Notes: The 2012-2017 Nissan Versa has an expensive CVT transmission failure defect that shows up plainly in our complaint data from the earlier model years in this 2nd generation Nissan Versa.
Because many owners commonly drive 20,000 miles/year or more, Versa owners experiencing CVT transmission problems may find they are not covered by this settlement due to the mileage limitation.
Cruise control problem VERSA 2015 T / M SENSE, are they secure these devices?
in the instructions that brings the vehicle Nissan Mexicana, and the version of the web (both 2014, in the section on Cruise control (Cruise Control) indicates that once set at a certain speed to cancel with only pressing the brake or cancel button is disabled,
it does my vehicle rather than the cancel button, and I think that in an emergency is very dangerous, After taking the car to the agency Tlahuac Eastern Empire Automotive branch, to validate the warranty on this issue,
they do not have the training to properly correct the fault, apart from anything you were scratches on the hood, awning on the paint and polished the car without my permission to try to solve this problem happened at the dealer (unsuccessfully), was from August 11 to September 1, the total that neither fault correction and also abused the car currently has 1412 km . I will not be reused or buy a Nissan and less wear with your dealer Tlahuac, that bad image of Nissan.
Cruise control problem VERSA 2015 T / M SENSE, are they secure these devices?
in the instructions that brings the vehicle Nissan Mexicana, and the version of the web (both 2014, in the section on Cruise control (Cruise Control) indicates that once set at a certain speed to cancel with only pressing the brake or cancel button is disabled,
it does my vehicle rather than the cancel button, and I think that in an emergency is very dangerous, After taking the car to the agency Tlahuac Eastern Empire Automotive branch, to validate the warranty on this issue,
they do not have the training to properly correct the fault, apart from anything you were scratches on the hood, awning on the paint and polished the car without my permission to try to solve this problem happened at the dealer (unsuccessfully), was from August 11 to September 1, the total that neither fault correction and also abused the car currently has 1412 km . I will not be reused or buy a Nissan and less wear with your dealer Tlahuac, that bad image of Nissan.
- Arturo W., Mexico, Mexico