Hi- In Sept. my car was spraying water under the hood like a geyser. Took it to the dealership and they told me the right head gasket was blown. Their "Service Advisor" told me that they recommend replacing not only the head gasket, but the timing belt, water pump, exhaust manifold, miscellaneous belts and gaskets. She said they would be recommended to be changed in another 4,000 miles, and since the engine was all apart this would be the time to do it to avoid huge future labor costs. Not knowing anything about cars and trusting them I told them to do what they thought best (yeah, I am a woman). They fixed it but charged me $1800.00+ in labor! At $90.00/ hour thats 20 hours... does this seem right? I wouldn't be whining about it but now I have another problem I will post after this one. Thanks.
Hi- In Sept. my car was spraying water under the hood like a geyser. Took it to the dealership and they told me the right head gasket was blown. Their "Service Advisor" told me that they recommend replacing not only the head gasket, but the timing belt, water pump, exhaust manifold, miscellaneous belts and gaskets. She said they would be recommended to be changed in another 4,000 miles, and since the engine was all apart this would be the time to do it to avoid huge future labor costs. Not knowing anything about cars and trusting them I told them to do what they thought best (yeah, I am a woman). They fixed it but charged me $1800.00+ in labor! At $90.00/ hour thats 20 hours... does this seem right? I wouldn't be whining about it but now I have another problem I will post after this one. Thanks.
- Donna B., Torrington, CT, US