Wife was on the highway on the way home at night when the same thing happened to everyone else. Luckily she didn't get rear ended from the sudden slow down on the highway. If this is a recurring problem (which it seems to be) not sure why more isn't being done to make owners more aware and to bring in to fix the problem.
Same issue as I've been reading ---- this was really annoying considering the car was just built by the factory in December, 2015 (I received it 1st week in Jan 2016). Going along fine, then all of a sudden wrench light and engine light come on and we go into "limp home mode". Towed to dealer, they tell me 3 weeks due to part back order. Luckily, and I mean LUCKILY, they agreed to give me a loaner car --- evidently, Ford isn't obligated to do this. The good news, I got my car in 3 days because a shipment of parts came in to the local dealer. Wait it gets better....
My Mom & Dad have a 2016 Lincoln (MKZ) and it happened to them going 70 mph on I-95 driving home to Florida. While sitting in the waiting room, the same car gets towed in with the same exact problem. 3 cars I know about within the last 3 weeks. Better not happen to you on a Sunday in the middle of no-where away from home on a vacation or while travelling. One positive, Lincoln has a nice warranty -- they cover your costs (hotel, food, expenses).....
Those of us that have Ford warrantee, you are SOL.
How many more people need to get affected before Ford/Lincoln wises up and does a self-induced recall? Oh wait, we won't -- we need to save money. Let's just move our factories to Mexico! Maybe my last Ford.
Driving my 2016 Ford Explorer with 10K miles on lightly travelled back roads (fortunately), when forward momentum suddenly and unexpectedly ceased. Engine seemed to still be running, but nothing happened when applying gas. Wrench indicator came on in display indicating to check owner's manual. Turned engine off and restarted, but vehicle still wouldn't move. Turned off and restarted once again (several cranks before it actually caught this time) and was able to drive home with the vehicle appearing to behave normally except for check engine indicator which was still illuminated. One other observation leading up to this event in the preceding couple of days and which occurred twice was that if I were stopped with my foot on the brake, the car would very subtly appear to want jerk forward - not enough to make me step harder on the brake, but it felt almost as if I got lightly bumped from the rear.
Update from Jul 23, 2016: Update 7/23/16: Problem was diagnosed as the Electronic throttle body as being defective and as similar to other complaints. Had that not been the diagnosis, I would have pushed for further analysis based on all of the other complaints with the same symptoms. Fortunately for me, my dealer service department (Wall's Ford in Salisbury, MA) had the part in stock, and my Explorer repaired that day. As of this update, vehicle has been performing normally.
Just bought a new 2016 Ford Explored Limited last March 2016. Today July 14, 2016 while I was driving with my wife and 2 sons on a 45 mile/hr busy road the engine just turned off and a wrench and air bag light appeared on the screen with a message to see owner's manual. The gas pedal would not work but the AC and radio was still on, it seemed like the car was on "neutral" mode, thankfully it was after rush hour so the traffic was light and I was able to steer the car to the middle center lane. Turned the car on and off maybe 3 times before it went away and we were able to drive the car. As soon as we got home, got online and saw all these posts about the same issue. Will call the dealership tomorrow, I don't trust driving on the highway and this happens. Hopefully they can shed some light as to what needs to be done, but by the recent posts here it seems like this is a major issue that Ford is dealing with. I just don't understand why they still sell these cars if they know there is an issue with the "powertrain".
Driving in my community when the engine, suddenly, would no longer accelerate. A wrench icon appeared in the driver display and a pop-up was displayed which also featured a wrench and text to the effect of 'see owner's manual' and the engine light was on. According to the manual, the wrench icon demonstrated a 'power-train' issue. The vehicle had power, the engine never quit running, and all electronics stayed working normally, but the steer wheel become tighten and hard to turn and can apparently recognize the bigger noise of the engine. I have to park the road side and turn off the engine as the accelerator is not working, this really scared me. Fortunately, i am only 500 meters away to my home and I turned on the engine and drove very slowly to my home. The next day, it seems it is working normally, but the engine light is still on and I drive to the dealer (5km), but when I turn on the engine again, the light becomes off. I thought this issue was recovered by itself and i drove home.
After that, this issue happened again (3 times in one day). I have booked the appointment and will go to dealer to check and fix it.
The biggest problem is when the wrench icon appear, the accelerator is no longer working, it is very dangerous when driving in the busy highway. :( . Hope Ford can fix this permanently, as I am not confident with this car.
Update from Aug 26, 2016: This issue was fixed after replaced the throttle body. They told me it is replaced with an upgraded version.
