Nissan Pathfinder
seat belts / air bags Problems
Here are Nissan Pathfinder seat belts / air bags problems, by model year. The most common Pathfinder seat belts / air bags problems cost $900 to fix & occur at 81,000 miles.
The worst model years for seat belts / air bags problems are the 2013 Pathfinder, 2008 Pathfinder, and the 2014 Pathfinder.
Worst Nissan Pathfinder Seat Belts / Air Bags Problems
#1: Air Bag Not Activating With Adult Passenger 2013 Pathfinder
- Average Cost to Fix:
- N/A
- Average Mileage:
- 26,000 mi
#2: Air Bag Light Stays On 2010 Pathfinder
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $800
- Average Mileage:
- 76,000 mi
#3: Air Bag Light On/After Takata Airbag Fix 2003 Pathfinder
- Average Cost to Fix:
- $1,100
- Average Mileage:
- 140,000 mi