2010 is also the year we started seeing complaints about the power steering failing. Throttle and steering failure? Yeah, that’s why this is a clunker.
pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
77,700 miles
Total Complaints:
55 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
not sure (32 reports)
replace throttle body (15 reports)
replace throttle body actuator control (4 reports)
Basically the same this is happening to me as everyone else. My car will suddenly lose power. I can press on the gas all the way and there is no acceleration. The car starts shaking and the wrench light comes on. I can pull over and restart my car and it will work again. Now my check engine light is staying on. Sometimes it won't happen again for days, and sometime I won't even get 500 feet before it does it again. I have nearly been in several accidents and it is very scary.
I'm just trying to figure out why this hasn't been recalled when so many other people are having an issue. It's sad that a death will have to happen before Ford takes this seriously. I don't have the money to go to the dealership right now, so in the meantime I'll just have to risk my life everyday. I don't plan on buying a Ford ever again unless if they do the right thing and have it recalled.
Intial problem surfaced 2013. Ford dealer repair service cleaned component. Problem persisted and then was replaced. I called Ford in Dearborn Michigan and also pursued issue through complaints to NHTSA, state attorney general and Dept of transportation. Customer satisfaction program was initiated shortly thereafter. Repairs were reimbursed.
Replacement part exhibited the same problem....red wrench, shaking, deceleration and loss of steering on February 18, 2015. Car repaired immediately since this time we were aware of problem and continued safety risk. Shocked to find out the " Customer satisfaction program "expired January 31, 2015 . The repairs, I was told, would not be covered even though we had just missed the time limit. I presented my case to the upper management of this LARGE dealership and was again denied reimbursement. I chose to call Ford Corporate.
First through the standard customer service route and then up the corporate ladder. Left e-mails and phone messages to listed figureheads. Spoke directly to a corporate member whose job description was outside the realm of my problem but who offered to pass the information in the right direction. Received a call from a corporate staff member who relayed the information that it was a corporate decision not to extend the program expiration date and denied reimbursement. I explained that it wasn't a matter of money but a matter of principal.
This is a serious safety issue for which Ford should be held accountable.
I had received a recall notice on this, oh wait it is not a recall, it is a "Customer Satisfaction Program 13B17". I just hadn't made it to the dealership yet as I had moved out of state, yada, yada, yada. So, I was traveling through a six lane intersection and lost power. Nothing. Just start trickling to a stop in the middle. Real nice. I put the car in park and then drive. Nothing. Finally I shut the car off. Turned it back on and was able to drive again.
Car is at the Ford Dealer in Sarasota as we speak getting this problem taken care of. However, I was told that if they find out the problem was different than "Customer Satisfaction Program 13B17", I would be required to pay the diagnostic fee of $118. I am praying they are an honest dealership. I will keep you posted on the outcome.
While driving down I-495 (DC Beltway) my vehicle loss power almost causing an accident between me and the commercial truck behind and on the passanger side of me. The car then began to creep in some limbo gear. Because I was in the middle lane I had to navigate my way through fast moving traffic with my kids in the car. I creeped at <1 mph until I hit the first service station (Shell). My concern is that this will happen again, but my familiy and I won't be so lucky the next time.
I know its not my transmission, because after stopping at the Shell for 15 minutes, I started the car and it was fine. So it may be computer related. I remember something like this happening in the older automatic International trucks my company use to own.
- eljewel01,
Centreville, VA, US
Search CarComplaints.com for these popular complaint phrases...
Driving down road my vehicle lost power - accelerator non-responsive - car kept running but was sputtering. The service engine light and the wrench light lit up. I pulled off road, turned off engine, then tried to start it again. It took a long time to start but the accelerator worked for about 10 feet then the problem started again. I called triple A to take the car to the dealership. If I were on a busy road or highway this could have been a real problem. Going online I see this is a recurring problem for this car. Why is Ford ignoring the problem? Gary B., Oradell, NJ.
Twice my wife was in motion, most recently on 270 freeway, when the car suddenly lost power, and no acceleration, she had to limp to the roadside. This has become scary, our lives are at risk. I did some research and found numerous complaints of this same nature where the throttle body is referenced. I called Germaine Ford only to be told it 'could' be the transmission. I'm not a car expert but I do know enough to be 98% certain it isn't the transmission, especially since there are other incidents of this nature. I get the feeling they do not want to admit there are issues with this car.
I've been a loyal Ford owner for more than 20 years but I am now soured on Ford period. tire rebate from Ford.I'll update this as soon as I get my car fixed
On my way to physical therapy just driving around 45mph and all of a sudden I am not getting any gas no matter if I hold the peddle down or try to pump it. Cut a car off to coast into a parking lot, put it in neutral and cannot get the engine to reeve up. Turn the car off and wait a minute..... start it up and everything is fine???? So than two days later it does the same thing. GERRRRR!!
