The car is very good on everything but this transmission problem. It still has the same problem at present, which I may say has turned worse. The DSG transmission downshifts unexpectedly almost every time the car goes down slope on a road, provided you press the brake. It downshifts two or three gears down! So rpms goes up briskly and it is annoying and you feel insecure. Once it happen, the only way to make the car turn normal is to accelerate hard, or to engage manual transmission and upshift manually.
For instance: you are going on 6th speed on a flat road and it the slope goes down, and you for any reason touch the brake, then the car downshifts to 5, 4, 3rd very fast and rpms speed up very hard.
I have mentioned the problem to the dealer several times, but they say it is good the car downshifts downslope. Maybe, but not so hard. I think it is a matter of an adjustment. Not so hard to fix. But they didn't. I have the car for three years and the problem continues.
The car is very good on everything but this transmission problem. It still has the same problem at present, which I may say has turned worse. The DSG transmission downshifts unexpectedly almost every time the car goes down slope on a road, provided you press the brake. It downshifts two or three gears down! So rpms goes up briskly and it is annoying and you feel insecure. Once it happen, the only way to make the car turn normal is to accelerate hard, or to engage manual transmission and upshift manually.
For instance: you are going on 6th speed on a flat road and it the slope goes down, and you for any reason touch the brake, then the car downshifts to 5, 4, 3rd very fast and rpms speed up very hard.
I have mentioned the problem to the dealer several times, but they say it is good the car downshifts downslope. Maybe, but not so hard. I think it is a matter of an adjustment. Not so hard to fix. But they didn't. I have the car for three years and the problem continues.
- Jose E., Concón, Chile