Turns Over But Won't Start
2001 Oldsmobile Alero (Page 3 of 6)
This problem may be covered under warranty. Ask your Oldsmobile dealer.

pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $410
- Average Mileage:
- 92,450 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 119 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (66 reports)
- replaced fuel pump (11 reports)
- passlock security device (8 reports)
- dealer reset the security system, fixed it temporarily (5 reports)
- replaced ignition switch & reset security system (3 reports)
- replace oil pressure sensor (2 reports)

engine problem
Helpful websites
- No one has added a helpful site for this 2001 Alero problem yet. Be the first!
First let me say this. I am sorry for calling my wife a lier. LOL. She has missed work several times because the Alero wouldn't start. I would attempt to start the car later in the day and it would start right up. This happened over the last several months. And I was thinking to myself she was just lazy and didn't want to go to work.
We packed the car up for vacation and all piled into the car for vacation. I went to start the car and it wouldn't start. I looked around the engine compartment for a bit and took off the air cleaner. I had my wife start the car while I sprayed carb cleaner down the throttle. The car would run on it but would die when the stpray ran out. I switched the relays out and still no start. I also checked all fuses and no luck. So I assumed it was the fuel pump and we took my Sentra on vacation.
While on vacation I ordered a fuel pump on line so it would be there when I came back. When we got back sure enough the fuel pump was sitting on the porch waiting to be installed. I am so glad I went to work and did a search for Alero problems and came to this website. I followed the 10 min with the key to Acc, removed the key for 10 sec and attempted to start. It fired right up. I am only out $40 for the pump but I can't believe a manufacturer would install a system on a car that does not work all the time. It is like not doing your homework. I feel real sorry for the people that did everything to get their cars to start before someone figured out the passlock system was at fault. Thank you all for writing this down so I didn't have to go through the same thing you all did.
- Scott R., Maryville, TN, US