Print this page Notes: You should probably steer clear of the 2012 Focus. Otherwise, you might not be able to steer at all. Read more »

The 2012 is the first Focus to offer Electronic Power Assist Steering (EPAS). It's also the first year with massive power steering failure. These things are not mutually exclusive.

And while you wait for your steering to disappear, you'll be greeted with a transmission that shudders, vibrates or won't shift at all.


pretty bad
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
63,750 miles
Total Complaints:
44 complaints

Most Common Solutions:

  1. not sure (19 reports)
  2. changed the transmission component module (10 reports)
  3. replace transmission electronic module (7 reports)
  4. replace transmission (4 reports)
  5. transmission replaced (3 reports)
  6. ford just extended the warranty on trans to 100k (1 reports)
2012 Ford Focus transmission problems

transmission problem

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2012 Ford Focus Owner Comments (Page 2 of 3)

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problem #24

Apr 252016

Focus SE 2.0L 160 Hp In-Line 4

  • Automatic transmission
  • 55,000 miles


It's 4 yrs old. I'm a senior citizen and can't afford these repairs that's why I bought it new. When will Ford deal with the 2012 Focus transmission problems? Where's the recall.

- lcunnin, Tacoma, WA, US

problem #23

Nov 242015

Focus SEL 4 cyl

  • Automatic transmission
  • 62,000 miles

Starting in march 2015 my focus had shudder issues. Took to ford after recall letter fixed issue. Shudder started again in October 2015.

November 2015, lost acceleration while driving on freeway, but not electrical power, just engine. Towed to Ken Grody Ford in Buena Park said my battery needed replacement paid $400 for $120 battery and $130 diagnostic.

April 2016, lost acceleration again, gee hope it's not the new battery, towed back to Ken Grody after three days they say it's transmission electrical issues and need the car at least 4 more days.


- Caroline C., Anaheim, CA, US

problem #22

Mar 172016

Focus SE

  • Automatic transmission
  • 36,000 miles

I've had the classic Ford Focus 2012 transmission problems with my car since it was around a year old, less than 10,000 miles. 3 trips to the dealer to fix the programming, etc., and it mostly fixed the issue (every so often, it would try to roll back down the ramp in the garage I park in, but nothing too serious).

Car is currently 3 1/2 years old, 36,000 miles, regular maintenance and old changes, no collisions of any kind.

Now, my battery had failed (discovered it had cracked and leaked everywhere--it was the factory battery, but I do live in Phoenix so it is hot here), and I had it replaced.

Once I was started the car and drove it home, I could immediately notice problems with the transmission--jerky, feels like it "slips", etc--that I hadn't noticed since dealer trip #3. I figured it would need to be "reprogrammed".

However, driving home from work the next day, the car stopped accelerating completely -- I actually pass the Ford dealer on the way home, and was right there when it happened, so I was able to get the car to the Ford service center without needing a tow//waiting for the car to un-stall. A message popped up in the car saying the transmission had failed.

Dealer replaced transmission control module after giving me the standard "this is just how the car drives" spiel I'd heard on every trip thus far, even though the car was not even driveable at this point. Had to wait for the part, but they paid for my rental, fixed 6 days later.

This weekend, I'm looking at trading it in. I will never buy another Ford. I have had issues with this car since 2013, and Ford obviously does not care to fix the transmission problems. I have made so many trips to the dealer, and Ford's continual denial that the transmission is faulty is unbelievable.

I think the "programming" must have been masking my transmission problems, and was lost when the battery died. It had never failed before, so I think it must have been getting worse--if you have a Focus and have had it "fixed" by the repeated reprogramming, please be very attentive if it starts to act off again or your battery dies. The transmission seems to have gotten worse over time, and the reprogramming is just a band-aid that can mask it until it gets very severe.

- bemccar1, Phoenix, AZ, US

problem #21

Mar 222016

Focus SEL

  • Automatic transmission
  • 70,000 miles


The problem has been happening for a while but I did not know what the issue was until diagnostic tests were run on the car to confirm transmission failure and that my 2012 Ford Focus has at least 6 recalls. I have never been notified about any of the recalls. For a while the car intermittently would "drag" or "shutter" when put into drive while accelerating in speed but I though it was possible trash in the fuel line or something that happened from time to time since it was not consistent.

