Had the air suspension replaced twice, had an 8 year 125,000 platinum extended warranty, (it's a Fiat) and had an inspection by the dealer who ordered the parts then flunked it for inspection with less than 40,000 miles for lower control arms and brakes (which had all been replaced a year earlier), I got my truck away from the Ram Dealer in Keene NH and got most of my money back, service writer was lying, cheating and stealing, anyway, the air suspension system freezes when it's below zero, and the last time it failed the rear was elevated 5" it's highest point and the front was on the rails,(bottomed out) no air, that's dangerous to drive.
So it's needs it's 3rd rebuild but it's no longer under warranty, not to mention the motor which was supposed to get 29mpg and tow my horse trailer, but then they found out that the diesel timing wasn't legit, same deal as the VW's, so they changed things, now it gets 22mpg and can't tow anything till it's warmed up, then it struggles with lite loads, it was in the shop for 9 month in 2022 waiting for parts for the def system,
The dealer repaired the air suspension twice on warranty. Unfortunately they never upgraded the system so I have never been able to use my truck in the winter. They did enough to milk it off the warranty and then it would no longer do anything. They never actually corrected the issues. I have since 'deleted' the air suspension system that I paid for at my own expense. Dealer admits it is a defective system but won't fix it.
Air suspension will deflate in areo mode while drivers down the highway and will not raise back up. If put into entry/exit mode, truck will not raise back up, even when you hear the compressor running. If weight is added to the bed of the truck, while truck is turned off, system will deflate. Only way to get the truck to raise back up is the turn the truck on and off several times, and hit the raise button, cross your fingers and hope that this time it will raise. Some times this takes multiple days. Dealership had the truck for 2 months, I got it back yesterday, and now the truck is completely deflated and I can't get it to raise back up.
First, my front struts went on the Sept. long weekend. Dealership wanted $6400.00 Cdn. I found new struts @ wholesaler and he repair ended up costing $3500 Cdn. One week later air wouldn't lift and kept getting error message "Unable to achieve ride height due to payload".When ride height was selected, compressor would continue to run until vehicle was turned off. Supposedly only needed update. Now compressor has failed and dealer offered me a deal of 1/2 price (my share is $1750 Cdn). This is third time in as many weeks that my RAM has been to the dealer. My son-in-law sold his RAM (identical to mine) last year because of THREE complete failures in 6 months. He is never going back to a Dodge product and I am feeling the same way. The people in the service dept. as well as the manager have all commented on the annoyance of RAM 1500 trucks constantly coming in for repairs as well as the exorbitant price Dodge charges for parts. While my RAM is now in the shop (has 82000 km) the front transaxles are being replaced for the second time due to failure. One of the mechanics has said this is another common problem that Dodge knows about.
I am sure the compressor failed was due to the improper repair and update of the front struts, causing the compressor to constantly run until the vehicle was shut down. Dodge is aware of the air suspension problems and does nothing to fix it, much like GM with the last key problem. Until Dodge has their feet held to the fire they will continue to produce defective products.
Paid extra for this option, now dealer tells that the best solution is to replace it with a regular stock suspension at a cost of $3,500. NO WAY
- Wayne M., Waterloo, ON, Canada