really awful- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 149,000 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (1 reports)

exhaust system problem
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This was 2005 Subaru Outback # 7 and it was a pleasure to drive except for the constant check engine light issues that finally lead to the catalytic converter being replaced.That did not settle the issue as the light would come back on and they would give me a costly repair bill to fix it. Five months later the check engine light would come on again and it would kill the speed controls on the expressways. Not good when you have a semi behind you at 65 miles an hour and suddenly you drop out of that speed with him driving up your tail pipe.
I finally found the light out one early one morning .I took advantage of the light out and drove it to another Subaru dealer and traded it that very day for the 2013 Outback that is an oil user. Can't win. Subaru used to be really good at standing behind their vehicles. We never had issues with the two 1998's nor the two 1999's. But it all began with a 2002 Outback that only lasted three months in the family before we traded in and moved up to the mostly trouble free 2004 body issue Subaru Outback. No mechanical issues with that, but sure had body rust out issues. All the 1998's went over 275,000 trouble free miles, one 1999 went 240,000 miles and the other 1999 almost made it to 100,000 when our son home from Iraq War was hit head on in it, It was totaled. It protected him well and he had no injuries.
One of the reasons why we have driven Subaru autos is because they protect you so well in a crash. As we have had our share of deer hits down through the years and the damage has been moderate to severe, but no injuries.
- Dorothea P., Piffard, NY, US