This car has been dubbed �the Microsoft Car�; partly because you have to push the Start button to shut it off, partly because it tries to second-guess every action you take. I am waiting for it to ask me, �Are you sure you want to take this action?� When it does this car will be found abandoned on the side of the road.
1. Headlights intermittently will not come on, they must be turned on by hand. The last time this happened was Thursday night with my wife driving.
2. Cruise control does not always release when the brakes are �tapped�; it only released when the brakes were aggressively applied at the same time the cruise was turned off with the on/off button. It repeated this two or three times.
3. Cruise control doesn�t, it �creeps�. It is slow, but it is there.
4. Cruise control intermittently adds/subtracts 1-3 mph when the switch is cycled, you never know how much/little until you cycle the switch. It is easier to shut the cruise off and back on then reset to the desired speed than try to add/subtract.
5. �Cancel� function on the cruise stalk has yet to work for me.
6. On Sunday when my wife was driving the car, the cruise would drop out for no apparent reason. It did this half a dozen times within a 10-15 minute time frame while we talked on the phone.
7. Seat will not adjust �up� or �down�, (vertically) it goes forward and up or back and down.
1. Garage door opener buttons will not program as per manual.
2. Headlights are either off or on with daytime running lights. I want lights on auto without daytime running lights.
3. Wipers: Work when it is not raining and cannot be turned off, don�t work when it rains. Switch position does not seem to matter.
4. Car says the fobs are programmed yet does not recognize and adjust the seat accordingly unless the unlock button on the fob is pressed.
5. Car has tried to lock me out on three occasions and refused to open the door.
6. Sometimes when you try to lock the door using the button on the outer door handle the car goes nuts, flashing the lights, beeping and all manner of nonsense, but it will not lock the doors.
7. Who was the genius that decided a 3-second delay was needed on the door locks?
8. When you change the seat position using the button on the door, it does return to the previously programmed position. It will be very close but not the same as before.
1. Driver seat heat/cool only works on the �southern� regions. Passenger seat works on the back. Car I test-drove worked thru the back of the drivers seat.
2. Plastic shroud around the gearshift hangs up on the console, causing interference when shifting.
3. Big scratch inside the console. Verna and I talked about this when the car was delivered.
4. On Sunday while my wife was driving the car she had a cd in slot 5, if she hit the disk ^ button it would jump to slot 2, even though there was a disk in slot 4. If she hit the disk ^ again it would jump to slot 4, even though there was a disk in slot 1.
1. Rev limiter is brutal when it cuts in, need this be softened so as to not cause loss of control in certain situations.
2. Shifting of transmission is very slow and indecisive, acts like it a quart low on fluid. It is this way whether allowed to shift itself or I do it.
This vehicle has been to 3 different dealerships for the same issues and everyone said there was nothing wrong with it. It has been report to the state, whoses response was to follow the lemon law guide lines on their web site. Now I know why nobody ever wins a lemon law suit, that law was written by the car manufacturers.
I then proceed to find the "customer service" contact info for corporate toyota and called them, went thru their ACD line and finally got to some bimbo who, after hearing the list of issues this vehicle is afflicted with, asked, " What would you like us to do about it?"
I would like to say that I stuck it out and got it fixed, the reality is, these bastards have made the last penny off of me.
Avalon Issues
This car has been dubbed �the Microsoft Car�; partly because you have to push the Start button to shut it off, partly because it tries to second-guess every action you take. I am waiting for it to ask me, �Are you sure you want to take this action?� When it does this car will be found abandoned on the side of the road.
1. Headlights intermittently will not come on, they must be turned on by hand. The last time this happened was Thursday night with my wife driving. 2. Cruise control does not always release when the brakes are �tapped�; it only released when the brakes were aggressively applied at the same time the cruise was turned off with the on/off button. It repeated this two or three times. 3. Cruise control doesn�t, it �creeps�. It is slow, but it is there. 4. Cruise control intermittently adds/subtracts 1-3 mph when the switch is cycled, you never know how much/little until you cycle the switch. It is easier to shut the cruise off and back on then reset to the desired speed than try to add/subtract. 5. �Cancel� function on the cruise stalk has yet to work for me. 6. On Sunday when my wife was driving the car, the cruise would drop out for no apparent reason. It did this half a dozen times within a 10-15 minute time frame while we talked on the phone. 7. Seat will not adjust �up� or �down�, (vertically) it goes forward and up or back and down.
1. Garage door opener buttons will not program as per manual. 2. Headlights are either off or on with daytime running lights. I want lights on auto without daytime running lights. 3. Wipers: Work when it is not raining and cannot be turned off, don�t work when it rains. Switch position does not seem to matter. 4. Car says the fobs are programmed yet does not recognize and adjust the seat accordingly unless the unlock button on the fob is pressed. 5. Car has tried to lock me out on three occasions and refused to open the door. 6. Sometimes when you try to lock the door using the button on the outer door handle the car goes nuts, flashing the lights, beeping and all manner of nonsense, but it will not lock the doors. 7. Who was the genius that decided a 3-second delay was needed on the door locks? 8. When you change the seat position using the button on the door, it does return to the previously programmed position. It will be very close but not the same as before.
1. Driver seat heat/cool only works on the �southern� regions. Passenger seat works on the back. Car I test-drove worked thru the back of the drivers seat. 2. Plastic shroud around the gearshift hangs up on the console, causing interference when shifting. 3. Big scratch inside the console. Verna and I talked about this when the car was delivered. 4. On Sunday while my wife was driving the car she had a cd in slot 5, if she hit the disk ^ button it would jump to slot 2, even though there was a disk in slot 4. If she hit the disk ^ again it would jump to slot 4, even though there was a disk in slot 1.
1. Rev limiter is brutal when it cuts in, need this be softened so as to not cause loss of control in certain situations. 2. Shifting of transmission is very slow and indecisive, acts like it a quart low on fluid. It is this way whether allowed to shift itself or I do it.
This vehicle has been to 3 different dealerships for the same issues and everyone said there was nothing wrong with it. It has been report to the state, whoses response was to follow the lemon law guide lines on their web site. Now I know why nobody ever wins a lemon law suit, that law was written by the car manufacturers.
I then proceed to find the "customer service" contact info for corporate toyota and called them, went thru their ACD line and finally got to some bimbo who, after hearing the list of issues this vehicle is afflicted with, asked, " What would you like us to do about it?" I would like to say that I stuck it out and got it fixed, the reality is, these bastards have made the last penny off of me.
- mrodent, Anaheim, CA/92803-3232, US