Notes: The 2008 Honda Accord has several serious defects: poor brakes, excessive oil consumption, & uncomfortable seats.
BRAKES: There was a class action lawsuit against Honda in 2010 for premature & excessive brake wear. See our page on Honda's brake problems for more info.
OIL CONSUMPTION: Honda issued a TSB about this in late 2011, claiming it could be fixed through a software update to the VCM (variable cylinder management). There are class action lawsuits pending. See our page about the Accord oil consumption.
UNCOMFORTABLE SEATS: Owners have consistently reported uncomfortable seats with the entire 8th generation (2008-2012) of Honda Accords. Complaints range from back pain to leg circulation problems due to bad lumbar support, cushioning, & seat angle. Complaints aren't limited to only a certain body type -- the seat comfort problems are from a wide spectrum of owner height & weight. The common theme we hear is "we never noticed this during the test drive." Unfortunately for unwary buyers, the seat pain is noticeable after 15-20 minutes.
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
67,500 miles
Total Complaints:
394 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
not sure (229 reports)
per Honda consuming 1qt per 1k miles normal (42 reports)
I heard that Honda replaced worn rings and engine short block (21 reports)
call American Honda corporation to complain (14 reports)
Honda Acknowledges The Oil Problem In TSB #11-033 - In July of 2011 Honda quietly acknowledged the problem in the form of a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB #11-033). The TSB says the probable cause of the problem is the VCM (variable cylinder management) and should be fixed by a simple software update at a certified Honda mechanic.
Investigative Form To Assist Class Action Lawsuit Against Honda - In connection with a pending class action lawsuit, Soto v. American Honda Motor Co., Inc., No. 3:12-cv-01377 (N.D. Cal.), the law firm of BERK LAW PLLC is investigating defects that cause excessive oil consumption in Honda (and Acura) vehicles. Below is a link to a brief survey regarding the problem. It would be extremely helpful if you would take 2 to 8 minutes to complete the survey, even if you no longer own or lease the vehicle that experienced oil consumption problems. Your information will assist us in assessing how common and persistent the oil consumption problem is.
If we share this information with others, such as Honda, we will NOT share your name and contact information.
I want to join others I see complaining about Honda oil consumption problems. I presently have 38,000 miles on my 2008 Accord. I was taking my car in for the oil changes every 5000 miles per the little sticker, but the last time they told me to wait until the car had 10-15% oil life on the read out. This time right past the 5000 mark my red oil light started coming on, my husband checked it, I was 2 1/2 quarts low on oil. I took it to Honda yesterday (2/12/10) they talk about an oil consumption test, then handed me paperwork that it is normal for a Honda to use 1 quart of oil per 1000 miles!!! Say WHAT!! Our Yukon with over 100,000 miles only uses about 1 quart every 3000 miles so how does Honda justify this! I am mad as can be, I have NEVER had a new car that have to carry oil around for --- THIS IS WRONG!!! I will never buy another Honda that is for sure!! Back to my American made cars ---
I have really loved my 2008 V6 Accord. Handles great and looks great. By the time of the first oil change it had used about 1.5 quarts of oil. I follow the onboard computer, and it was at 15% at about 7k miles. I asked the dealer about the 1.5 quarts of oil usage and they said not to worry.
After the 1st oil change things seemed fine and didn't notice any significant oil consumption. With about 50% oil life left, I checked the oil and it was way down--over 1 quart. This really concerned me. By the time the indicator read 15% I had almost used 3 quarts. The dealer put me on an oil consumption test--having them check the oil every 500miles. Over one 1000 mile stretch I consumed 1 quart. I am at 15% now and have used close to 3 quarts of oil again. Most of it was used after 3k miles. One service manager said to just change the oil every 3k miles and not to worry about it. The other said I should be concerned. We'll see what they conclude when I go in next week for my oil change.
Bought a brand new 08 V6 Accord Coupe thinking it would be a reliable Honda. I've had several "minor" problems with the car that have been taken care of under warranty. The big problem though is the oil consumption. First oil change: maintenance minder light came on at 15% oil life, checked the dipstick for the hell of it....not a drop on it! Honda had me do a comsumption test. About 3000 - 4000 miles after that first oil change (with 50% oil life) checked the dipstick and again...not a drop! The dealership then said they had another customer with the same prob and changed the valves. Drove about another 3000 miles and barely had some oil on the bottom of the dipstick at 80% oil life. It is rediculous, and AHM says as long as its not more than a quart per 1000 miles, it's not considered excessive!! I agree with the other guy....getting rid of this POS as soon as I can and not too keen on ever buying a Honda again!
I drive 95% of my miles on the highway. After every oil change and approx 4000 miles I am a quart low. This has been the issue with each oil change since I bought the car. I have mentioned this to the dealer on each oil change and it continues to be described to me that this is normal with these vehicles and that the oil coats the wall of the engine. I refuse to see how a car since new will "burn" a quart of oil after 4000 miles on an oil change. I will write to Honda directly on this issue.
