We had to learn the hard-way, never buy Nissan car due to the fact that the car dealer doesn't fix costly repairs. With my Nissan Sentra you're driving along and all of a sudden the car cut-off, so you I putt the car in neutral to restart the car. I 'm always praying to god and informing him we are in his hands everytime I enter my car.that no-onel run into the back of the car. Most of there time I have my son or grandchildren in the car with ne. I ''m assuming that the dealer is waiting for someone to be killed before they repair the problem.. Nissan mechanic informed us that they hook up the cqr to there computer and it shows no problem. Three mechanics informed us that it's a very costly repairs to do.,,that is the reasons, rightfully mechanics sucks and it's so sad that they give no thought to someone receiving body injury or dying.
We had to learn the hard-way, never buy Nissan car due to the fact that the car dealer doesn't fix costly repairs. With my Nissan Sentra you're driving along and all of a sudden the car cut-off, so you I putt the car in neutral to restart the car. I 'm always praying to god and informing him we are in his hands everytime I enter my car.that no-onel run into the back of the car. Most of there time I have my son or grandchildren in the car with ne. I ''m assuming that the dealer is waiting for someone to be killed before they repair the problem.. Nissan mechanic informed us that they hook up the cqr to there computer and it shows no problem. Three mechanics informed us that it's a very costly repairs to do.,,that is the reasons, rightfully mechanics sucks and it's so sad that they give no thought to someone receiving body injury or dying.
- donza, Brooklyn, NY, Denmark