But I cannot verify. One thing need to mention, one of my friends who purchased on the same day with me met the same issue recently.
- alvinpan,
Markham, ON, Canada
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We were driving down a four lane highway at 60 mph when the car suddenly lost power and the wrench light came on. The engine did not shut down but would rough idle only. Fortunately there was very little traffic or there could have been a serious accident as I had to coast to the side of the road. This happened on a Sunday afternoon 5 miles out of town; no one at the Ford dealership to call. Had to have the car towed to the dealer as it was completely in shut down and would only rough idle; would not move under power at all.
I have owned this brand new vehicle just 4 months and already feel as though I own a junker! I have learned that this faulty throttle body is a known issue with Ford and I now feel deceived by Ford - they should not sell cars with known defects. We had just returned from a lengthy road trip and I shudder to think that this could easily have happened many miles away (it was bad enough happening close to home). If this had happened in heavy interstate traffic I expect we would have been in a serious wreck!
We had to wait over a week for the part to get shipped to my local dealer. This seems to confirm that the throttle body is a known issue with Ford since the part was on back order for so long. I have lost faith in what I previously thought was a good auto company.
I driving in The Dalles, OR when the engine, suddenly, would no longer accelerate. A wrench icon appeared in the driver display and a pop-up was displayed which also featured a wrench and text to the effect of 'see owner's manual'. According to the manual, the wrench icon demonstrated a 'power-train' issue. The vehicle had power, the engine never quit running, and all electronics stayed working normally. Fortunatley, I was about 2 blocks from the Ford dealership and I could drive about 5 miles an hour to get there. I call Ford Roadside Assistance and they said that they could only help me if I needed gas or a tow. The service dept. was closed but a really great salesman hooked me up with a Nissan Pathfinder with only 5,000 miles. He was great and I did not buy my car there either. From reading the last person's account which was IDENTICAL to mine, it looks like it will be a while until I get it back,
Friday July 1, 2016 I was driving with my mother and baby in the back seat. I'm exiting off one highway to another and just as I come off of the ramp merging onto traffic the engine sputters and the wrench light comes on as im trying to accelerate after merging. I start freaking out because I am pushing on the gas and nothing is happening & due to the holiday there is a ton of traffic moving at high speeds and I cant move! I was just barely able to coast over to the shoulder before being rear ended by the car behind me (who honks and flips me off as they pass me by). My mother starts freaking out trying to figure out whats going on and I have no Idea. We have a new truck nothing should be going on with it! I turned the car off and back on and it still wont move.I was sitting at a bend on the highway just before an exit and cars were coming really close so I put the car in reverse to try to back away from the corner, and it worked. So I pushed the gas again and still nothing. I called my husband in tears and told him what was going on and he called Ford to see if there was something I could do and they didn't know anything other than it could possibly be the transmission.After I got off the phone with my husband and turned the car back off and then back on.I was able to drive about a yard before it went out again.With all the traffic and having to wait for the car to "rest" it took me 45 minutes to go less than 1/2 a mile to a gas station and then wait an hour for a tow truck with my frantic mother and a very cranky baby. The car was towed to Ford for them to take a look at it. We called Ford to ask about a loaner because the Explorer was our only means of transportation and we were informed that since it was after 6 they didn't have anything and to call back the next day. Hubby called the next morning and they told us since it was a holiday weekend they couldn't look a the truck until Tuesday. They then informed us we would have to get a loaner from Enterprise Rentals. Call Enterprise and all they have is an Expedition or a Focus and to add insult to injury, if we go with the Expedition we will have to pay the difference! We are a family of 6 so there is no way a Focus would work with 5 people and a car seat!! It was very upsetting we had to cancel our plans we had for the 4th of July because our new truck broke down and we couldn't get on the road because we had no transportation and then we had to come out of pocket to pay on a rental car because the new truck that you bought to carry your large family broke down and you guys cant all fit in a Focus!
We were thinking it was the transmission until I googled what happened and came across this website. You buy a brand new car so you know you have reliable transportation and that isn't the case here.I completely understand that thing happen and you cant control everything but after reading all of the complaints about the "known" issue it makes me furious. If the car behind me would have hit me it would have pushed us off of an overpass which would have been a very bad situation! I don't know what we are going to do, I don't want to drive the Explorer anymore. Why wont they just recall it and possibly save someones life! I'm terrified that something like this could happen again, I have no faith in my truck or Ford!