On 03/22/16, the car it was the worst episode ever where the car would not change gears, pick up speed, or move in reverse. This happened after I got off work that afternoon. It was confusing because I had driven into work and out to lunch earlier that day with no problems.

I had to have the car towed to an auto shop because it was not driveable and would not go over 20 mph. The auto shop performed a diagnostic test on 03/23/2016 and discovered that my make and model has recalls for the transmission after codes indicated this was the issue.

- Monita M., Ewa Beach, US

problem #20

Feb 062016

Focus SEL 4.0L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 67,000 miles

We have struggled the past 2 years financially, husband got hurt on job employer messed his works com claim. But keep payment up my car. Had to to His to save our house. My daughter bought us tickets to a movie iand dinner in Hickory. Ate dinner left go the movies started car engine light came on car would hardly move. Pulled into Advance Auto they tested for engine light said it was the transmission issues. Two codes showed up. Transmission was over heating. Called tow truck to take to Ford Dealership in Lenoir, NC. Had to our daughter to come get us. Went to the Ford Dealership on Monday they said was the computer for the transmission. No car for three days they had to wait for warehouse to the part. Made very difficult for since I babysit for my 2 grandsons. I go to their house to do this to make money to pay my supplemental insurance.(I'm a senior). So this really messed up everyone's week. Got car back my husband said he didn't feel it was fixed. Drove it about 100 miles parked at a grocery store did my shopping went to leave the store car would not shift and engine light was back on. Had my two grandsons with me under 3 years of age. Tried to call family members no on answered it was Sunday morning. Had to call my neighbor to get my husband who was outside working. He called tow truck again. Got car back 2 days later replacing computer again. They said it could happen again. My sister is in Hospice care in upstate New York will I be able to be there for my family if something happens to her. I can't afford to fly. Feel anxiety when I go some where. Can't afford to trade. Between a rock and a place with car. Help please

- Betty K., Lenoir, NC, US

problem #19

Dec 012015


  • Automatic transmission
  • 113,000 miles

Bought this Ford new. Always had herky-jerky starts. Finally the trans quit. Original estimate to fix...$3000.00. Complained this wasnt my fault, got it down to about $1000.00. This is the first new car I bought, and a Ford at that, and the last. No thank you.

- Marilyn M., Waterford, MI, US

problem #18

Aug 012015

Focus SEL 2.0L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 50,000 miles


Bought this car in 2014 in a rush to replace another vehicle, did not do my research. Car ran well except for occasional shudders. This car completely stalled on me near the Holland Tunnel/Newark airport area on August 1, 2015. My Roadside Assist said the area was restricted and off limits. It took Multiple calls between NJ state police and Holland tunnel Security to figure out who had jurisdiction over the area, before a tow truck could be sent. It took several days for the replacement TCM transmission control module because of the high demand. The repair was covered under the warranty, but the headache of the situation, being stranded, towed, having to rent a loaner vehicle, submitting paperwork and receipts for reimbursement was awful and now I'm afraid to drive out of the NYC area with this vehicle after reading about other 2012 Focus owners who say this transmission failure can happen again.

- h tunnel fiasco, Brooklyn, NY, US

problem #17

Aug 202015

Focus Tinamium 2L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 39,000 miles

My car DIED on the highway going 75 mph. 2012 Focus had not owned it for one year. Good thing I grew up in NYC and could have gotten a job as a taxi driver because otherwise I would be dead. Thanks FORD for the NO warning on the TCM. I got a notice to bring the car in one week after they put a new TCM into the car. When I asked if there was a recall, the service department said, 'no but there is an UPDATE for the TCM.' Really, how would I know that I needed an update, Mr. Ford?.....well, said the serviceman, " you would know you needed an update for the computer IF YOUR CAR ACTED FUNNY." Yea, like dying on the highway going 75 mph? like that kind of trouble?....can you believe Mr. Service man said, 'Yes that kind of trouble'.


- Jane P., Evanston, IL, US

problem #16

Dec 012011

Focus SE 2.0L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 100 miles

At around 100 miles-2 months after receiving the new car from the dealership-I was driving and pressed the gas only to have nothing happen except the engine rev. The transmission would not engage. I drifted to the side and pressed on the pedal again and it worked so I kept going. I brought the car in for that, a shuddering in lower gears, and a problem with the windshield wipers running into each other and throwing off the blade from the car (a windshield wiper motor issue apparently).

