Seals went bad on this vehicle at 120k miles, had it fixed. Now its at 230k miles and the seals are starting to go bad again. Well worth getting fixed and then running her back into the ground.
I bought a 2001 Toyota Celica from a small dealership. Drove the car home about 30 miles when the check engine light came on. I stopped the car and started checking fluids. There was NO oil on the stick, carbon black junk coming out of the tail pipe. Took the car to an autozone to get a diagnostic check, cylinder 2 missfire. Tried to take the car back to the dealer, they didn't want it. So I lost SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS from this problem. I also change oil at a walmart tire lube and express. There are countless toyotas that come in with little to NO oil on the dipstick. TOYOTA IS KNOWN FOR BAD OIL CONSUMPTION!!! Don't buy a toyota, you will eventually have this same problem and lose thousands of dollars from it!!!
Bought a 2001 celica gt for my fiancee for her christmas present in 07. Ran great for 3 years until the car started burning more oil than normal. She forgot to check the oil one week and blew the engine. Not only do we have to do a rebuilt, but I still owe money on a car we can't drive. I'm a big toyota fan and always have owned toyotas so I'm not gonna let this problem change my ways of thinking, but I do wish "TOYOTA" would have a recall on all 00-05 celica gt.
i already submitted a complaint on here a while back under heavy oil consumption and ticking noises, and the end result of the issues was that the engine pushed a rod through the block and oil pan last night when i was driving home from school and now i dont have a way to get to school. i advice if anyone is currently experiencing this issue that they take it to a mechanic. the only solution at this time is to replace the engine with one from an 2003-2005 celica 1zz-fe engine. Now i am really pissed that this happened, if only roseville toyota would have done a more thorough inspection in the internal engine components when i kept taking it to them for the same issue, none of this would have happened, and now i got to spend more than $2,000 to get it replaced.
this car was my only reliable way of transportation to school, i drive 68 miles round trip 5 days a week. so please give me some good news, and try to get toyota to replace the engine or get me the money back that i have paid for it in full if you can.
I had purchased a 2001 Toyota Celica gt in October 2005 to initially get to and from work, and in 2007 i noticed that the engine was consuming more oil then normal (1 quart oil = 500miles) after the oil was changed at 96,000 miles, i also started noticing a ticking noise coming from the engine compartment that was only noticeable while driving and i don't know what caused it. I've taken it to Roseville Toyota in California to have it checked out and they kept blaming it on my exhaust, even when i took a technician for a drive to let him listen to the noise, but he still said it was my exhaust. I have taken my car to them multiple time to have them check it out and also had them do a valve adjustment to see if that was it. It's been 3 years now and 133,000 miles later I'm still dealing with these issues, except now its ticking all the time. Please help, i'm getting tired of dealing with this issue and its starting to get too expensive, having to keep buying oil every 500 miles. I am a college student and i commute to and from school (68 miles round trip, five days a week), and these issues i've been experiencing is so frustrating, and the engine ticks soo much like its about to break down, and the anticipation of when it's gonna break down is getting to be very irritating. I had initially purchased the car knowing that Toyota was known for making reliable and durable cars like Honda, so i decided to give Toyota a try and see if it held up to its reputation, and plus it was an upgrade from my 89 Honda civic that i use to have. I've experienced more mechanical problems with this car then my civic had and it was an 89. I thought Toyota was suppose to be reliable, durable, and dependable, i guess not. If i would have known these cars had soo many issues ahead of time, I would have just stayed with Honda, at least i know Honda lasts longer then 200,000 miles.
Seals went bad on this vehicle at 120k miles, had it fixed. Now its at 230k miles and the seals are starting to go bad again. Well worth getting fixed and then running her back into the ground.
- Chris O., Ithaca, MI, US