I was driving through a busy intersection with my youngest son (18 months old) when the trunk of my van suddenly flung open. I quickly found a place to pull over and pressed the button to close it automatically (wondering how it even happened??). It lowered but did not latch so it flew back open again. I got out to shut it manually, and still, the door would lower yet not latch. I quickly realized the latch itself had become stuck in the closed position (how it did so while my trunk was closed puzzles me!) so I bungeed the door closed with my Moby wrap (essentially a long piece of fabric that a mother wraps around herself to hold a baby hands free) and drove to the closest VW dealership.
The service writer and mechanic were puzzled as well, but quickly surmised that I would need the latch replaced. I really didn't have a choice but to fix it, I couldn't very well drive a van I was afraid everything would fly out of at any moment! I asked the writer if VW/the dealership could help me out with the price (unknown at that point) as I hadn't done anything to the latch to cause defect. He assured me he would contact everyone he could and give me a good deal. 3 days later when I picked it up, It cost me over $600!!!!! And that was after the dealership had given me their dinky 10% "discount". I DO NOT call $600 a good deal for a trunk latch! I will never return to Jim Ellis VW in Kennesaw GA for ANY service, and I told them that at the close of service and their joke of a follow up call.
I was driving through a busy intersection with my youngest son (18 months old) when the trunk of my van suddenly flung open. I quickly found a place to pull over and pressed the button to close it automatically (wondering how it even happened??). It lowered but did not latch so it flew back open again. I got out to shut it manually, and still, the door would lower yet not latch. I quickly realized the latch itself had become stuck in the closed position (how it did so while my trunk was closed puzzles me!) so I bungeed the door closed with my Moby wrap (essentially a long piece of fabric that a mother wraps around herself to hold a baby hands free) and drove to the closest VW dealership.
The service writer and mechanic were puzzled as well, but quickly surmised that I would need the latch replaced. I really didn't have a choice but to fix it, I couldn't very well drive a van I was afraid everything would fly out of at any moment! I asked the writer if VW/the dealership could help me out with the price (unknown at that point) as I hadn't done anything to the latch to cause defect. He assured me he would contact everyone he could and give me a good deal. 3 days later when I picked it up, It cost me over $600!!!!! And that was after the dealership had given me their dinky 10% "discount". I DO NOT call $600 a good deal for a trunk latch! I will never return to Jim Ellis VW in Kennesaw GA for ANY service, and I told them that at the close of service and their joke of a follow up call.
- Jaime S., Kennesaw, GA, US