Notes: Is burning a quart of oil every 1,000 miles normal? Depends on who you ask. While Subaru says it's within "normal specifications," owners wonder why they need to top off their oil reservoir 4 times between every 5,000 mile oil change.
pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $1,250
- Average Mileage:
- 74,350 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 2 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- replace front axles (2 reports)

drivetrain problem
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While I am limited to Only ONE complaint on this website, this vehicle is (was) so ladened with problems that I could fill a book. For the record we recently traded the vehicle on a new Mazda and would not consider ever buying a Subaru again. Had the car since new litany of problems began around 100000kilo (60000 miles) as follows: muffler, left rear wheel bearing, right rear wheel bearing, right front axle.
I had an oil consumption test but since used 1/2 litre in 6000 kilometres and Subaru's threshold was a litre in 11000 Kilometres - which was not considered "excessive".
Driver's side seat began to unravel at 132000k.
Also replaced speed sensor on left (or right cannot remember which side) wheel at a cost of approx. $500. Air con wasn't putting out much cold air three years in - had it checked and was told NO refrigerant in system so it was filled and dye added told to come back when air con no longer worked. Continued to work right up till we traded which leads us to believe it never had enough refrigerant from the get go - never did seem to get that cold like our old 99 Buick (which we still have did and still does!!).
Straw that broke the camel's back is that one of the two gas supports that hold up the power lift gate pin broke off due to lack of lubrication and snapped off. Wouldn't have been so bad but as it let go, broke through the left rear taillight lens. Loved to drive it BUT it was just one thing after another. Great vehicle if you have the patience of Job and have won the lottery!!!
- Jack B., Barrie, ON, Canada