Have done some research on this and will be calling the dealership first thing tomorrow morning to get them to fix it at no cost. In my research there are LOTS of people having this problem. Ford has not issued a recall but they did issue a Special Customer Satisfaction Program (CSP) 13N03 extending the ETB (electronic throttle body) warranty through January 2015 that should fix this problem.
this is a joke of a problem and very unsafe for owners and there passengers. ford better get on fixing the issue. they issued to fix but i never received anything to have mine done.. well it just started and i contacted them personally so hopefully they will be willing to fix the issue.
I ordered this car in October 2009. My first brand new car and 6 months after I got it I started having problems with it. I have already had the throttle body changed once AFTER the stupid car not storing the code. Ended up having to have it towed to the dealership running so they could get the code. This car has been in the shop at the dealership more than 10 times for the same problem. Had to have it towed again this morning for the same problem. The dealership informed me that "oh, there was a recall on the throttle body" REALLY???? This is the biggest piece of crap I have ever driven.
My dad worked for and sold fords for many many years and raised a family of 5 doing so. We have always been a Ford family, but no more. I will NEVER own another Ford product. And try to get help from Ford themselves and you might as well be talking to a wall.
Twice we were in motion, most recently on the freeway at 70 mph with the cruise control set, when the car suddenly lost power, and no acceleration. We had to limp to the roadside. This has become scary, our lives are at risk. I did some research and found numerous complaints of this same nature where the throttle body is referenced. I called Germaine Ford only to be told it 'could' be the transmission. I'm not a car expert but I do know enough to be 98% certain it isn't the transmission, especially since there are other incidents of this nature. So, I make an appointment for today, only to be told by the same smart ass that it could be the transmission and that I would have to pay a diagnostic charge of $125. Germaine just rebuilt from a fire but I guess they need some money to help run their more up scaled building. Plus, I get the feeling they want to soak me for thousands in a transmission replacement. The FUNNY thing is, yesterday, I received a recall notice for this issue but the smart ass at Germaine in Dublin is sticking to the transmission thing. If they continue to tell me it's the transmission or they suddenly find other issues, I will tell them to put my car back together and I'll pick it up. I've been a loyal Ford owner for more than 20 years but I am now soured on Ford period. I own two other foreign vehicles and I now see my third car will be a foreign car. I haven't had issues with them or have I been insulted by the employees. I say insulted because about 8 months ago, I had an issue with trying to get both a brake and tire rebate from Ford. It's been three hours and I've not heard anything. I'll update this as soon as I get my car back.
I bought a 2010 Ford Fusion from local FORD dealership. I wanted to purchase at a dealership and not a side of road used car dealership. The day my second car payment was due I was driving home and car loss power but kept running. I was on highway at rush hour and cars were having to slow down considerably at high speeds. I pulled over had it towed to dealership who told me at first they could not rent a car cause the rental agencies were closed. I get there and they had a loaner and the sales rep had an attitude telling me he had to wait and they were supposed to be closed. After almost cursing him out I picked up loaner with no gas (I just filled my car up right before the problem).
The service person called next day to tell me it was a recalled part that is making the gas not really flow right and the part that is recalled is covered but it also has a part that works with the recalled part that is bad too. I will be able to drive the car but was told not to fill it up to top. So service then tells me I have to pay for diagnostic test and the non-recalled part is not covered in warranty I paid $1,100 for, that would be $800.
So I go back this afternoon to get my car and I AM NOT PAYING FOR DIAGNOSTIC. How can you be a Ford dealership and sell me a car with a recalled part and tell me I have to pay for you to do a diagnostic to find it is the part that is recalled? As if you did not know the part was recalled already? If this is NOT handled to my satisfaction I will be telling you all the name of the dealership and to stay away.
I just wanted to let others know that when this problem occurred in 06/12 Ford put in a new throttle
( no charge) when the problem occurred again in 11/12 I was adamant that I would not drive the car
until they could tell me that it was safe. To say I was frustrated and concerned would be an understatement.
After driving a rental ( 2013 Fusion ) for a month at Ford's expense they finally decided to have the
electronics completely changed in the car ( at their expense )
So to Ford's credit they seemed to have fixed the problem and they were pretty good about it, but I
absolutely made my intentions clear where the car was concerned as I viewed this as a major safety
concern. I wasn't taking the car back until it was fixed. We ( Ford and I ) had several conversations about
the car because they could not get the car to replicate the problem, I stood my ground and would not take
my car back.
I'm not sure if Ford just got tired of my unwavering attitude or perhaps they didn't like the rental car bill but
in the end Ford Corporate gave the dealership the green light to change the electronics.
Touch wood, the car has been great since and I still really do love my Fusion. The guys at the dealership
I believe did all they could and so for that reason I am still a loyal Ford driver.
My suggestion, if you have this same trouble, it is not the throttle, change the electronics and absolutely
don't take no for an answer. HAPPY (and safe ) DRIVING !
