When you hit bumps, your ok. When you travel over anything that makes the wheels even slightly dip down, the brakes completely FAIL!!! This has happened to me over TWELVE TIMES in less than 1000 miles. This is so unacceptable it's not funny. THIS WILL CAUSE CRASHES TOYOTA! It's obvious you still have the same anti lock brake software problem from 2010 that you refuse to FIX. I bought this car NEW , CASH, for my daughter to go to school in. If she gets in an accident, I am going to take each person involved in this problem to court (INDIVIDUALLY) and make you pay for this personally out of your own pockets. 7 YEARS OF THE SAME PROBLEM. THIS IS DANGEROUS YOU FOOLS!!!! I'll never buy another toyota as long as I live.
When you hit bumps, your ok. When you travel over anything that makes the wheels even slightly dip down, the brakes completely FAIL!!! This has happened to me over TWELVE TIMES in less than 1000 miles. This is so unacceptable it's not funny. THIS WILL CAUSE CRASHES TOYOTA! It's obvious you still have the same anti lock brake software problem from 2010 that you refuse to FIX. I bought this car NEW , CASH, for my daughter to go to school in. If she gets in an accident, I am going to take each person involved in this problem to court (INDIVIDUALLY) and make you pay for this personally out of your own pockets. 7 YEARS OF THE SAME PROBLEM. THIS IS DANGEROUS YOU FOOLS!!!! I'll never buy another toyota as long as I live.
- Roger F., Elmhurst, IL, US