looking into this. I requested him to send me an e-mail, He just said talk to your dealer.
How can we escalate to their manager or something?I am really dissatisfied with Honda customer care.
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I have been to Honda over 5 times about the squeaking of the brakes. They gave me all excuses about re glazing, brake dust, etc. This was a brand new ca. They re glazed, put new front and back pads on supposedly, tested the brakes. etccccc. I contacted a lawyer about lemon law but he wants $1500 and i Might not win. He said I would have a good chance if i hire him or not not. I would have to file some papers with the court for $200. Supposedly this is not a saftey issue but the problem is getting worse(louder) and Honda aint dong nothing about it.
- Joe W.,
Middletown, NY, US
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After the initial vibration problem that I discovered previously, I noticed this most annoying squeaky sound on my breaks. What is going on here! This is a new car. I am not suppose to experience this. The 2009 model must have some kind of brakes defect.
Honda Motors should fix this. I hope I can convince the dealer to just replace the entire brakes, the rotors or whatever it is that is making this sound and/or vibration. I should have asked them also to just replaced all the rotors rather than resurfacing them. I still have some vibration problems. I am really quite disappointed with my new Honda Accord.
I have posted on this site before but for some reason it did not post? I am following up on my 2009 accord ex-l and it squeaking brakes. As I mentioned in the the post , I have been to Honds 7 times for the same problem. They reglazed, resurfaced, gave me new pads and rotors. etc tec. The continuously told me they were not aware of any issues with brakes. They then said no vehicles had been serviced for the problems I had. I did not believe them. I ended up contacting a lemon law laywer, who on my behalf tried to get Honda to buy back the the car but Honda would not. He told me the next step would be for me to hire him (1500$) or got to the courts and pay 200$ for paperwork. Either way he said I would have a strong case. Anyway I just bough iit in today to complain about the brakes because the screeching is getting much louder.. almost equivalent to a bus stopping He spoke wiht his manager and then came back and told me that Honda IS NOW AWARE OF THE PROBLEM and they are looking into. This is B.S. They said they have to wait until Honda does something in order for the corrective action to be taken. I wish I could sue these people. I saw people buying the accord and I let them know on the lot about Honda. Please follow me on twitter and let;'s get more people involved in this.
I purchased a 2009 Honda Accord on 1/19/2009, and the breaks are squeaking like my car is almost 10 years old. I have contacted consumer services at the Honda Corporation and was told that they are aware of the problem and at this time, there is no safety issue with the brakes. I was told the brakes have too much metal and this is the reason the brakes squeak. I have purchased two Nissans (Altima and Maxima) in the past and have not had any prroblems. Honda has lost me as a loyal customer. I was told that the brakes may be replaced if there is a product update or recall. My next car purchase will be a Nissan.
The minute I drove this new car off the lot, the brakes have squeaked...LOUD!!! I now have over 6000 miles and the brakes continue to squeak. Two different dealers have said everything is fine from a safety standpoint, it's just a minor annoyance. Right! It's a BRAND NEW CAR, and brakes should not squeak every time they're used. I tolerated it for a while, expecting the noise to go away. But it doesn't go away. Just more noise and more brake dust. It's beginning to drive me insane!
I would like to complain about this through Honda's surveys, but they keep sending me surveys for my new Honda Fit. That would be fine, except I bought a Honda ACCORD.
And to the folks who are blaming this problem on the way the vehicle is driven - B.S. Like I said, this squeaking has occured since day one. I've been driving for 25 years, and never had a vehicle with a squeaking problem on new brakes.
Honda better fix this, or it will definitely be the last Honda I'll buy. I would not recommend a '09 Honda Accord to anyone.
My car is about 7 months old. Has a little over 3000 on it. Very light use. But like many other owners, the breaks have started to squeal. I'm planning to call the dealership today. I know many other have encounter the same problem. If you have, please visit the following site to file a complaint It is a government agency dedicated to investigating defects and administering recalls.
We just bought 2009 Honda Accord EX-L. Our first Accord and definitely our last HONDA. Just two weeks later and with only 500 miles on it, the brake started to make noise. I took it back to the dealer and found out that they are aware of it and its a common problem in Honda's. It made so mad that I went and talked to the sales manager for selling us the car with defect without telling us. His answer was, I have Honda with the same problem and its not a safety issue so don't worry about.
