Contact with Volkswagen they had it in the workshop for 2 day's could not solve problem. I was told they would contact the maker of said sat nav but as yet there's no software to put this right and it's been the same answer all along. I said to them, put a new one in my car and send the old one back to the maker, but they didn't like that idea!! They just palm people off with silly little answers down the line till the car warranty runs out, then it your problem. Same old pillar to post rubbish putting the blame on the maker and not standing up to their responsibility for selling the car to you. I am trying to find out if they knew about these problems before they sold me the car - not fit for purpose theme - after all, they quick to say about it having a built in sat nav. I will do more searching around, that's the basic story so far I will leave all the '//#',#'/ words out.
Contact with Volkswagen they had it in the workshop for 2 day's could not solve problem. I was told they would contact the maker of said sat nav but as yet there's no software to put this right and it's been the same answer all along. I said to them, put a new one in my car and send the old one back to the maker, but they didn't like that idea!! They just palm people off with silly little answers down the line till the car warranty runs out, then it your problem. Same old pillar to post rubbish putting the blame on the maker and not standing up to their responsibility for selling the car to you. I am trying to find out if they knew about these problems before they sold me the car - not fit for purpose theme - after all, they quick to say about it having a built in sat nav. I will do more searching around, that's the basic story so far I will leave all the '//#',#'/ words out.
- brianwatkins, swansea, UK