Notes: The 2005-2007 Xterra appears to have a widespread defect where coolant leaks into the transmission, causing transmission failure around 90,000 miles. Repair costs are typically upwards of $3,500.

The same defect exists in the Pathfinder & Frontier as well. And according to the New York Times & a class action lawsuit, the defect actually extends through 2010 model year. More info here.


really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
Average Mileage:
112,600 miles
Total Complaints:
159 complaints

Most Common Solutions:

  1. replace radiator and transmission (62 reports)
  2. replace transmission (51 reports)
  3. not sure (30 reports)
  4. flushed trans and replaced radiator (8 reports)
  5. replace radiator and transmission fluid (3 reports)
  6. fixed it myself (2 reports)
2006 Nissan Xterra transmission problems

transmission problem

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2006 Nissan Xterra Owner Comments (Page 6 of 8)

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problem #59

Apr 122014

Xterra ES 4.0L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 132,820 miles


I bought this Nissan xterra at an auction, my mistake, and shortly there after I started having problems. I first went online to see if it was something simple but soon realized it was more.

I used to have a Nissan king cab back in the 90's and loved that little truck, it was a very dependable truck and that is why I didn't hesitate to buy another one. The price I paid for this xterra was well under the blue book.

I am a simple man who doesn't have this type of money lying around to through at this xterra and this fix is severely going to hurt my savings. I was buying this vehicle for my wife to replace our aging vehicle and well now I have an expensive piece of junk to look at till I can come up with the money to fix it.

I am extremely disappointed about what is happening and feel that Nissan should step up and do the right thing and recall these vehicles to cover the cost of a problem I am sure they knew about, if not this is truly going to be a severe blow to them if they don't.

thank you deeply depressed owner

- Laurance P., Ypsilanti, MI, US

problem #58

Dec 312013

Xterra X 4.0L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 111,000 miles

I bought a new Xterra X (auto trans) in 2006. Everything was great for a few years. Recently, at about 110K miles, a garage found trans fluid in the radiator. They had to flush the engine and replaced the radiator. I then had to have the transmission flushed, all of which totaled $1500 so far... the reverse gear barely works and the transmissions guy said I'll need to have it rebuilt which will cost about $4000... This has been devastating... I'm on such a tight budget as it is I don't even have enough to put food on the table, there's no way I can afford another $4000. But the biggest kick in the head is finding out this is a KNOWN issues with Nissan, and they refused to own up to it. I've always liked Nissan having owned 2 other Nissans in the past... But now.. I will NEVER EVER buy another f@%kin Nissan Ever again and I will spread the word to anyone (online or offline) we will listen. This is inexcusable!

- g1000, Bridgewater, NJ, US

problem #57

Apr 252014

Xterra SE 4.0L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 132,000 miles

This is a known problem with several models of Nissans year 2005-2010. Class Action has been taken regarding this issue, but the settlement was ridiculously unhelpful to car owners since the issue generally occurs after 100,000 miles. The lawsuit was settled 5-8 years after the models came out, so of course a lot of them are going to have at least 100,000 miles and are therefore not covered. Those covered under warranty still received very little help from Nissan to recoup this hugely expensive and catastrophic issue. A recall should have been issued for this. I will never buy another Nissan. It is acceptable for models to have flaws, but it is unacceptable for Nissan not to admit and properly address it, leaving customers to foot the bill of a new transmission and radiator since they will undoubtedly fail early.

- Ashley M., Cheyenne, WY, US

problem #56

May 022014

Xterra OffRoad

  • Automatic transmission
  • 118,000 miles


I haven't had this repaired because at $6731 it is almost more than the vehicle is worth! Still in shock that the transmission part alone is over $3400! Trying to figure out what to do, need a car, but sure don't have $6731 to repair this one!! We thought Nissan was a quality product. We bought a vehicle that we thought would be tough and last, last much longer than 118K miles! It was scary driving on the freeway at 65 and having your car act like it was going to stall - so bad today that I drove directly to my mechanic. It seems that this is a problem that Nissan is aware of, but didn't feel it needed to pass this info on - what are recalls for if they don't help with a major problem like your radiator leaking into the transmission and screwing everything up to the cost of $6731!!!!! I love my Xterra and have taken good care of it....but how do you take care of something that you don't know about! If this is Nissan quality - I think I'll try another brand!

