Washer Fluid Level Sensor
Prior to replacing this part due to "Low Washer Fluid" tell tale light on the dash and
the washer fluid bottle is full, please perform the this inspection.
Inspect the sensor for a fluid coating on the sensor pins. Orange colored rain
repellant can cause this fluid build-up. Clean the pins, drain the reservoir, and fill
with Mopar approved washer fluid. Check to determine if the issue has been
resolved. Continue with repair if necessary. Also, please inform the customer not to
use Rain-X in the system to avoid this issue.
Please contact Chuck Hood at cell (248) 613-7591 if you have questions or need
additional information. Thank you.
Washer Fluid Level Sensor
Prior to replacing this part due to "Low Washer Fluid" tell tale light on the dash and
the washer fluid bottle is full, please perform the this inspection.
Inspect the sensor for a fluid coating on the sensor pins. Orange colored rain
repellant can cause this fluid build-up. Clean the pins, drain the reservoir, and fill
with Mopar approved washer fluid. Check to determine if the issue has been
resolved. Continue with repair if necessary. Also, please inform the customer not to
use Rain-X in the system to avoid this issue.
Please contact Chuck Hood at cell (248) 613-7591 if you have questions or need
additional information. Thank you.