Notes: No heat, no air conditioning, and visibility issues because of a busted defogger system. Basically, anything coming out of a vent in the 2006 Torrent is broken.
fairly significant- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 160,000 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 2 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (2 reports)

seat belts / air bags problem
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While driving to work on the highway (70 mph), I was in the left south bound lane and I noticed that there were some cars coming up behind me pretty fast so I thought I would get into the right lane and let them pass.
There was a dump truck in the right lane in front of me and as I looked into my passenger side window to check my blind spot while trying to merge into the right lane, I didn't realize that the right lane traffic had started to back up. I looked up to see the dump truck hit his brakes hard and I swerved back into the left lane to avoid hitting him. When I swerved, I must have over corrected because my car went squirrelly. I knew that if I turned it to the right I would hit the cars and possibly the dump truck. I saw that there was a break in traffic in the north bound lanes so I turned it left with the hopes that I would stop in the median. I went down the small hill in the median (side swiping a state sign), through the ditch, up the smaller hill on the other side, across both north bound lanes of traffic (miraculously not hitting anyone) and then slammed head first into the guardrail (still going about 50 mph.) Thankfully I didn't hit anyone during this whole ordeal and luckily I didn't get seriously hurt. (Minus some colorful seat belt rash and bruising across my neck and chest.)
What surprised me and alarmed me the most was that at no point did my front air bags deploy, even after my front end ate the guardrail. (See photos) If I hadn't been wearing my seat belt I could have been seriously hurt, or possibly even have hit/gone through the windshield. One would have thought, that in this type of front-end collision (be it a guardrail and not another vehicle) that hitting something head first at 50 mph would be cause enough for the air bags to deploy. Granted my car was a little older (2006), I would still assume 50 mph would be fast enough to elicit the help of the air bags when slamming into something.
Needless-to-say, my confidence in the safety of GM's vehicles is pretty much dead, just like my car!
- Ashley A., Chester, VA, US