- Gail T., Rohnert Park, CA, US

problem #55

Apr 072014


  • Automatic transmission
  • 185,000 miles

When I hit 40mph, the truck feels and sounds like I am driving over rumble strip and the odometer needle will rise. Looks like previous owner had it "fixed" by Nissan but really all they did was put a band aid on it. Really upset over this. I have not had an estimate from a transmission shop because the shop that I took it too can't even give me an estimate because they won't touch it. I am screwed.

Thanks Nissan for hurting a single mother of two who works for everything and gets no help and I go to school. Not only is my job jeopardized but my schooling is as well as I have no ride to get to work or school. I have 4 classes left you bastards. Thought I was doing the right thing by buying Nissan but I will never own another Nissan for the rest of my life, nor will my kids when they drive. Have no idea how I am going to continue to pay on a truck that I cannot use and pay for another vehicle at the same time.

- Sarah H., Pickerington, OH, US

problem #54

Apr 162014

Xterra V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 88,000 miles

SICK TO MY STOMACH, PISSED OFF and beyond STRESSED, is an understatment to how I feel right now. For the last week, my truck has been vibrating/losing power randomly around 45-50 mph. Took it to shop and was told my left front wheel bearing was bad and causing the problem. Took it to my regular mechanic on Monday, and they drove it all day and couldn't find anything wrong as to what I described was happening. Truck remained to have issues and took back next day. Mechanic rode along with me and it took over a half hour of driving to get it act up. He immediately said that he thought it was having issues shifting from drive to over drive. Recommended the cheap route of having the transmissions flushed. Left garage and still having same issues randomly. Started looking on-line and to my amazement I find that my real problem is more than likely from a defective radiator that has leaked coolant into my transmission. Found on another website that the top warning signs 1.) Car doesn't warm up when sitting. This became an issue that I noticed more than 4 years ago. Could never find anything wrong or anything to fix the issue. Have just dealt with it. Now I'm experiencing the the heavy vibration at 45-50 mph when the truck is shifting from drive to overdrive. I seriously am lost as to what to do next. I'm sure that most owner's are like me and just don't have $4-5k to pour into a vehicle and at this rate, I can see why Nissan hasn't made it a recall as to the cost they would incur with all the vehicles affected. This is my first Nissan and last. I've always loved my Xterra and have always talked as to what a great vehicle it has been. It would've been nice to have some warning of this issue before something started to go wrong and became so costly to repair!!!!

- Tammy B., Lancaster, OH, US

problem #53

Apr 172014

Xterra X 3.2L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 86,000 miles


Just got my car all payed off and the transmission goes out. Now the dealer wants 2,500 bucks and will let me finance the money to fix it. Oh, yea, and the kicker is there is no assurance it will not happen again.

- Daniel L., Ham, OH, US

problem #52

Apr 142014

Xterra V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 106,000 miles

This is the first issue I've had with my Nissan. I bought my 2006 Nissan Xterra used in 2007. I've done oil changes and maintenance, and I've loved this car. I am seriously disappointed that Nissan has known about this pretty much the entire time I've owned my car, and no one has bothered to notify all owners or do a recall to fix this issue! I am very glad I realized my car was stalling out while in a parking lot and not on the street where it could have caused an accident.

- Kristi G., Mesa, AZ, US

problem #51

Mar 232014

Xterra S Model 4.0L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 130,000 miles

The transmission went out and left me stranded far from home. Had to call a tow truck to take my car to a local mechanic. The place that the AAA tow truck dropped me off at wanted $4000 to fix the radiator and transmission. Found another places that fixed both for $2880 but I had to pay a tow truck to bring my car to that shop. I also had to rent a car for two weeks until my car was fixed. All total it cost me over $3000 to get my car fixed.

