Radio Over The Air Updating to 40.12 Software Version
Mobile Wi-Fi inoperative upon start up. Hotspot gives 9No Internet9 connection message on phone when trying to connect to a device. This bulletin provides information regarding the latest Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) update and provides the service technician an overview of the steps a customer will need to take to complete the update. The radio software will be updated from 39.5 to 40.12.
Radio Over The Air Updating to 40.12 Software Version
Mobile Wi-Fi inoperative upon start up. Hotspot gives 9No Internet9 connection message on phone when trying to connect to a device. This bulletin provides information regarding the latest Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) update and provides the service technician an overview of the steps a customer will need to take to complete the update. The radio software will be updated from 39.5 to 40.12.