They did not duplicate the transmission failure but did duplicate the shuddering (stated it was a learning transmission and I needed to give it time to learn my drive style) and fixed the windshield wiper. Over the years I have always mentioned the nonengagement of the transmission that occurs when I am driving at intermittent/random times to Ford whenever I take it in for service. I am always told they find nothing.

The service warranty ended last fall (2014) and the problem increased, occurring while on turnpikes, at stop signs, while actively driving up on hills, etc. I finally received my recall notice in Late Sept 2015, although it was sent to an old address initially. The problem? The recall is ONLY to update the software so it will light up the "Check Engine" light if the TCM module is showing a problem. It is NOT for repair, and the upgrade does not fix the problem. Ford Service Managers at my local ford also agreed it was just to show if there WAS a problem. And the recall letter was clear on that. I was told to call Ford directly as I wanted a full replacement of the TCM module: I already knew my TCM module was faulty.

Ford Direct tried at first to convince me that the upgrade fixes "9 out of 10" cars, but I read verbatim the recall letter which states very CLEARLY that all it does is cause the check engine light to come on and thus notify the driver to take it in if the TCM module is faulty. Ford Direct then changed their mind and agreed to fully replace the TCM module and bypass the recall. They SHOULD NOT be wasting consumers time who have this model car with a update to light up the "Check Engine" light. They ALREADY KNOW its a problem and should be offering replacements of ALL TCM modules for those years of Focus cars. They are trying to save money.

- R D., Philadelphia, PA, US

problem #15

Sep 262015


  • Automatic transmission
  • 80,000 miles

Shuttering, no power to wheels, very slow and suddenly engaging, excessive clutch slip, lost reverse. Engine Light came on. I was trying to cross traffic, at the stop sign I proceeded to go across traffic to the median turn lane. Car would not engage gear, when it did it was very slow and no power even with gas mashed to the floor. All this time I had cars approaching me from the south bound lane, very dangerous and scary. I then decided to just make a right hand turn and get off the road, which was hard because the electronic power steering assist in this car went out months ago with still no recall on this defect. I turned right down a side street and tried to turn around only to find out I have no reverse gear now, I am so over this Lemon of a car.

Buyers beware, stay far far away from Ford Products especially this model car. Ford touts that they are committed to safety, I find that hilarious. Why on earth would you let a vehicle with the track record this model has with steering going out and transmissions just quitting when they want to, to still be on the road? A life threatening danger to the driver as well as anyone that is sharing the road with the vehicle. The next day, engine light gone, car shifts normal?????? Vehicle is at Ford now, they have a recall to re-program the Transmission Control Module?

- A K., Crystal River, FL, US

problem #14

Sep 182015

Focus S 2.0L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 76,200 miles


Well I bought my 2012 Ford Focus 11 months ago, it has been in the shop seems like every other month. First time was 3 months after I got it, Transmission started slipping, jumping, rolling back and shifting hard. I took it to a Ford dealership, they claimed it only needed seals, that transmission seals was leaking. They had it a week, and replaced the seals. The mechanic drove it and then it locked in 2nd gear and would not shift out. So they had to tear it back apart and found out it needed some piece in the transmission.

My car was in the shop for 2 and half months before the part came in. Thank God I did get a rental for free. Also at same time, the ac went out. Had to have it fixed there also which my extended warranty paid for but I still had to pay 100 out my pocket. Then 2 months later, wheel bearings went out. My car was making a bad noise and found out wheel bearings was problem. Had to take it back 2 times for this problem.

Now 2 months later, got letter about recall on transmission to adjust something on it. I took to dealership and they had couple days and adjust the part Ford said needed doing. 3 weeks later the transmission went out again. Would not shift out of second again. My car is now at the dealership for same problem as it had to start with. Still waiting on part and it to be fixed. I tried so many places to trade this piece of crap in, but they all say it ain't worth but 5000 dollars and I still owe $10,900. I would have to come up with 5000 dollars down to even trade out of it.

I feel I been screwed by Ford and not very happy. I have called and complained to Ford motor company and they just keep saying take to dealership, it still has warranty. But the bad part is I got a car I haven't even had a year yet and its been more in shop than I have drove it almost. Between me and my warranty this car has already cost around 3500 dollars in repair.

