Integrated Center Stack
If vehicle is found within 50 mile radius of the Detroit Metro area please hold vehicle
and contact:~
Contact one of the following:~
Daniel Acciacca CELL (586) 709-1537~
Michael Savich CELL (248) 214-7270~
Ayed Hadaad CELL (248) 941-8707~
On a 2015 & 2016MY LA (Challenger), LD(Charger) and LX (300), the Integrated
Center Stack (ICS) may experience a lock-up/Inop condition (complete loss of
functionality) during any vehicle diagnostic session (reading fault codes, clearing
fault codes, reflashing of any module, etc.). If this occurs, do not replace the ICS.
The module functionality can be restored if it is reset by disconnecting power to it
(by removing fuse, battery disconnect or module connector disconnect).~
Integrated Center Stack
If vehicle is found within 50 mile radius of the Detroit Metro area please hold vehicle
and contact:~
Contact one of the following:~
Daniel Acciacca CELL (586) 709-1537~
Michael Savich CELL (248) 214-7270~
Ayed Hadaad CELL (248) 941-8707~
On a 2015 & 2016MY LA (Challenger), LD(Charger) and LX (300), the Integrated
Center Stack (ICS) may experience a lock-up/Inop condition (complete loss of
functionality) during any vehicle diagnostic session (reading fault codes, clearing
fault codes, reflashing of any module, etc.). If this occurs, do not replace the ICS.
The module functionality can be restored if it is reset by disconnecting power to it
(by removing fuse, battery disconnect or module connector disconnect).~