Notes: No heat, no air conditioning, and visibility issues because of a busted defogger system. Basically, anything coming out of a vent in the 2006 Torrent is broken.
really awful- Typical Repair Cost:
- $30
- Average Mileage:
- 85,000 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- replace ecm (1 reports)

engine problem
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Sister-in-law complained that the car temporarily lost power for a second or two then picked back up and ran fine. I went to check the codes and there were none. Put plugs, plug wires, then coil pack on since it hadn't been tuned up since they bought it. Made no difference at all. Continued doing it without throwing any codes. Explained that I couldn't do much about it since I had no idea where to look for the problem. Brother-in-law has medical problems and many doctors appointments. This was very nervewracking for them as they already had enough on their minds. Then the car died on them twice while driving it. She coasted to the side of the road and tried to restart it. Dash lights came on but starter would not turn the engine over. After sitting for a few minutes, tried again and the car started right up. Drove about 5 minutes and it died again. Same as before, wouldn't turn the engine over to restart. Let it sit a few minutes and it started right up, but this time it threw a code. She made it home and parked it, too afraid to try to drive it anymore.
The code it threw was U0100. Generic code for lost connection with the computer. Got the car down to my garage and let it sit there running. It would periodically "cough" then pick back up. After several times of this, it coughed and died. Tried to restart and it wouldn't. Let it sit for a few minutes and it started right up, only to repeat this scenario sporadically over time. Since it first started acting up, I have spent hours and hours researching this problem on this site and countless others. Found out that many people have had the same problem with their vehicles, taking it to the dealership only to be told that they could not find a problem with it, or the dealership replacing parts only to have the same problem reoccurring sometimes right after pulling out of the dealership's lot. Problem not fixed. NOT AN ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION!!!!
I spent hours checking ground connections, positive connections, wiggling, pushing, and pulling on wires trying to get it to malfunction but to no avail. I am not a repair shop and do not have any diagnostic equipment other than a volt ohm meter and a code reader. Finally came to the conclusion that it was the ECM. Got on the internet and typed in "06 Torrent Ecm. Saw some listed as reconditioned-needs reprogrammed for about $280.00 dollars. Saw some listed on EBAY for sale. Found one that was listed as good that matched my sister-in-law's for $25.00 free shipping, so I ordered it. Figured it was worth a shot for only $25.00. ☆☆☆☆Special Note☆☆☆☆ Three numbers MUST match the one you're replacing☆☆☆☆Top number (in my case - 10604028, Bottom number - 10600928, and upper right corner - four alphabetical letters must match. ☆☆☆☆ These ALL have to match or it WILL NOT WORK! Received the ECM on Saturday, disconnected the battery before installing the "new" ECM, reconnected the battery and started it up.Been running great ever since. No coughing, no dying!
GM HAS to know that this is a problem, but is failing to take any responsibility for this problem. In my research, I know that I have come across at least 50 people who have had the same issues that we have had. I guess Gm is going to hold out until someone's car dies while they are driving it and they get sued over someone getting killed over this issue. I posted this in hopes of helping someone who is having the same problems as we have had.☆☆☆☆ONE MORE NOTE☆☆☆☆ GM uses the same ECM in several different vehicles☆☆☆☆Torrent, Malibu, and a few others, but the numbers and letters HAVE to match yours!☆☆☆☆
- Mark S., Corydon, IN, US