The plastic gears have been breaking on toyotas since 2001.I spoke to cutomer service..what a dissapointment!The initial cost from a dealer is over $3000 for the complete blower system,and Toyota has been having problems with the plastic gears for the doors to function properly since 2001 on all toyotas. So here in the heat comes by your feet or on the windshield, feet get cold and windows frost up...only bi-level vents and side window vents work. You guessed it...Toyota doesn't care...but in all the toyota forums it is a big problem and toyota does not stand by their product.
I will be advertising for Toyota and for people to be nervous about their vehicles..AND NOT ADVISE ANYBODY TO BUY A TOYOTA...AS FAR AS CUSTOMER SERVICE...WARRANTY IS GONE AND EXPIRED....TOO BAD FOR THE OWNER!!
My vehicle is a 2007 Toyota Rav 4 with 119,000 kms...pretty much for Toyota standing by their product.
Update from Sep 25, 2017: got my 2007 toyota rav 4 checked out at a toyota dealer..heater box has to changed according to certified toyota mechanic..broken servo gear just hanging and broken...with possible broken cable....the bill from a with removal of heater box...and discharge and recharging air conditioning with taxes $4130.00...this is about ripping customers off...anyone else have any ideas??
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plastic gear for heat/A/C duct operation broken
The plastic gears have been breaking on toyotas since 2001.I spoke to cutomer service..what a dissapointment!The initial cost from a dealer is over $3000 for the complete blower system,and Toyota has been having problems with the plastic gears for the doors to function properly since 2001 on all toyotas. So here in the heat comes by your feet or on the windshield, feet get cold and windows frost up...only bi-level vents and side window vents work. You guessed it...Toyota doesn't care...but in all the toyota forums it is a big problem and toyota does not stand by their product.
I will be advertising for Toyota and for people to be nervous about their vehicles..AND NOT ADVISE ANYBODY TO BUY A TOYOTA...AS FAR AS CUSTOMER SERVICE...WARRANTY IS GONE AND EXPIRED....TOO BAD FOR THE OWNER!!
My vehicle is a 2007 Toyota Rav 4 with 119,000 kms...pretty much for Toyota standing by their product.
Update from Sep 25, 2017: got my 2007 toyota rav 4 checked out at a toyota dealer..heater box has to changed according to certified toyota mechanic..broken servo gear just hanging and broken...with possible broken cable....the bill from a with removal of heater box...and discharge and recharging air conditioning with taxes $4130.00...this is about ripping customers off...anyone else have any ideas??
- choolio, Winnipeg, AK, Canada