2007 Toyota Sienna began making a slight whining/rubbing sound at front axle area when decelerating in November 2018. Mechanic unable to replicate the sound. Reported sound again to mechanic in January 2019, unable to replicate the sound. Whining/rubbing sound continued.
On 02Oct19, started the engine, when put into gear, the vehicle jerked forward slightly and when driving away from the curb, began making a flapping/smacking sound under engine at the front passenger side. Parked vehicle. Drove to mechanic next morning, the flapping/smacking sound was not as prominent as the previous day and that sound went away and morphed into a whining sound under the engine. Mechanic examined the vehicle and had to have a transmission specialist take a look. Determined the problem is in the transaxle differential and says it needs to be replaced. Estimated cost is $5,000+. Drove home, the whining/rubbing sound is prominent only when decelerating and when letting up on the accelerator.
Another mechanic examined the van and says the transmission is bad and should be replaced. He suggested a used transmission of less than 50K; not sure that exists given the age of the van. A remanufactured transmission is available from $2,700. but mechanic says remanufactured transmissions will wear out prematurely.
2007 Toyota Sienna began making a slight whining/rubbing sound at front axle area when decelerating in November 2018. Mechanic unable to replicate the sound. Reported sound again to mechanic in January 2019, unable to replicate the sound. Whining/rubbing sound continued.
On 02Oct19, started the engine, when put into gear, the vehicle jerked forward slightly and when driving away from the curb, began making a flapping/smacking sound under engine at the front passenger side. Parked vehicle. Drove to mechanic next morning, the flapping/smacking sound was not as prominent as the previous day and that sound went away and morphed into a whining sound under the engine. Mechanic examined the vehicle and had to have a transmission specialist take a look. Determined the problem is in the transaxle differential and says it needs to be replaced. Estimated cost is $5,000+. Drove home, the whining/rubbing sound is prominent only when decelerating and when letting up on the accelerator.
Another mechanic examined the van and says the transmission is bad and should be replaced. He suggested a used transmission of less than 50K; not sure that exists given the age of the van. A remanufactured transmission is available from $2,700. but mechanic says remanufactured transmissions will wear out prematurely.
- Dennis L., Monrovia, CA, US