pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 14,300 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (1 reports)

seat belts / air bags problem
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Here's my beef. I bought a Volvo c30 T5 (2008) with 6400 miles. Don't believe. Check the DMV, I had to put the vin in to even type this.) Now that we're past that.....I was driving, not paying as close as attention to the road as I should have, (I admit) I curbed the damn car.(A nice car as the pic's show) So I'm thinkin' rims, tires whatever. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE....
The GD FN side curtain airbags have deployed. So what do I do? Look to dealers, then body shops, then of course the net. Now mind you this particular VOLVO has over $17,000 dollars in upgrades,(documented I'll send you the copies of the receipts if you like.) I'm at a bit of a quandary...It is a beautiful car, Do I bitch and moan to deaf ears, or do I fix the damn car and suck it up to, "MY BAD"? gdfn' giganantic pause, (HUGE PAUSE if you don't under stand my meaning, like many others, will probably figure out a way to get this rectified. ----AT MY EXPENSE, OF COARSE---- I'm a small business owner, which means squat to the conglomerates. But I gotta tell ya', there is no reason that something as simple as curbing a vehicle, should borderline total it, when all I really should be replacing, is two tires and two rims. Total replacement, $460.00 plus shipping. (Wheels and tires) I paid for free replacement on the tires. If you would like copies of any of the particulars to verify my beef, feel free.
- sbonnell, South Bend, IN, US