Well bought this car after owning 2003 camry XLE. I just wanted to get another camry XLE because i had was a great car plus good gas mileage. Its a used car but with only 43000 kilo though wow good deal.I have noticed this transmission or slowing down fast after you let off the gas it a pain and mileage is not like my other car. I would like to know if the other camry drivers have had their car fixed. I have financed this car for 5ys and hope this can be fixed.
I purchased my second Toyota Camry back in September of '09, brand spanking new, and as I would drive it and take my foot off the gas to coast it decelerates quickly and feels like it's only going 5 mph! I usually have to step on the gas to move quicker to an intersection/stop sign, etc. I took my car into the dealer and they couldn't duplicate the problem; TYPICAL! I was shocked to see other people having the same issue and will print them out and take it back to my dealer. See second complaint for another issue!
The car downshifts intermittently when you let off of the accelerator at slower, in-town driving speeds. This is extremely annoying and frustrating since, you have to try to compensate for this by accelerating whenever that happens which, many times results in a lurching and jerky driving experience since, you're usually trying to coast when that happens. Toyota does not consider this a problem. In fact, I was even told once that this is a “safety feature€ as a go-away answer by Toyota. Un-real!!
Toyota is not what it used to be. Don't buy one!!!
This car will down shift at speeds under 40 like a manual transmission.
Update from May 14, 2013: The back brakes wore out after 22000 miles. Toyota fixed the bad clip and replaced the pads and turned the rotors for free. This helped with the shifting problem some.
compared to my 2002 Buick Lesabre and my Chevrolet truck, the 2010 Camry sucks when you compare its coasting ability (removing your foot off the accelerator). Its almost as if you are applying the brake. It rapidly slows down. I don't know if this is by design or defect. This definitely will affect miles per gallon. My car has already been in twice for recalls. I am very unhappy with this vehicle.. All the media hell broke loose the week after I purchased this car. I asked Toyota to take it back but they advised they fix them, they don't take them back.
Well bought this car after owning 2003 camry XLE. I just wanted to get another camry XLE because i had was a great car plus good gas mileage. Its a used car but with only 43000 kilo though wow good deal.I have noticed this transmission or slowing down fast after you let off the gas it a pain and mileage is not like my other car. I would like to know if the other camry drivers have had their car fixed. I have financed this car for 5ys and hope this can be fixed.
- Bill M., FortErie, Ontario, canada