— Volkswagen sunroof problems have caused a recall of more than 2,200 model year 2022 Golf R and Golf GTI vehicles.
The touch switch for the sunroof may be too sensitive and allow the sunroof to mistakenly open or close.
Testing is conducted with a test ball for the switch, and VW says the sunroof was activated when using a test ball.
This violates federal safety standards even though the sunroof is equipped with anti-pinch protection.
Volkswagen had made improvements to the sunroof touch switch but the repair made the slider area too sensitive.
According to VW, there have been no U.S. complaints or warranty claims related to the sunroof switches.
Dealers will replace the sunroof module switches once recall letters are mailed September 23, 2022.
VW Golf owners may call 800-893-5298 and ask about recall number 60F6.