I wanted another Camry since I had owned two Toyota's and had been fairly satisfied with them. I couldn't afford a new one, but found a nice used 2017. Had to take car salesman on the trial drive so I had to behave and couldn't really test the car or go very far. I got it for a reasonable price. My husband drives a hard deal.
I didn't notice on first couple of times driving but it wasn't long before I did start noticing that my car creaks. Not only does it creak, it pops, snaps and groans as well. I feel like I'm driving Christine. I don't know if it's the seams or what but the car metal sounds like it's coming apart or at least bending with each bump, sharp turn or hole I hit. It's a bit frightening to think I may hit a bump and lose the back section behind me on the road. Any one else own a Toyota with this problem? I feel that Toyota has lost pride in their product and my next car may be a Nissan.
I wanted another Camry since I had owned two Toyota's and had been fairly satisfied with them. I couldn't afford a new one, but found a nice used 2017. Had to take car salesman on the trial drive so I had to behave and couldn't really test the car or go very far. I got it for a reasonable price. My husband drives a hard deal.
I didn't notice on first couple of times driving but it wasn't long before I did start noticing that my car creaks. Not only does it creak, it pops, snaps and groans as well. I feel like I'm driving Christine. I don't know if it's the seams or what but the car metal sounds like it's coming apart or at least bending with each bump, sharp turn or hole I hit. It's a bit frightening to think I may hit a bump and lose the back section behind me on the road. Any one else own a Toyota with this problem? I feel that Toyota has lost pride in their product and my next car may be a Nissan.
- Marianna J., Pinetown, US