I feel Ford should buy it back or give me closer to my pay off for a trade. I WILL NEVER AGAIN BY ANOTHER FORD..FORD KNOWS THESE TRANSMISSIONS ARE A PIECES OF SH*T AND WILL NOT HELP PEOPLE OUT.

- ltanner, Douglas, US

problem #13

Apr 102015

Focus SEL 2L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 61,000 miles

I bought this car the middle of March 2015 used with 59025 miles. About 800 miles later it started slipping. Have dealer reset code. Was told if engine light came back on, take to dealer. It did and I did. They reprogrammed the modular. It happen again. The dealer said they replaced modular. Once again the lights and transmission failure light came on. The transmission went into neutral for the third time and left me in the middle of the street.

Took it to dealer the end of April. It is now the middle of June and I still do not have car back. Still wailing for parts. They say I can drive car until parts come in. NOT SAFE TO DO THAT COULD GET REAR ENDED. You never know when the car will neutral itself out. Called customer service called Judy Wolfe at customer representative. Called Randy Copeland at the customer relations office. Both were NO HELP AT ALL. All they did was to call dealer and tell me the same thing the dealer told me weeks earlier. Ford has had this problem with the cars that have these transmissions for a very long time. They do not call this a recall to safe face, instead they lengthen the warranty but are not being reasonable of getting these cars fixed in a timely manner.


- littlebit2059, La Pine, OR, US

problem #12

Jun 202015

Focus SEL

  • Automatic transmission
  • 30,012 miles

Transmission failure during a major storm late at night! My transmission just disengaged and when pressing on the accelerator the revs just shot up and I went nowhere. I was on a small residential road but had I been on a high traffic highway I would have been dead!!! This is the third time I have transmission problems. The first time I had the whole transmission replaced. I don't feel secure in this car.

- Grazia G., Falls Church, VA, US

problem #11

Apr 082015

Focus SE

  • Automatic transmission
  • 48,000 miles

Just need to alert other 2012 Focus owners that I had just received a letter from Ford 2 days before this happened warning that there are problems with the TCM (transmission control module) resulting in car not starting. I showed the letter to the dealer after my car was towed there. Fortunately I had the letter to back me up and I paid nothing. Now prior to this happening I had trouble the last 1 1/2 years with the transmission skipping and had it serviced at least 2-3 times, with them resetting computer codes is all.

- Laurie K., Elyria, OH, US

problem #10

Apr 122015

Focus 2L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 43,364 miles

This car is total crap. Mine had no gas in the aircon within 3 weeks. After being regassed twice they finally found a major leak. No sh!t Sherlock!!

Within 18 months a major oil seal leak was detected & the car shook vigorously whilst being driven. December 2014 the computer shut down and the car could not be started & computer part was replaced. Yesterday I had to pay $250 for a tow as the transmission has now failed. Today, April 2015, it's back with Ford again whilst they decide what's wrong.

I'll tell you what's wrong. It's a LEMON.

- Bronwyn R., Sydney, Australia

problem #9

Feb 212015


  • Automatic transmission
  • 60,000 miles

As I was driving, my car automatically slowed down and then came to a stop while the engine was still revved. The tachometer was going up while it was sitting still, it was in gear and not moving. I shut it off for awhile and started it back up, it was fine, until I got down the road, it did it again so I shut it off again and started it, it was fine. I got on the highway taking my son to school and it did it again so I coasted into a parking lot and called my husband. He came from work and started it and it was fine again.

Approximately 2 weeks later, my steering wheel locked up while driving down the highway and the dash said steering assist fault. I have no power steering now and can't make turns, park, etc... Ford will not take care of the steering assist problem. I just received a letter in the mail for the transmission problem being recalled/warranty extended so I will call tomorrow to get the car back in to have that fixed. They need to recall the steering assist also since it is a common problem in this car!!!!!!!!!!

- A K., Crystal River, FL, US

problem #8

Mar 042015

Focus SE 4.0L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 59,000 miles

I have always been a huge fan of Fords, however, my 2012 Focus looks great but the transmission is always slipping! The car does not have any get up an go on some days, other days, 0 - 60 in seconds. The dealership does not seem to want to assist with this issue.