I happened to look online and found that it's not uncommon for these radiators to go out and destroy the transmission in the process. I'm not sure I would have bought this Nissan if I had know about this problem and their reluctance to fix it.

- Eddie P., Long Beach, CA, US

problem #50

Dec 062013

Xterra V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 110,000 miles

I thought it was a scam when the Nissan Dealer told me to sell my car. They didn't tell me much about the problem except that I had "milky coolant" and I "should sell my car right away". They are partnered with a dealership who has been wanting my car. Now my car won't start and I am wondering if they will buy it back. I still owe $2000 on it and of course it is no longer covered by Nissan. I hate them SO much right now! I take my car all the time to the Nissan dealer and only once had they mentioned this problem.

So, now that I am reading and researching, it will cost up to $8,000 to fix. Is it worth it? Or just junk my car and start payments all over again? Ugggggggggggg

- leahk, Kapaa, HI, US

problem #49

Feb 242014

Xterra SE

  • Automatic transmission
  • 86,750 miles


I have found this defect to be especially disheartening, we have been long time Nissan supporters. Nissan knows this is a problem from the years of 2006 - 2009, they will say that they have no knowledge of this being a real issue, but I find it interesting that they stopped building their engines this way in 2010. If it's really not an issue/problem then why change it? I plan to spread the word as much as possible, shouldn't be too difficult since I'm in Southern CA. I asked William at Nissan Consumer Affairs 1-800-343-6913 xt.457214, if Nissan will reimburse us for the transmission once it has been made abundantly clear to them that this is a serious issue. I will continue to push for a recall. Of course William could not comment, and would not comment on Nissan's current practice for reimbursement of monies paid to fix their mistake. I'm guessing they do not have one...Guess we will no longer be Nissan supporters.

- Angelique W., Costa Mesa, CA, US

problem #48

Dec 152013

Xterra SE 4L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 150,000 miles

I bought used Nissan Xterra 2006 SE and it already had radiator tube crack and after some time I noticed my transmission shifting gears very roughly. After investigation service guys told my that I coolant mixed with ATF and I need to clean up and replace many parts in transmission and also of course replace radiator tube. So this repair cost me nearly $3000 and even after that transmission sometimes shifts weirdly. I hope they can fix this issue too.

- Alex A., Yerevan, Yerevan, Armenia

problem #47

Jan 222014


  • Automatic transmission
  • 87,000 miles

The company knew of the failure in the vehicle, yet it is the consumer's responsibility to fix it????

- Aref A., Chicago, IL, US

problem #46

Jul 042011

Xterra X V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 133,000 miles

Where do I begin. My wife and I bought our Xterra brand new off the lot. We paid 25,000 for it. Never in a million years thought we would have all the troubles out of this car. I have a list a mile long about things that have went wrong with my Xterra but my biggest is the Radiator/Transmission issue. Obviously Nissan knew about a faulty part in this vehicle and thousands of others had the same thing happen. Basically there was a crack in the radiator and it leaked coolant into the transmission. We had to replace our radiator and all the componants that went along with that, and had to have our Transmission rebuilt. This cost around 4500 by the time it was all said and done. We participated in the class action lawsuit against Nissan and basically have gotten no where with that. We just recently received a denial letter in the mail saying we were over 100k miles and they were not responsible for the damages. Between my wife and I we have owned 4 Nissans and we are currently in the market for a new car for our growing family. I will never buy another Nissan bc of this whole ordeal. They are a greedy company and basically they aren't taking responsibility for what happened to these vehicles. I have always taken very good care of my cars, kept up with all the oil changes ect. I feel like nothing my wife or I could have done would have prevented this from happening. This was a faulty part on Nissans end and they won't fess up and give people back their money. My Xterra was paid off and I had to sink 4500 back into it. I want people to be aware of this issue and also the fact Nissan will not take responsibility for this matter. They basically screwed us out of money and are telling us too bad. We just want Nissan to make it right for us and Thousands of others who had this happen to them. This wasn't the customers fault, this was Nissan putting a car out there that was defective. I hope others read this and know they are not alone in this fight. I have used social media and our local news station to get the word out there about this issue. I want the world to know Nissan is a terrible company and have lost a loyal customer for life.

