Blown Engine

2011 Nissan Juke

This problem may be covered under warranty. Ask your Nissan dealer.


really awful
Typical Repair Cost:
No data
Average Mileage:
71,650 miles
Total Complaints:
9 complaints

Most Common Solutions:

  1. replace engine (7 reports)
  2. not sure (2 reports)
2011 Nissan Juke engine problems

engine problem

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2011 Nissan Juke Owner Comments

problem #9

Nov 022019

Juke SV 1.6L I-4

  • Automatic transmission
  • 84,000 miles


Nissan Corporation sucks. Recall 2014 Timing chain replaced. 2019 Timing Chain breaks blown engine. Going to offer me 60%. It's a really s* offer especially after breaking just 5 years later. Case Manager could care less. She probably owns a different vehicle because she knows how Nissan Corp could care less. Tranisha. Must be paid well because she basically tells you, you're screwed. Karma is a bitch. Nissan go F yourself. Never again.

- Paul W R., East Berlin, US

problem #8

Jun 022020

Juke SV 1.6L

  • CVT transmission
  • 91,850 miles

2011 with just under 92,000 miles and the turbo & engine are both blown. 92K miles???? WTAF Nissan. Transmission went early too but was under warranty. This car was burning oil for years and the dealership in Clarksville, MD told me I need a new $5000 engine when I first mentioned the oil burning issue. I said, "glad I bought the 8-Year, 125,000 Mile Extended Warranty" - and bot did their tune change on a dime. Now that I'm not paying out of pocket, they say the Extended Warranty wouldn't cover it because it "wasn't bad enough yet." Huh? Why did you tell me I needed a new engine when you thought I was paying for it? Which is it?

They told em to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse to bring it back, which i did about a year later. And it was much worse - burning a lot more oil. So they did an oil test and claimed it didn't meet the criteria. Its under warranty and its broken but their is nothing they can do. No relief. Last week, the engine locked up. The whole thing and the turbo is shot and is a $6,000 job to replace them.

First of all, what kind of piece of crap engine goes at 92,000 miles - problem started about 70,000 miles but they would do anything. I'll tell you what kind - NISSAN. STAY AWAY FROM NISSANS! Searching the web I see tons of people with the same issue all threatening lawsuits because their turbo blew or their engine blew. This was my first and last Nissan. Do yourself a favor and buy a Toyota or Hyndai.

- Andrew W., Clarksville, US

problem #7

Sep 012016

Juke 3.2L

  • CVT transmission
  • 65,000 miles

This is my problem, I've recently purchased this vehicle and the first and original owner whom purchased the car new told me that they were having problems with the turbo and they thought the timing belt was starting to make a noise but before i have a chance to get this properly checked, the oil started leaking really bad around where the turbo is. I put it in the shop and they're telling me that it has to have a complete new motor. The vehicle still starts and sounds quiet. I haven't even driven it a 100 miles, I absolutely love this car but i can't really afford to turn around and put 3000 into a motor. I was told that there were some recalls on the 2011 Juke, does anyone know if there is any out there that will help my situation? Any help would be appreciated.

Update from Mar 12, 2017: Is there anyone out there that can tell me if there's anywhere or anything I can find out about getting my Juke fixed according to my records the whole motor has basicly been redone but it still setting in my back yard with a blown motor i can not afford to do this again I have all the invoices where the oil was changed every 3000 miles and all the proper maintenence was kept on the juke but instead of having a great smooth running nissan that should actually be running and working great my dad always said that a nissan hasnt even been broken in good at 100,000 mikes ive got 2 family members that drove there nissans until they had well over 275,oo0 so what has happened is it poor quility in the manufacturing is it in the materials used or has nissan joined a long line of car makers who just dont care about there costumers anymore i LOVE MY jUKE its a shame that with less than 65,000 used it has been such a disapointment im heartbroken

- Donna R., Berea, KY, US

problem #6

Jun 132016

Juke SV 1.6L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 77,000 miles


so at 35k i had the timing chain replaced because it was making a noise and because of the recall. had such a horrible experience with my local dealership. they had my car for almost 3 months. turns out that the head a valves were also bad... here we go two years later car dies in the middle of a dangerous curve. get it towed to my house couple miles down the road. i leave work to check the car even though i know whats wrong, once again but this time while driving the timing chain snaps at 77k just 45k after they supposedly replaced it. great job nissan now im fighting with a new dealership to get this fixed since it is still an open ticket. previous dealer never closed the ticket out...sell you're car before this happens to you.

- wes7284, Yorktown Heights, NY, US

problem #5

Apr 222015


  • Automatic transmission
  • 57,000 miles

My Juke started to whine and make funny noises. Took it to a Nissan dealership and they wanted oil change receipts before even looking at it. I pushed back and told them the car is under warranty, I shouldn't have to provide anything for them to look at it. That's BS! Called the Nissan dealer I bought it from and they said bring it in, sounds like the timing belt.

- Diane P., Ravenna, OH, US

problem #4

Oct 142015

Juke WG 1.6L

  • Automatic transmission
  • 85,000 miles

I helped my daughter purchase a 2011 Nissan Juke in November 2014. In April 2015, the check-engine light came on. She immediately stopped at a Wal-Mart Service Center to have it checked. The WM technician told her that there was a serious problem: the timing chain needed to be replaced and there were metal shavings in her oil pan. He suggested that she take it on to a Nissan dealership which she did the next day.