- Tammy H., Union Bridge, MD, US

problem #7

Jan 042013

Focus SEL 4

  • Automatic transmission
  • 600 miles

I purchased a 2012 Ford Focus at my local dealership (5 miles on it); brand new. Within 6 months I had it in the shop 2 times. At the time my husband was an employee of that dealership and they gave him the run around. Indicating all they had to do was reset the computer. Supposedly they reset the computer twice, however it never fixed the problem. Once it was diagnosed on the 3rd attempt at the local dealership that it needed "parts" I was given the run around by that dealership.

After contacting FORD Motor Company on several attempts I finally received a response. I asked permission to take to another dealer about 20 minutes away to have vehicle fixed. Permission was granted. I had to beg Ford for a rental car so that I had transportation for the week that the dealership had my car. Once the vehicle was fixed and I picked it up; I noticed a really rough idle. After dealing with this for several months; the dealership had me bring it back in and had it for another week to fix the idle problem. As of today; it is still not running right.

Today (01/30/2015 - 2 years later) I am still dealing with this. I took it in today to have it looked at once again as the entire front of the car shakes and the dealership indicated it "sounds like the transmission." Not only does it shake and rattle; it clicks at times and jerks/shudders forward. I was told they have to replace the clutch system again with a NEW UPGRADED system from FORD - same thing I was told before. 3 week backorder to have this fixed. I am so angry I want to scream !

I have on numerous occasions contacted Ford Motor Company and have asked everything from buying the vehicle back and once and for all fixing the problem and get nothing but the run around.

To be perfectly honest I have spent the last 2 weeks on car lots looking to trade this vehicle in. I am tired of dealing with this issue. It is so frustrating.

- Jennifer R., Arroyo Grande, CA, US

problem #6

May 132014


  • Automatic transmission
  • 48,000 miles

I purchased this vehicle used in Feb 2014 - I started having issues with it in May - I have had two accidents so far and one major break down on Dale Mabry Highway with my two children in the vehicle.

First accident my vehicle revved and pushed into a pickup truck. As much as I applied the brakes it still went forward. The damage to both vehicles was extremely minor, so we just walked away from that situation. 2nd incident I was coming home from Tampa - I work 40 plus miles one way - with my two children. The vehicle started revving, shuddering and losing power. This was during rush hour on Dale Mabry Highway, I can assure you that the ordeal that we encounter that evening was hair raising because we came close to being struck multiple times on the highway as I attempted to get over to the emergency lane.

It was taken into the nearest Ford dealership in Tampa were they worked on the transmission and advised it was a modular issue with the transmission and that they fixed it and I should let the transmission get use to the drive again. Well here we are 2 plus month later and it is worst. My third accident, I was stopped at a red light on Gunn Hwy waiting for a green light and was re-ended when my ford could not pick up and maintain the speed. My daughter and I were both injured in that accident. Thank God it was soft tissue but until someone is seriously injured or worst killed I fear these vehicles will not be pulled off the market.

Unfortunately, as a single parent on a limited income I cannot afford to get another vehicle. If I try to trade it in I will have a bigger loan for a smaller vehicle because I am still responsible for the original loan on this defective automobile. I wish I would have gone with my original choice a Nissan.

Update from Jun 27, 2015: SInce than I have had the vehicle go into the Ford Dealership for them to try to resolve the transmission issue and all they can tell me is that the transmission has a warranty up through 100K and should it completely cease to work I can have it repaired by them. I asked if it fails after that - simple I will have to replace the transmission on my own. I am sorry but as a single mom working to make ends meet this is the only vehicle I have and still make monthly payments. I wish I would have stuck with the Infinity I-30. It was still running at close to 300k and as a fool I decided due to long travel for work to get a cheaper vehicle that is good on gas. Now my ride to work is full of shakes and jolts but the Ford people tell me that is the way that particular transmission works because it mimics a standard transmission. I have been in standard transmission vehicle and they don't shake and jolt like that unless they are about to need replacement.

- Denise O., Spring Hill, FL, US

problem #5

Sep 202014

Focus SE

  • Automatic transmission
  • 110,000 miles

I was on my way home and the transmission was shifting a little harder than normal but it was always doing strange things so I noticed but but didn't think a lot about it. I live on a hill and my car wouldn't put the hill and the transmission over- heated. I had it towed to the dealership. I was told that the solenoids were bad. That was on a Friday, and on Monday I received a recall letter. I was excited because I needed a miracle to pay for this. Of course my problem wasn't covered under the recall. I called ford corporation when this began and they really didn't care.

- Kathy W., Pinson, AL, US

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