Radio Over The Air Updating to QR40.12 Software Version
Mobile Wi-Fi inoperative upon start up.
? Hotspot gives 9No Internet9 connection message on phone, when trying to connect to a device.
This bulletin provides information regarding the latest Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) update and provides the service technician an overview of the steps a customer will need to take to complete the update. The
radio software will be updated from QR39.7 to QR40.12. NOTE: National launch for this FOTA update is expected to begin March 10, 2023. DISCUSSION: Vehicles sold in the U.S. and Canada can now receive software updates ?over-the-air?. Updates to software will occur in a phased roll-out. The software is updated through the built-in cellular modem in the radio.
Radio Over The Air Updating to QR40.12 Software Version
Mobile Wi-Fi inoperative upon start up.
? Hotspot gives 9No Internet9 connection message on phone, when trying to connect to a device.
This bulletin provides information regarding the latest Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) update and provides the service technician an overview of the steps a customer will need to take to complete the update. The
radio software will be updated from QR39.7 to QR40.12. NOTE: National launch for this FOTA update is expected to begin March 10, 2023. DISCUSSION: Vehicles sold in the U.S. and Canada can now receive software updates ?over-the-air?. Updates to software will occur in a phased roll-out. The software is updated through the built-in cellular modem in the radio.