Chevrolet Cruze
transmission Problems
Here are Chevrolet Cruze transmission problems, by model year. The most common Cruze transmission problems cost $3,100 to fix & occur at 63,000 miles. Regarding the worst model year 2011 Chevrolet Cruze transmission problems, "What’s that smell – it’s a tad sweet with a tinge of chemical toxicity? If you own a 2011 Cruze it’s probably a coolant leak. It’s a widespread and notorious problem for the car and is the subject of a class-action lawsuit filed in the state of New York. And that’s not the only problem 2011 owners face…"
The worst model years for transmission problems are the 2011 Cruze, 2012 Cruze, and the 2013 Cruze.
Worst Chevrolet Cruze Transmission Problems
#1: Transmission Failure 2011 Cruze
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $3,300
- Average Mileage:
- 65,000 mi
#2: Transmission Failure 2012 Cruze
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $3,400
- Average Mileage:
- 82,000 mi
#3: Not Shifting Properly 2014 Cruze
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $2,700
- Average Mileage:
- 44,000 mi