Notes: The 2002-2005 Explorer has a very well-established record of expensive transmission failure at under 100k miles. The Explorer has an enclosed transmission which is typically replaced with a rebuilt transmission at a cost of almost $3,000.
Adding insult to injury, the 2002-2005 Explorer also has a massive problem with the rear panel cracking. While it's a minor annoyance compared to transmission failure, ironically the crack usually goes right through the Ford logo.
fairly significant
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
82,250 miles
Total Complaints:
268 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
Ford should recall based on 2002-2005 complaints (124 reports)
Ford should fix it if reported,being it's a known defect!!! (75 reports)
not sure (36 reports)
part needs to be replaced (14 reports)
replace (10 reports)
re-initiate the charity repair solution (4 reports)
Safercar.Gov - This is the site you need to file your complaint with, it is the national safety site for recalls and defects. The more people that complain the better. Call them @1-888-327-4236. I just filed mine today.
I like my Explorer. It has been a very reliable vehicle. I see the tail gates cracked everywhere and I knew it was a matter of time. I took great care closing the tailgate (I do not slam!). The vehicle is garage kept and well maintained. This is very disappointing. My vehicle looks awful to me. I really believe Ford should fix this or at least heavily discount the repair.
Recently Purchased this 2005 Eddie Bauer Explorer used, excellent condition, Low mileage. Was very pleased with it so far, till last week was looking at the rear liftgate and noticed a 10 inch crack from the rear window through the ford emblem to the next lower panel. Was and still am upset, feel like Ive been voided by Ford Motors whom Ive been so loyal to the brand for almost all my life. I then went on line and googled Ford Explorer rear liftgate crack and found several other unlucky people with the same issue and even found out there is a group action lawsuit that was filed in Jan of 2011 for this. Hope that it will work and get Ford which I have backed up all my life, to back us all up and fix this problem!
Update from Nov 13, 2014: thanks to all running this site,please keep up the good work! I still have this truck and still havent found a decal the right size to cover my crack, doesnt seem to be anyone out there who can help us. I have called Ford and believe it or not, was told they were not aware of this matter and said that there were no recalls for this.LIES!!
The panel below the rear window has crack on my 2005 Ford Explorer, this is the second time in the past two years Ford should make this good,the first time I pay to have it fix,I think Ford should look in to this and fix it for me with no charge.
Noticed a big crack where the emblem is under the rear window. Contacted dealership and they said they had many problems with this but no recalls. Contacted Ford Motor Co. they denied there is a problem then had a survey to ask how well they've done! This was the first ford and the last I'll ever buy. Customer last, profits first....that's why there's no owner loyalty when they screw the consumer over!
- dmacpherson,
Ironwood, MI, US
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Eddie Bauer Special Edition for nothing. Looks horrible with the crack below the rear hatch window. Ford says they will not cover this, says it's just cosmetic and does not affect the driveability but that's not the point. What car has cracks in the body of their car? I have never seen a car like this.
I have the same problem with the crack in the back hatch of my Explorer....just to the left of the Ford Emblem. I also see them everywhere I go. I had mine repaired at a body shop. They filled it in with some type of bondo, but it only lasted like a month and then chipped away. Now it is getting worse. Its been there about a year and I think the weather/regular wear is just getting to it. I need a new piece, but I am guessing Ford isn't going to give me one!!! I am going to find something to fill it in myself and then paint it with touch up paint. It can't possibly look any worse, so what the hell?
My experience was just like all the rest. I came out of Wal Mart one day to where I thought I had left my Explorer and found in it's place a car with a huge crack all the way through the paint skirting around the Ford emblem and stretching vertically all the way down the panel beneath the rear window. I thought it was just me, but I have recently noticed lots of Explorers with an identical crack. I otherwise love my Explorer. If Ford values its reputation and wants to keep satisfied customers, it needs to offer free repairs for what is obviously a manufacturers defect.
I have had Ford vehicles since 1991 and had the first edition Explorer.I never had this type of defect. This is a definite defect in design! I see many Explorers in parking lots that have this same defect. If it is happening over and over it is not the consumer it is the manufacturer and they should be responsible.
2005 Explorer in great condition. It's my sons truck and he is away at college. This weekend we noticed the crack in the rear trim piece below the back glass. I have noticed it on other explorers. The cause is not defective plastic, it's more associated with faulty rear glass hinges. The pins fail letting the rear glass sit lower than it should causing the striker bar on the rear latch to hit harder than it should. It doesn't take many closers to cause the plastic to fail. The rear glass hinges are about 65.00 each and they are right and left hand specific. Once I replaced these, the rear glass opens and closes very easily. This would have not let this piece crack. If you have an explorer that does not have a crack yet, check how easily it opens and closes. If there is any difficulty at all, replace the hinges and save yourself a more costly repair.
Pretty much same as rest, on right side next to the Ford button. Remember these vehicles are built Ford tough..... really Ford? Must be a kitten getting a lap of milk then if that's their scale for toughness. Don't get me wrong I like my Explorer but I don't like having parts crack. Cost to fix would be around $680 CDN. I use my Explorer for work and closing in on 214 000km, I open and close that hatch about 5 times a day and have to be reminded at least that many times of how weak a product they put on this "Built Ford Tough" vehicle. With lines like that they should think of going into politics, cause we're buying the lines their saying. Oh, I tried DIY welds and crap, but with the expansion of the glass depending on temp. no luck.