Instance #1. I parked my Fusion at the store and went in for 20 minutes. Came out, started the car, backed up and pulled away slowly. About 30 feet from the parking spot in a heavily congested area the car jerked harshly and sputtered with the wrench lighting up. It would barely move even though I tried to tap the gas and then tried harder to get it out of the way and into a parking spot.. Finally, I got in a parking spot and shut the car off. I popped the hood and remote started the car. The engine ran normal with no sputtering. I got back in the car and drove 1.5 miles home with no problems. (see instance #2)
Instance #2 (in 2 days). I went out to my car in the morning to go to work. Started it up, backed out and went about 20 feet and the car started sputtering hard with the wrench lighting up just like the day before. I stopped and shut the car off. Restarted the car and noticed when it was turning over it did it a lot longer than usual, almost like it was stuck or something. I drove it about 1 mile to a breakfast place with no problems, shut if off and went in. (Note - there is an instance #3 right after this )
After I left the breakfast place (see instance #2), I drive about a mile and it started shaking again and would not go. I turned it off and restarted. This was at a light that just turned green in heavy Atlanta morning traffic BTW. I drive it to the dealership and explained what it was doing. Interesting thing is the service writer said he was pretty sure he knew what it was and said throttle body but could be the engine. He said he thought it was under warranty but I got a call later saying, sorry, no it is not covered under warranty.
I was mostly satisfied with my 2010 Ford Fusion until it lost power. I was driving on an elevated portion of an interstate highway without a shoulder when it completely lost power without any warning. I was in the process of passing a truck when this happened. Fortunately the truck driver was alert. I coasted to a stop where an on-ramp merges onto the highway. Cars passing at highway speeds on both sides of me. I was terrified. City police came to protect me from on-coming cars. AAA towed my car to my mechanic. This could have ended badly. I will not be buying another Ford. This car should have been recalled.
The first time our car suddenly dropped RPM we had been out of state for two weeks and just assumed water had gotten into the gas tank. My father in law, who is a ford mechanic, suggested we get a bottle of 'gumout' and see if that worked.
Each of the five times the car lost RPM and acted as if it wasn't getting any fuel. No amount of pressing the gas pedal did any thing. We had to pull over, put the car in park, turn off the engine completely, and restart. We tried simply staying in neutral or turning off the engine and restarting it while we were rolling, neither worked.
We really thought that had fixed the problem since the issue only occurred once more. Until today.
At a little under a quarter of a tank we came to a stop sign and as soon as we pressed the gas to turn the corner the car lurched and the RPMs promptly dropped to nothing. Luckily there was no one else on the road and a gas station very close by that we could coast into. The entire time coasting the engine ran roughly. This time when we restarted the car the engine acted up, jerking and sputtering. We had to turn off the engine and restart a second time before we could continue on our way.
We made it to our destination without further issue. On the way home however this reoccurred thrice. On the fourth occurrence the wrench light came on then promptly blinked out when we restarted the engine.
This car isn't even 5 years old yet. It shouldn't be having these kinds of problems. Since there is no recall and we're just barely beyond our warranty I'm probably going to get rid of the car ASAP.
This is ridiculous.
On the way home from the grocery store, the car lost power again after I turned on the cruise control. This happened on a busy highway and I had to pull over in heavy traffic. Turned car off and on again and was able to return home. I have been a Ford owner for several years and this is my 4th Ford vehicle. I previously owned two Ford Taurus' with never a problem. This car is only 3 yrs old. I may not continue to be loyal to Ford in the future.
Driving to work this morning at 5:30am, everything was normal and then all of sudden there was a hard lurch and then the wrench symbol came on. I lost all power nothing happened when I pressed on the gas pedal so I put on my hazards and was able to get to the shoulder of a very busy highway. I called Ford Roadside when she asked for the mileage I started the car and was able to get out of harms way and get to work. I called the dealer when they opened and told them the car was being towed in and for what and I wanted to know if my 36 month warranty was still in effect. Come to find out that my car was manufactured in June of 2010 so my warranty was up June 2013; very convenient. So they tell me that nothing can be done until the see the car and that the diagnostic test will be $111 (which I don't have) to find out what is wrong. From the postings I see here, I won't have that done, I will just get back and then trade it in at any dealer but Ford. I've owned many Fords but this is the first one that has had a problem like this and since they don't see fit to do a recall, they have lost me as a customer.
Stopped at bank on the way out of town. A short distance from bank car began to creep. Parked and restarted,
drove home and changed cars. 9 days later did the same thing. Drove to shop OK. Diagnostic indicates throttle body activator control stuck. Repair quote $440.00 if no other problems. Possible computer wiring harness replacement - $600.00+ (recommended by Ford? - Thanks a lot!) Ignition coil failed on this car ($330.00) while
- sistacarolla, AIKEN, SC, US