I am currently talking to couple of attorneys to file a lawsuit against Honda. Please send me an email.
Made a huge mistake by trading in my 2007 Accord for the 2009. Almost instantly the brakes were squealing and car shook every time I stopped. At first, I though, it's new and it will wear off in a couple days. two weeks later I knew there was something else going on so I took the car into the dealer. they replaced the rotors and sent me on my way saying a lot of rust had built up on the rotors from sitting on the lot. a few days later, the brakes started to squeak again, just a little at first, then as the days went on it kept getting louder and more frequent. again, I took the car back, and this time they replaced the front brake pads and lubed everthing up. I was told, my front brake pads were scuffed up (probably from my rusty rotors) I had piece of mind for the entire night, so glad I didn't have to listen to that squeal anymore. ...until the next morning when it started ever so slightly but quickly went away. two weeks later it's back screaming like a banshee. I already have my 3rd appointment scheduled with the dealer for Thursday July 17th '09. except this time I know about this issue. I'm waiting to see what they say the problem is this time. I'm so sorry I bought this car, considering lemon law?, trading the POS in, perhaps get a Camry, they are quieter, have a better stereo, and most importantly don't have a crap product. This is my 3rd Accord and will be my last Honda product ever.
Update from Sep 1, 2009: I guess I should say thank you Honda. Honda, without your lack of customer support and not giving a damn and lets not forget to mention the most annoying car in the world, I would haver never discovered my new best friend Altima. It was nice knowing you. I just feel bad for whomever buys (LRB) I felt it was an appropriate name from day one with the rusted rotors.
For the rest of you, I really do hope honda fixes this issue soon. Still can't believe that it happened. the 2 cars with the most complaints are the 08 and 09 Accord! I will never buy a honda again, this whole experience was completely unacceptable.
I finally got my dream car which has turned out to be just short of a nightmare. I can hear my husband a block away as he drives up in our 2009 Honda Accord. I finally contacted the BBB after going to the Honda dealer and contacting Honda directly. They first said it was how the car was being driven. They finally owned up to there being a design problem which the engineers are trying to correct. In the mean time I am sick and tired of these noisy #@$% brakes which I pay for every month!
Just as everyone else here, I too have REALLY SQUEAKY brakes. The problem started about 1-2 weeks after I bought the car and when it first started, I thought it was someone else's car! It couldn't be my brakes, I have less than 500 miles on it. However, it wasn't really annoying at this point and didn't happen every time the brakes were applied. Now, 1 month later, the squeak is VERY ANNOYING, is getting louder and happens every time the brakes are applied. I've taken it to the dealer who at first brushed me off and gave me a product characteristic sheet to explain the problem and said that the noise I hear is "just friction" and basically just live with it. I informed the service advisor (who happened to be new at this dealership) that I was not happy and would be filing a complaint. A brand new car should not have squeaky brakes! An hour later, I get a call from the Service Manager who states she understood my unhappiness and was not satisfied herself with he Advisers explanation. She said that after some digging, she found that Honda is aware of the problem and will be publishing a service bulletin any day. I noticed another "beefer" had stated in their complaint something due out July 1st, 2009. Well, this is July 2nd apparently nothing has been published YET. I did ask the Service Manager to flag my account to watch for the impending service bulletin, but I'm not going to hold my breath. This is my 4th straight Honda purchase and 3rd straight Accord purchase. I should have stuck with my 2005 Accord Hybrid - 113K miles, no problems and the brakes were silent!
I just bought a 2009 Honda Accord and one week later, my brakes started squealing. I figured, since it is a new car, I just had to break it in and that it would go away. It never did! Seven weeks later, it is still squealing! I took it to Honda service today. The Service Person said, "Over 90% of all 2008 and 2009 Accords are having the same problem. American Honda is aware of the problem but that there is no current recall for it. As to when there will be a recall, it may be next year. Until then, there is nothing we can do about it. And there is no point in replacing the brake pads and rotors because it will end up with the same problem. It won't go away by replacing them." I can't believe this. I have to deal with this problem for the next year?!! My car is brand new!! He gave me the phone # for American Honda. I plan to call them tomorrow, but I wonder if it will accomplish anything. We need a class action law suit!!!!