Ok Friday night driving through Albuquerque, NM during rush hour in the far left lane on my way to Flagstaff, AZ. wrench light came on. Car went into reduce power mode and I had to make my way crossed 5 lanes for bumper to bumper traffic and exit. Pulled into a parking lot, turned off the car looking in the manual could find nothing. Started the car every with work fine until I got to Gallop, NM about 120 miles away. Again I passing a truck on an overpass with an on ramp with cars coming on the Freeway, wrench light and reduce power, and this time an engine check light. Pull over shut off engine, turned it back on worked ok except this the engine check light stayed on. This happened multiple time over the next 2 days. I tried to take it to the Ford dealer in Flagstaff which advertised Saturday service but when I arrived at 7:30 there was a sign on the door tell be that they were closed for the 4th of July weekend and to have a great weekend. Well I would not be reading your stupid sign if I was having a good weekend you idiots! So Sunday we decided to head home and cut our visit a day short. When we get about 120 miles from Flagstaff 38 miles east of Holbrook,AZ the lights came on for good at exactly 6825.1 miles. I had seen the other 23 complains and was concerned that it might stop at the mileage but we had to give it a go. We were towed to Holbrook and are spending our 4th in a hotel with no car waiting to see on Tuesday how long it will take to repair so we can get home. Note:On Saturday I took the car to AutoZone with will read the electronic faults for free and it said the Throttle Control Sensor was probably the problem, but because this is so new they didn't carry the part yet.
Lost power on a Saturday, went into "limp" mode. Pulled over and restarted and got home. Tried it again later and it did it for me but when my husband got in, it was fine. Tried the next day and the wrench went on. Took to the dealer on July 5th and they couldn't replicate problem and apparently the computer doesn't remember either. So, tried to go to work on the 6th and it did it again, but this time the check engine light came on. Dealer said it was the throttle body. Sure hope this doesn't happen again, or they can have their car back!
Driving to work. 5:30 a.m. Luckily hadn't started to go up the hill. Wrench light comes on. All power gone. The car is just shy of 6 months old!!! Are you kidding me. Manage to get it back home, Taking to dealer tomorrow a.m. Everything I have seen on here points to the throttle thingamajig. If they (FORD) know this is an issue why are they churning out crap! Get it right. Don't sell substandard car parts. Have pride. Really pissed. And stuck. What can I do? Can't take the bloody thing back, although I really wish I could. Absolutely appalling!
On May 20, I was going 45mph on a busy freeway when my 2016 Ford Explorer with approximately 6,200 miles suddenly decelerated to a crawl of 5-10mph, putting everyone in the car and around me at serious risk. Both the wrench light and airbag light came on at this time. Luckily, I was able to pull off safely to the side of the road. I was able to drive to the closest dealership since the car started with no issues or warning lights, per the Ford dealership’s instructions. The dealership stated that it was the PCM, not throttle body that caused the issue.This however, did not resolve the problem.
Please see prior post for 1st incident for the same issue below.
After approximately 2 weeks in the shop, the car was picked up on June 6 after the dealership had replaced the PCM and “fixed the issue’, a sudden deceleration that occurred while on a busy freeway going 45mph.
On June 7, the same exact deceleration issue happened right before making a left hand across a very busy two lanes of incoming traffic going 40+ mph. Once again, it put everyone around at serious risk. Only 45 miles had been driven from the time the car was picked up to the second incident. Again, I was able to drive to the closest dealership since the car started with no issues or warning lights, per the Ford dealership’s instructions. The dealership later confirmed that the serial numbers on the PCM had not been programmed right causing the issue.
One June 8, I was told the car would be ready for pickup the next day. I instructed the dealership to fully test drive the vehicle so it would not put anyone at risk for a 3rd time. On June 10, during a test drive, the vehicle experienced the same issue. They determined at this point it was a throttle body issue.
On June 15, the car was picked up after the throttle body was replaced and it was test driven over 70+ miles. Supposedly the dealership has had two more Explorers come in within the past week with the same exact issue.
Wife had vehicle stall on her going up a hill on a two lane BUSY back road and was stuck in lane with no shoulder to pull off. Ran up to top of hill to warn oncoming traffic to stop for traffic trying to pass around vehicle. Speed limit is 45 mph but most drive faster being a back road. Wife had to jump into ditch for one driver who was set on going by no matter what! Was able to start vehicle eventually and proceeded up road and stalled again, but luckily was able to pull off road in a safe area, vehicle was towed to dealership where purchased and as of now, 11 days have passed and still waiting on a throttle body to fix problem. Ford lists this problem as a " Customer Satisfaction Program" instead of a recall because the NHTSA closed the investigation as long as Ford corrects the problem with ETB's after the problem is diagnosed. It would seem to me that a known problem like this would be corrected BEFORE something like this happens, like what happened to my Wife. I think it is irresponsible of a company to allow things like this to go on! I guess a Bean Counter within the company has convinced Executives that it is more profitable to pay as they go along and take the risk of someone getting injured or killed and is worth the wait to avoid such an expense. SHAME ON YOU FORD MOTOR COMPANY!!!
