pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $620
- Average Mileage:
- 109,350 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 2 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (2 reports)

accessories - interior problem
Helpful websites
- Passlock/VATS Bypass - This site sells a part that will bypass your defective passlock system. You are not alone because many many people have been kept out of thier OWN cars because of this defective system. This part will bypass the whole security system so you never have trouble again. Much cheaper than taking it to a dealer. Worth checking out for sure.
HI. I recently bought a used 2001 Pontiac Grand Am GT and am having what I assume to be electrical issues. Yesterday, while driving on the highway on a road trip, the Security light came on and stayed lit, not flashing. Two hours later, again while driving, the car door locks began locking and unlocking continuously and did so for 2 hours. Finally, after I stopped for gas and restarted the car, the security light went off and the locks stopped locking and unlocking. About an hour later, still while driving, the "Security" light came on again. When I arrived at my destination, I could not get the door locks to stay locked when the car was parked and turned off.
When I woke up the following morning, my trunk was open (and no one had touched the keys and the car was off!). So, I thought perhaps the keyless entry control had a defect of some kind. I removed the battery from the keyless entry control and manually unlocked the door with the key. When I put the key in the ignition the "Security" light was on, but was now blinking. The car would not start. I followed the instructions I had read about resetting. I turned the key to the "on" position and waited approximately 11 minutes until the "Security" light went off. I then moved the key to the off position, waited one minute and then started the car. Shortly thereafter, the "Security" light came back on and remained solid but the car started every time I stopped thereafter.
Later that same day, I parked the car and went out to dinner, knowing that the car would not stay locked on its own, but thought I would deal with that later. When I returned to the car, the lights on my rear-view mirror and the dome light on the inside of the car were on and the alarm on the inside was going off as if to alert me that a door was ajar. I got in and started the car and the alarm went off, but the lights remained on. I drove the car home, and the lights went off, but would come on at each stop sign or red light (or whenever the car was in stopped position). As I accelerated, they would then go off again. This repeated. When I finally parked the car at home and got out, the inside lights would not turn off and the buzzer/alarm would not turn off either. I walked around the car and reshut every door. I did this twice. With great frustration, I went around and pushed harder on each closed door to make sure they were all the way closed. When I did this to the rear passenger door, the inside lights went out, but the buzzer kept going off.
There was also a light that went off indicating low coolant, which I just had topped off and checked three days prior.
Yesterday, I took it to Autozone to have them hook it up to their computer. The car was dinging while the guy was checking it and he said, "well, the computer says everything is all clear, but I can obviously tell that it isn't."
Now the radio won't work either and the display says "error".
I thought this was perhaps a computer issues, but I am now thinking there is a wire somewhere tripping various things....either that, or perhaps my car is haunted?
I've got an appointment with a mechanic in two days, but he's not optimistic. If I can't get this fixed, I will NEVER buy another Pontiac!
Update from Nov 23, 2010: Hi!
After additional research and a phone call to a dealer who is a good friend, I decided to have the Body Control Module replaced. The part cost approximately $320 and there was an additional $300 cost for labor. I have not had the issues happen again since getting replaced.
Only once since then has my car not started, and I did the 'reset' that many recommend. I put the key in the ignition to the "on" position without starting the car, waited 11 minutes, and then turned to the off position. I then restarted the car with no issues. The security light does come on and go off randomly still, but the car doesn't stop working. The lights, locks, and truck issues were all resolved with the new BCM. My local mechanic said this is a common problem with this type of car.
- nottylou, Chicago, IL, US