Update from Jul 15, 2009: I called American Honda. Nothing. The person I spoke to said that "American Honda is not aware of this problem", that there was no service bulletin for the 2009 Honda Accord, and all that he could do for now was give me a reference #. This is bologna. My service person told me that American Honda was aware of the issue!!! I filed a complaint through Hopefully, they will get enough complaints to do something about this!!! I understand that this is not a saftey issue, but come one, this is a brand new car. The squealing is just embarrassing and I didn't pay over $20,000 to listen to the car SQUEAL ALL DAY LONG!
Bought a 09 Honda Accord in Dec. Thought well they get great reviews, it's my first time being a Honda owner (and my Last) Brakes have been squeaking since I bought the car Have taken it into the dealer many times only to be told that Honda knows there is a problem with the brakes but are NOT AUTHORIZING ANY REPAIRS at this time until they know what to do. Well the last time I brought it into the dealer I was given this HONDA Tech line Summary Article ats090503 which reads Front Brake Squeal applies to 2008-09 Accord v6 "Front brake squeal is currently under investigation by the factories and R&D. Instead of calling Tech Line for additional information, please wait for the forthcoming Service Bulletin. Replacing pads and /or rotors now will not give a lasting repair for 2008-09 Accord brake noise."
So yes Honda is very aware of the problem and this is just a way for them to NOT back up their product. Well maybe they need to look at what has happened to other car manufacturers that have tried to cut corners eventually people STOP buying your product because it's CRAP!!!
Purchased car new in March of this year. It has been in the shop 5 times now because of the brake squeal and has 6000 miles on the car. When problem was first noticed there was less than 1000 miles on the car and only a couple of weeks old. The first couple of times we would get the story about how they test drove it and could not hear the squeal. So we started making the sales manager ride with us and sure enough each time they would be in their PRIME just singing as loud as ever. Even with this the service manager would try to deny hearing them. But each time they would tell us they turned the rotors and greased the brake shims or adjusted the parking brakes. One time while the Sales Manager was in the car with us the Service Manager called him on his cell. We could hear the conversation and after he mentioned there was a known problem with SQUEAL he asked if we were in the car. Once the Sales Manager answered yes he quickly played it off and hung up the phone. After the 5th time of this I started talking to the GM of the dealership. I informed him that I am aware there is a problem and their poor attempt to cover it up and try to make us look like idiots really pushed me over the edge. He responded by telling me he received a memo from Honda today which was 6/17/09. It basically said American Honda is aware of the problem and engineering is currently working on a resolution. This I find humorous because the Service Manager was aware of it and I have read the same thing on the internet which was posted months ago. He could not offer anything other than "they are working on a fix" but he did tell me if I wanted to try different pads that he would install them at no charge. He has actually tried to talk me into this a couple of times. Each time I tell him I should not be Honda's test case and I am no way going to give them a reason to pass responsibility on to me by installing aftermarket parts on the car. But, if he wanted to buy the pads and install them, I would let him test on my car. This way he assumes responsibility in case something were to happen.
This being said, I have since contacted America's Honda and opened a case file with them. Just today I talked to the case manager for my area and he was basically no help at all. Same canned answer as everyone else. They are aware of the problem and are trying to resolve it. In the amount of time they have been aware of it they could have completely redesigned the car and had it in production. Most likely it is something they are no going to bother with until it becomes an issue which affects their pocket book or there is enough media involved that they have no choice but to come up with a resolution. For this I am starting my campaign against America's Honda in hopes that it will draw their attention to this problem once again and hopefully get the ball rolling for a fix.
Since the car is driven in town approximately 100 to 150 miles a day I am going to place a sticker on the back window that reads "Ask me why my brakes are SQUEALING on my new HONDA" and list my phone number. Unfortunately, I think the dealership will be the one who suffers from this but they have a better way of communicating with Honda than I do. They will see it every time I get my car service and so will everyone shopping there. I have also begun a complaint with the BBB. I also plan on calling Honda at least once a week to make sure the case is still active and see what their progress has been.