With so many of their customers griping about it they could even say they'd cover half, seeing as how that's probably why they didn't need a bail out by putting a part on they knew was faulty.
I got my ford explorer two years ago and i was very disappointed to no i got a huge crack under my rear window on my lift gate and ford doesn't want to do anything about it.I liked my ford until that happened i will never recommend a explorer to anyone else. i think ford should recall this part its ugly and could be dangerous.I shouldn't have to pay for a default that's happening on all explorers.I see this everyday driving down the road and even stopped to ask people how they feel about this. And those people are not happy either.To those people looking to buy one beware yours will crack too and you will be left to pay for it if you want it fixed.I thought ford made enough money to fix there problems guess not.there customer service sucks.
You pay good money for a " quality " product and this is what you get. Ford should stand behind their products. This was not a cheap vehicle. I don't feel that we should pay for a design flaw. Of course, Ford already has our money so what do they care. I will not be buying a Ford product again.
My 2005 garage kept, pampered with only 6 payments left Ford Explorer was parked way out in the parking lot at the grocery store. I came out to put my groceries in the back and saw this ugly crack and I was so upset I thought someone had hit my car, maybe a truck carrying wood or something. My husband got home and he said no one hit you the panel cracked. I got online and started looking and found it is a defect. I contacted the dealership that I got it from and they were so ugly about it that I made it clear that I have bought my last Ford. They kept telling me how old it was, so what!! It looks brand new!! My husband has done an excellent job with the upkeep, never mind how many times it has been in the shop for out of pocket repairs, ugh!! I read the Ford wont recall for this problem because it is not a safety issue, please!! My back glass is loose!! I want so bad to set up a web page, have business cards made so people can leave their contact information, get my friend the attorney to file a class action suite against Ford. I don't want any money, I just want our vehicles fixed!! I would want it to read that they have to pay all legal costs and any expenses incurred and repair all our vehicles and supply us with a one while they are repairing our and a written guarantee that if it happens again it will be repaired. This is a blemish on our Explorers it decreases the value and I just hate looking at it. Man I feel better!! I would feel great if it could be done....
Contacted Ford on this matter and they say its out of warranty. That's funny cause the bodies of the vehicles should have a warranty that covers defects from their manufacturer. We take pride in our vehicles and keep them in good working order and buy America Made and they just say its not their problem. That is funny they made the vehicle and I'm not the only one with the problem, my neighbor has an 2004 Explorer and hers is the same way. She was told that she missed the recall on this matter. If they had a recall they should fix the problem no matter when it was recalled. We work hard for our money and they think we can just throw $700.00 to $1000.00 into repairing a defect that they won't fix. MY NEXT VEHICLE WON'T BE A FORD. IT SEEMS LIKE HONDA MAYBE ONE I WILL LOOK AT BUYING. I'LL ALSO LET EVERYONE I KNOW HOW FORD DEALT WITH THIS DEFECT..................
It is a known defect, apparently common to a lot of Explorers. Ford should come up with an alternate panel to replace the "engineered" panel, one which will not be subject to cracking.
The crack is a result of the different coefficients of expansion between the glass and the plastic panel. The crack is occurring where the plastic cross-section is the smallest, at the very left or right of the Ford emblem. I would be happy to have a plastic panel replacement without a Ford emblem, or an emblem which does not cause a reduction in cross-sectional area of the panel (one that is attached to, but not nested in). I also would be happy to get an after-market panel, and then fix it just one time.
What is Ford's one-liner that used to be on TV?...something about "With Ford, quality is Priority One."
My 2005 Explorer (Eddie Bauer Advance Trac V8- yes, we paid a LOT for it) has the same issue as everyone else. The liftgate cracked to the right of the Ford symbol. I have seen tons of this same defect on the road. I just returned from an eight hour road trip and saw six different Explorers/Mountaineers with this problem on the highways. We seem to spend over a $1000 a year on repairs as it is and the last thing I want to spend more money on is an obvious defect by Ford. I hope some kind of resolution is offered by the company.
I see a lot of Ford Exlporers every day that have the same problem. So, I know that I am not the only 1 with this problem. I took my car to an auto body shop to get an estimate. The guy told me that it would be $700.00 to fix. FORD NEEDS TO PAY FOR IT TO BE REPLACED!!!!!
We hard working people pay lots of $$,$$$ for your product....We take care of our car cause times are hard and is NOT fair that we should ( EAT THIS FIX )... Stand up to your product and your American name and FIX this problem....
I like my Explorer. It has been a very reliable vehicle. I see the tail gates cracked everywhere and I knew it was a matter of time. I took great care closing the tailgate (I do not slam!). The vehicle is garage kept and well maintained. This is very disappointing. My vehicle looks awful to me. I really believe Ford should fix this or at least heavily discount the repair.
- James H., Huntsville, AL, US