She was told that WM "didn't know what they were talking about" as there were no metal shavings in the oil pan. They replaced the timing chain at no cost because a recall was about to be issued. Her receipt from that day shows that items were used that would indicate they were trying to stop an oil leak (had this confirmed by a certified mechanic) though they denied any such problem. Last week, (October 2015) her car went dead in the middle of the highway. No warning lights had come on in the vehicle. She took it in to the same Nissan dealership. She was told that there was no oil in the vehicle, there were METAL SHAVINGS in the oil, and that the engine would have to be replaced. When she pointed out to the technician that she had told him there were metal shavings in April, he denied that she had ever told them that.

She and I have both talked with a regional specialist from Nissan. All we're told is too bad; your power train warranty expired at 60,000 miles. When I asked the regional specialist to speak to the fact that the dealership denied in April that there were metal shavings and that there was an oil problem, he just said, "I can't speak to that. I'm not a mechanic."

- Elizabeth H., Athens, GA, US

problem #3

Dec 272013


  • CVT transmission
  • 53,000 miles


I was driving my car, which has approx. 53,000 miles on it, when it just appeared to die in a parking lot, luckily I was not on the highway as the car just stopped moving. I immediately called Nissan dealer and they advised that I have the car towed to their location so that is what I did. I was told it would be covered since I have the Extended warranty up to 100k.

First, they told me it did not look good and it was probably the engine but not to worry since its under warranty. Next day, service mgr told me it was the battery, my husband and I said no way. Turns out it was the engine, it failed and the timing chain broke. It's been over a week and they won't give me a loaner car until I provide oil change receipts. Now they want me to authorize checking of the oil pan so they can take pictures and send to corporate affairs to make sure there is no neglect.

Car oil was just changed and not even due for another one per sticker on the window. I was told if there is gunk or sludge I will have to pay for the tow, diagnostic and procedure to take pics of the pan. I do not have the money to pay for a new engine and find it ridiculous that this would happen to a car this young. We gave them the go ahead to check the pan after talking to a number of mechanics. We are waiting to see what happens.

- higginsmclovin, Port Jefferson, NY, US

problem #2

Sep 062013


  • Automatic transmission
  • 62,954 miles

timing chain while driving in storm on interstate - son almost killed by semi that ran him off road. Nissan no help over weekend and had to make a decision. On Monday - said I was past the 60K warranty and that I needed to bring down car and have it assessed but told by general manager if I did not have proof of maintenace it was very unlikey that Nissan would do anything about the car.

The message on the website was open 8-5 local time - it did not mention that that was only Monday through Friday. There should be access to Nissan 24-7. 2 days is a lifetime to me.

I am disabled and have limited access to transportation - son was my driver and now no car

- G C., Ocoee, FL, US

problem #1

Jun 172013

Juke ES 1.6L V4

  • Automatic transmission
  • 69,000 miles

click to see larger images

blown engine blown engine blown engine blown engine

engine blew after timing belt broke at 69k

After buying a 2011 Nissan Juke the timing belt snapped at 69 thousand miles. Since this is an "interference" type motor, if the timing belt breaks while car is driving(which is when cars timing belts actually break) it renders the engine useless. It bends the valves and when that happens the engine has to be replaced. Theres no repairing thisw for some reason. So, Nissan decided to engineer an interference motor instead of a non interference motor. (which are built everyday by other car companies) Apparently Nissan wants you to take your car to have timing belts installed all the time so they can make money off the parts and labor. (if you take it to them each time they recommend the timing belt changes) Well, I just dont think that there should be a motor that blows itself up after driving it 69k miles and you still owe 17 thousand dollars on it and thats just the payoff, not the interest after the years of payments left. Nissan said they would sell me another motor for 7 thousand dollars and would guarantee it for ONE year only. Not a day longer they said. And that 7 grand doesnt include the labor of taking out the blown engine and putting the brand new engine back in. Yea, its a BRAND NEW MOTOR FROM NISSAN and they wont warranty it over one year. Thats it. 1. One. Uno. A single. They wont even allow an extended warranty on these Nissan Juke engines that you havee to buy from Nissan. Its absurd to me that I have a car in the driveway with thousands and thousands of dollars owed on it (17 thousand is the payoff) and it doesnt start, Wont run. It really has me sick. Physically sick as how am I going to get another vehicle? I cant make TWO car payments. I cant pay off 17 thousand dollars at one time. I have no transportation now and owe 400 dollars a month or they will destroy my credit if I dont keep paying them for years and years until its paid off. Its only a year and a couple months old. What can I do but throw up every morning and every afternoon and every evening as I am physically sick. Nissan is a dirty low down company that must be going broke if they need to resort to physically hurting people to get money. Anyone have any idea what I can do? I am literally sick and cant stop throwing up nor able to eat anymore nor able to sleep, think, buy anything because Im in serious debt now and have to go to work whether it involves paying massive cab fares everyday, nor able to stop crying, nor able to stop shaking, puking, etc, etc. The hospital has seen me three times in 6 days and theyre attributing the visits to panic attack symptoms. This is literally killing me. I have no idea what I can do so if anyone can help me please, please tell me what i should start doing first. Thanks for any help, very sick here, Marc.

- Marc C., Lexington, SC, US

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