Was traveling on the interstate @ 70 mph in dense traffic. Lights came on initially to report a power train problem. Then the check engine light. No power when depressing gas. Had to move from left lane across 4 lanes on interstate traffic @ 930am on a Friday with no acceleration. Then dealing with the dealership 100 miles away from home was just as bad.
I'm driving home from work in rush hour traffic on a busy interstate and my Ford Explorer slows from 65mph to 15mph. I knew I had gas but I looked at the gas to make sure I'm not running out due to the loss in power and I wasn't. The wrench and air bag lights come up. Thankfully there was a closed lane up ahead so traffic was slowing so I was able to get in the left shoulder lane of the expressway which is no considered safe. I call road side assistance and they tell me they can have it towed to the nearest Ford dealership which is about 25 miles away. While waiting on the tow my husband came to pick me up and suggested that I turn the car off and start back up so I did and the car worked perfectly fine. None of the engine lights came on. So we went a head and drove it straight to the dealership. They were unable to look at it that day because it approximately 6p when we dropped it off so we were told they would look at it the next day. Well they call us the next day and tell us that they couldn't find anything wrong with it. This was very frustrating and scary because we knew there was a problem and feared it would happen again with our children in the car.
So we pick up the truck on a Sat and that Tuesday it does it again to my husband. Thankfully this time he wasn't on the interstate. We were told again to bring it in and they will look at it. I have contacted Ford customer service and made them aware of this issue. I also plan to file a complaint with the NHTSA because Ford needs to do a recall. Someone is going to get hurt and maybe even worse lose their life. I'll provide an update after Ford looks at it for a second time. I bought a new car to prevent issues like this. Ford should be ashamed.
Update from Jun 15, 2016: Ford called us back and said that it is the throttle body but that it is on back order and they do not know exactly when they will have the part in. They said it is on back order because they are reconditioning the part. This is a huge inconvenience and the whole situation makes me want to give the car back. I just feel uneasy driving a vehicle that could do this. How do I know this won't happen again. I will never buy another Ford.
I was in heavy traffic and trying to turn when the vehicle would not move even with my foot on the gas petal.
The wrench light came on and another icon came on that said something like service call.
I thought I was going to cause an accident because of the way my vehicle was acting. I pulled into parking lot and turned the vehicle off. I got my manual out and it said to take to service as soon as possible. It was Sunday, no one open. I turned vehicle back on and no lights. I drove back home 90 miles, all ok.
The next day I was driving to work when it did it again, wrench light. I turned vehicle off and back on. This time wrench light off but engine light on. I called Raabe Ford and they had it towed.
The service center said 7,000 throttle bodies are on back order. They were trying to locate new vehicle to switch off and install in mine. They did. Obviously there is an issue on this to have 7,000 on back order and needing replaced.
My Explorer came to a stop as I got off the freeway today and then just barely moved enough for me to get off the street. The wrench light came on meaning there is a problem with the drivetrain. Apparently parts aren't available right now and don't know what I am going to do. I have an extended warranty so hopefully can get a loaner. This vehicle has given me nothing but trouble since I bought it 4 months ago.
Although the problem has been diagnosed, they have been unable to replace the part due to not being able to get the part. The brand new car, with less than 7,000 miles, has been in their shop for a week now and they still aren't able to provide a date when they believe the part will come in.
Driving to Mother's Day lunch today, gas pedal became unresponsive. Vehicle continued at very low speed, allowing me to pull into nearby parking lot. Stopped and restarted engine, then drove one more block to restaurant and parked with no problems. Same thing happened three times on the way home, all within a few hundred feet of my house. Calling Ford Roadside Assistance to take it to Dealer Monday morning. This will be third time this truck has been in shop since we bought it new in January (first time we needed to replace the fuel pump; the second time (supposedly) to fix a loose wire that was causing the touchscreen not to work).
Wife was on the highway on the way home at night when the same thing happened to everyone else. Luckily she didn't get rear ended from the sudden slow down on the highway. If this is a recurring problem (which it seems to be) not sure why more isn't being done to make owners more aware and to bring in to fix the problem.
- Victor J., Spring, TX, US