- Nick M., Lexington, KY, US

problem #45

Apr 042013

Xterra X 4.0L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 112,000 miles

greg b. marion, iowa bought my 2006 xterra x in march of 2008 with 39,000 miles on it . this defect has cost me $1200.00 dollars so far for new radiator and double flush transmission. right now I have 114,000 miles and I need a remanufacturd transmission @ 4000.00 dollars. there is no way I could come up with kind cash to do this. haven,t been able to drive it since august and still have a lot payments left. I guess I will have to notify loan co. let them reposess it. really sick about this. .......The End.

- Greg B., Marion, IA, US

problem #44

Oct 312013

Xterra S 4.0L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 105,000 miles

Simple solution to a huge MANUFACTURING DEFECT!! How can NISSAN let this small issue become such a catastrophe to their loyal customers. I've always had Nissan because very reliable, but if they can't stand up for their mess up, Definitely will not be purchasing future vehicles or recommending.

I am aware of regular wear and tear, but to have an automatic transmission fail you prematurely with proper maintenance???? Please pick up your slack on this defect to ensure future customer satisfaction.

Update from May 28, 2016: The worst part about this issue is that I purchased the extended warranty from the Nissan Dealership to ensure if there was any issues I'd be covered. This should have covered it but Nissan did nothing to help me. Absolute waste of money on the extended warranty if they won't even cover this.

- Oscar E., Saugus, CA, US

problem #43

Aug 012013

Xterra S V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 101,000 miles

Found out a busted coolant hose cause coolant to mix with transmission fluid. So now I have to come up with $6800 for repairs.

- Ryan P., Coeburn, VA, US

problem #42

Aug 012013

Xterra S V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 101,000 miles

I bought my Nissan Xterra August 1st, 2013. Asked dealer if all fluids were checked and changed as needed and was told yes everything was fine. That evening I was pulling out of a stop light and and transmission wouldn't shift and when it finally did there was a loud pop and jerk. I went on thinking I had accelerated too fast but over the next two months it got worse so I took it to a Nissan dealer to get it checked and now I have to come up with $6800 for a new transmission 2 months after I bought my vehicle all because Nissan doesn't want to admit their mistake.

- Ryan P., Coeburn, VA, US

problem #41

Aug 222013

Xterra S 3.3L V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 107,000 miles

Known problem. Nissan should have to repair at their cost. Known issue recalls sent but I never received one and I own 2 2006 xtrerra's

Will sell both cheap.

Update from Oct 14, 2013: Replaced $900.00 Valve body in transmission. $500.00 worth of labor and transmission fluid to flush transmission. Ran for 1 week, now back at shop need another $2000.00 to repair.



- Mike M., Thomasville, GA, US

problem #40

Aug 092013

Xterra V6

  • Automatic transmission
  • 112,000 miles

First my catalytic converters went out at 100,000 miles... Then I found out the car was having ECM problems, the ECM sensor light was coming on and going off. Now at 112,000 miles the transmission is totally going out. First the car sarted having a problem shifting gears, now I can't put car in reverse. I can barely drive it right now with out having to stop and turn off the car then turn it back on so I can drive another 10 miles with out any problems. Fluids are leaking into the transmission... FIX THE PROBLEM NISSAN. OBVIOUSLY THIS IS A MUCH NEEDED RECALL FOR THE 2006 Xterra's TRANSMISSION PROBLEMS! Not to mention once this car hit 100k miles theres been problem after problem. I even have to fix my seat belt sensors because theyre malfunctioning! Annoying! Dont Buy Nission not good cars like they used to be!

- Ciera V., San Marcos, CA, US

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