Volkswagen Tiguan
engine Problems
Here are Volkswagen Tiguan engine problems, by model year. The most common Tiguan engine problems cost $4,000 to fix & occur at 42,000 miles.
The worst model years for engine problems are the 2010 Tiguan, 2009 Tiguan, and the 2011 Tiguan.
Worst Volkswagen Tiguan Engine Problems
#1: Burning Oil 2018 Tiguan
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $2,000
- Average Mileage:
- 20,000 mi
#2: Engine Shut Down While Driving 2016 Tiguan
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $6,000
- Average Mileage:
- 16,000 mi
#3: Timing Chain Tensioner Defect / Engine Damage 2011 Tiguan
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $4,000
- Average Mileage:
- 90,000 mi