Basically want all to know be careful. The lights coming on could be related to many possibilities. You could end up spending thousands of dollars on mechanics attempting to fix the issue and not have it ever resolved.
We went to several auto parts stores where they read the codes, all places came up with different possibilities.
Auto Zone even had a print out for us and a part list with prices, cool.
When we went to a certified and well trusted mechanic, his machine had different possibilities as the culprit.
We went to the dealer...ready to spend enough money to buy another car, their reading pointed to 4 different possibilities totaling close to 5000 dollars...insanity.
My wife and I work in the computer field...and have plenty of experience where a single line of code in an application can point to hundreds of possible code issues. Therefore, we don't blame any mechanics...they are only using tools written by a programmer that may not have a clue about mechanics.
At this point we spent close to 700 dollars to have the following items replaced (we agreed to the replacement based on the fact that these items consistently showed up on all the code review/printouts):
The mechanic cleared the codes...approximately 50 miles later, the same lights as before came back on (TRAC OFF, VSC TRAC and Check Engline).
The Sequoia still makes a temporary thumping sound a few seconds after starting it in the mornings...the thumping noise stops, then starts again and a few seconds later stops and does not start again till the next morning at engine start up.
Overall, the Sequoia runs well...the lights are now an annoyance...just dont know if something is really wrong and may impact some other expensive parts.
However, we are not going to keep paying and paying trying to trace down a possible code bug in the Sequoia electronics software.
Basically want all to know be careful. The lights coming on could be related to many possibilities. You could end up spending thousands of dollars on mechanics attempting to fix the issue and not have it ever resolved.
We went to several auto parts stores where they read the codes, all places came up with different possibilities. Auto Zone even had a print out for us and a part list with prices, cool.
When we went to a certified and well trusted mechanic, his machine had different possibilities as the culprit.
We went to the dealer...ready to spend enough money to buy another car, their reading pointed to 4 different possibilities totaling close to 5000 dollars...insanity.
My wife and I work in the computer field...and have plenty of experience where a single line of code in an application can point to hundreds of possible code issues. Therefore, we don't blame any mechanics...they are only using tools written by a programmer that may not have a clue about mechanics.
At this point we spent close to 700 dollars to have the following items replaced (we agreed to the replacement based on the fact that these items consistently showed up on all the code review/printouts): AIR CONTROL Valve INTAKE MANIFOLD GASKET AIR INJECTION VALVE
The mechanic cleared the codes...approximately 50 miles later, the same lights as before came back on (TRAC OFF, VSC TRAC and Check Engline).
The Sequoia still makes a temporary thumping sound a few seconds after starting it in the mornings...the thumping noise stops, then starts again and a few seconds later stops and does not start again till the next morning at engine start up.
Overall, the Sequoia runs well...the lights are now an annoyance...just dont know if something is really wrong and may impact some other expensive parts.
However, we are not going to keep paying and paying trying to trace down a possible code bug in the Sequoia electronics software.
- jose, Jonesboro, US