- Nicholas I.,
Wantagh, NY, US
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I have a 2008 Honda accord exl coupe, It says oil life is at 60% I decided to check the oil anyway to find the dip stick is totally dry, no oil at all in my car, no oil leaking in my drive way so it must be burning the oil up. I have only used Mobil 1 full synthetic oil in my car since it was new, took it to the stealership to find out what is wrong, they tell you to come pick up car after service dept is closed so they dont have to answer any questions..... I cant wait to unload this piece of sh*t and I would not buy another Honda if they were the last car on earth, I would rather buy a bicycle or walk!
I mentioned in an earlier post that Honda has been ordered to repurchase my car due to the brake issues. I had to go through arbitration, but in the end I won! They are repurchasing my car next week, so I will finally be rid of it! I was always so concerned with my brakes and I didn't think anything else could go wrong with my car. I was SO wrong. My car is due for an oil change, it's at 15% oil life. I had an oil change about 5,000 miles ago and usually get it done when it reaches 10%. Yesterday while I was driving my red oil light flickered, so I waited a few hours and checked my oil. Nothing! The very tip of my dip stick had just a little bit of oil in it. Are you kidding me! I took it in and had oil put in in my car. I asked if a new car should burn through all it's oil like this, and I was told absolutely not.....even an old car shouldn't burn through oil like that. So, just as an FYI, something else to watch for in these cars.
I have same 2008 Honda accord but 4cyl and facing same problem oil consumption and my first rear brakes was replaced at 8000 miles.
I have three other Honda and I used to have 2005 Honda accord which I traded in for this 2008 Honda accord.
I thing I paid money for problems.
I Took my car to dealer 4 time and they said it is normal for car to burn oil at 30000 miles. I try to argue with them that it is not normal for my older cars why it is normal for this new car with no success. It is just hitting you head against Concrete wall.
Any one have any idea what should I do and where should I complaint to resolve my problem or I have to live with it.
The first three oil changes on this car were done by the dealer and each time, the car was really low on oil. Of course the dealership "St. Louis Honda" insisted it was my fault because I was a little late bringing it in, even charging me an engine diagnostic while it was under warranty. The real problem was valve seals that apparently are wearing out early. My third Honda Accord is the best looking one yet, but it's got problems...including brakes. I am not waiting to see what happens next, I traded it in two weeks ago. I feel bad for the next guy.
I own a 2008 EXL V6 MT. I first noticed the oil consumption problem at 7000 miles. My local dealer put me on a Honda Oil Consumption Test beginning at 11,000 miles, where I came in every 3000 miles for a change. At 3000 miles, my car was consuming 1.5 quarts. After the 2nd oil change on the test, the dealer notified me that Honda decided to replace my engine, and that the engine was on order.
My engine was replaced at 18,000 miles. Everything has been good with my car since oil consumption...until now. I'm at 34,000 miles with 4,000 miles since my last oil change. I'm at 50% on my car's oil change indicator, and my oil level is below the dipstick lines, probably in excess of 2qts down. I knew I had the problem again when I accelerated from a highway exit and the engine stumbled around 5500 RPM's, right where the VTEC kicks in and needs oil.
What a shame. I thought I was past this. Now it's back to the dealer tomorrow and onto Round 2 of my saga.
The dealer says 1 quart oil consumption every 3,000 miles is OK. I had a 1972 Oldsmobile with 78,000 miles that didn't consume as much oil. Also, the dipstick smells of gas. Not sure if these problems are related, but I imagine they are.
My 2008 Honda Accord V6 with VCM consumes a quart of oil every 1000 mile. Honda dealer and headquarter tell me that's normal and meets their standards. Their standards must be going way down. I have a 1993 accord with over 200,000 mile and a 2002 odyssey with the same engine that has a 50,000 mile, they never burned a drop of oil. Honda lost me as a customer. I will never buy another Honda again. There quality is not what they advertise it to be anymore.
08 Accord Coupe V6 VCM engine 3.5 liter total miles 19000.
This engine from last oil change of full synth has consumed 1 quart in 1852 miles. Honda has not agreed to do anything as it is in their specification of 1 quart per 1000 miles. Now is this what you expect from a brand new Honda V6 VCM? I would appreciate any and all assistance.
I want to join others I see complaining about Honda oil consumption problems. I presently have 38,000 miles on my 2008 Accord. I was taking my car in for the oil changes every 5000 miles per the little sticker, but the last time they told me to wait until the car had 10-15% oil life on the read out. This time right past the 5000 mark my red oil light started coming on, my husband checked it, I was 2 1/2 quarts low on oil. I took it to Honda yesterday (2/12/10) they talk about an oil consumption test, then handed me paperwork that it is normal for a Honda to use 1 quart of oil per 1000 miles!!! Say WHAT!! Our Yukon with over 100,000 miles only uses about 1 quart every 3000 miles so how does Honda justify this! I am mad as can be, I have NEVER had a new car that have to carry oil around for --- THIS IS WRONG!!! I will never buy another Honda that is for sure!! Back to my American made cars ---
- Laura M., Terre Haute, IN, US