Update from Dec 21, 2009: Contact your Dealer again concerning this problem...!!!
December 7, 2009 10:49 AM
tmoguy said...
So I received an email this am from a sales rep at Honda. Then I received a call from the service manager at Honda. Seems American Honda has now put out a Tech Bulletin on the fix. I was told as soon as parts were in "tomorrow" he would contact me to schedule the repair.
For all waiting on the fix, you should contact your local Honda dealer and enquire!
December 14, 2009 9:28 AM
Pigeonman said...
hey tmoguy, REALLY? can you post another comment on this blog for an update later? thanks!
December 14, 2009 10:59 AM
tmoguy said...
I sure of this posting I have not heard back from the service manager. With shipping times delayed this time of year, I am sure his "tomorrow" timeframe was not accurate.
December 15, 2009 12:50 PM
tmoguy said...
Today, service manager called back. They now have parts in stock and he wanted to schedule the repair. We are set up for 3:00pm tomorrow. Will post back afer repairs are completed and try to get a copy of the Tech bulletinn.
December 16, 2009 8:40 PM
Pigeonman said...
Thank you so much tmoguy!!! Yeah if you could get me a reference # to the Tech bulletin then i can stick it right on my dealer's red face and have them fix it for me!
December 16, 2009 11:58 PM
tmoguy said...
Here is what is on the repair ticket...
Customer states brakes making a squeek noise
Cause: 09-096
15273 - Brake squeel machined front rotors and installed updated brake kit.
410820 Front brake disc. bot resurface on-car lathe
1-45022-TE0-999 9405374-45022 Set Pad FR
CC: 03503
FC: 04500
Part#: 45022-TE0-999
Service writer told me the kit was a redesigned brake pad. After driving about 8 miles we did not notice the squeal. However, the weather here is damp and rainy. Should dry some tomorrow and then should get a better feel of the repair.
Would be worth contacting your dealer and asking about the service bulletin.
Purchased my 1st Honda. I like the car but the brakes have sqweeled since the day I purchased it. Honda has not come out with a fix. This can't be rocket science, has anyone heard of a solution? I'm told that I will be contacted when they get a solution.
This has gone on to long and is souring me on the Honda experience. I should have never bought a foriegn car!
You're all babies! Brakes squeal...yes. American Honda is aware of the problem and it will get resolved. Shut up and enjoy the rest of the car or sell it. Lemon Law??? Does the brake squeal actually prevent you from driving the car? No. Have any of you ever driven a Ford? If not, go buy one of those and you'll appreciate your Honda's squealing brakes and shut up!
SO angry! The 'Check Engine' light came on my 2009 Honda Accord Coupe (don't worry, I'll be logging a separate complaint for that)... but there was another issue with the car before this happened... one that while annoying, I just thought would go away OR I'd just get it fixed at my first oil change. Well, I didn't make it that far. I'm at 1700 miles. At about 600, I noticed that which all of you are: squeaky brakes!
So I called the dealership, and they said it was a known issue, and that they'd call ME when Honda discovered a fix. Then I came on here only to find hundreds of complaints about this, and I called Honda. The rep claimed to have no previous experience with this brake issue. I questioned how I could possibly be the very first out of hundreds of people to actually call and complain... she just played dumb.
Honda needs to do something about this. The Accord is supposed to be their flagship model, and I bought the best available, and THIS is how I'm treated? Not acceptable.
I noticed that the brakes were squealing once I got the car home from the dealer. I was really excited to have a new car, so I washed it often and would really notice the squealing after the wash. I kept telling myself it was from the water that getting into the brakes. After the new feeling wore off and it wasn't raining as much I would really notice the squealing and it slowly started getting on my nerves. I stopped by the dealership after work one day and they told me they were closing but it was probably the fact that they are new brakes. I should give it some more time, because the wax or whatever is on new brakes could cause the noise. The service lady told me that I could call to report that I was having issues and they could add it to my account. So, I did that the next day. I then gave it some more time. Still hearing the noise. I called to complain and the Service Manager told me it was a known issue and the Manufacturer is working on a resolution and it could take 13 or more months!!! I had my car for 6 months and made it to 15,000 miles when I had to have my brakes replaced!!!
- Michelle B., Houston, TX, US