really awful- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 200,150 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (1 reports)

engine problem
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On September 10, 2020, my car (Mitsubishi Lancer, VIN JA3AD29F56U605207) suddenly broke down nearby K-W Mitsubishi Dealer (KW Dealer) of Kitchener. Therefore, I had to tow my car to K-W Mitsubishi Dealer for repairing. However, my car was not checked by the dealer until September 17, 2020. I had to rent a car before my car was checked and repaired by the dealer. On September 28, 2020, my car was repaired by replacing the timing belt and other parts with a brand new Mitsubishi part. For the first repairing, I was charged for $2876.88 and had to pay the dealer for this charge on September 28, 2020 (Note: Although the date on the receipt for the first failed car repair was typed as September 29, 2020, I paid the dealer for this charge and picked up my car on September 28, 2020. This is evidenced by my credit card monthly statement).
It is unbelievable that the total labor hours for the repairing are as many as 11.97 because I was told by the dealer on the day when I towed my car to the dealer that the labor hours would be 4 to 5 hours in total. However, when I drove my car in the rain in the evening of September 28, 2020 immediately after the first repair and just left the dealer in about two kilometers, I heard some breaking noise underneath my car. It seemed that some part was broken and fell down. Because I had returned the first rental car to the rental car company which had been closed for the day at that time and my car was the only available car by which I could drive home in the evening, I had to keep driving in the rain.
Nearby Guelph and High Way 6, my car was broken down again just the same as what happened to me on September 10, 2020. Because my car suddenly slowed down in Highway 401, I was almost hit by a big truck behind me. Fortunately this time I was able to get off Highway 401 and turned to High Way 6 and finally park my car in a safe place in Morriston Village when the car engine completely stopped. I tried to restart the engine, but no way.
That terrible night I had to stay inside my cold car for the whole rainy night without any sleep. I was really traumatized by the terrible experience with K-W Mitsubishi Dealer.
Meanwhile, I had to buy CAA service on that day in order to tow my car back to the dealer. In the morning of September 29, 2020, I towed my car back to K-W Mitsubishi Dealer at my own cost and had to rent a car again at my own cost. On October 2, 2020, my car was repaired for the second consecutive time by KW dealer. What surprised me was that KW Dealer charged me again for $561.17 for the second repairing with another 1.5 hour labor charge included. However, on October 18, 2020, my car was broken down again and the engine could not be turned on. Therefore, I had to tow my car to Rouge Valley Mitsubishi Dealer (RV Dealer) in Scarborough and rent the third rental car to drive before I could get a courtesy loaner car from RV Dealer.
The RV dealer checked my car and found that KW dealer did not do a proper job on my car. The timing belt is now very loose and thin, although it was just replaced on September 28, 2020 by KW Dealer. Due to this reason, the engine could not run because it could not get signal from the loose timing belt which is not functional. The loose timing belt has damaged the inside surface of the timing cover by a deep ditch. The car failure reason can be clearly seen on the supporting pictures as the solid evidences. As explained by RV Dealer, everyone knows that, due to the loose timing belt, the engine must have been damaged and my car could not be repaired any more unless the engine is replaced with a functional one, which is very expensive and I could not afford it. As commented by RV dealer, further diagnostic on my car is not necessary because the fact is very clear that KW dealer did not do a proper job on my car and the evidences have been collected.
I have explained everything to KW Dealer by emails. But KW Dealer does not want to take any responsibility, although the fact is very clear that the the KW Dealer did not do a proper job on my Mitsubishi car. Therefore, I have to go to court for a solution of my case with the hope for fairness, for the reason that I have no other choice, as evidenced by the email chains with the relevant parties.
Because it is not possible to repair my car again in this situation, unless the car engine is replaced by a good one which is too expensive, I just need the K-W Mitsubishi Authorized Dealer (KW Dealer) to refund me all the charges of $3,438.05 for the two consecutive failed repairs the KW dealer did on my car, and compensate me with the costs of $1027.90 for the three rental cars incurred during and after the two consecutive repair failures of my car caused by the KW dealer, the CAA membership fee of $109.61 which I had to buy after the first failed car repair in order to tow my car back to the KW dealer and the diagnostic fee of $62.15 charged to me by the Rouge Valley Mitsubishi Authorized Dealer (RV dealer) that had to check my car after the second repair failure of my car caused by the KW dealer, plus all the court fees.
All the claims have been explained above in details and are supported by the receipts. The total claims are much less than the costs of further repairing the car by replacing the engine with a functional one, therefore, reasonable.
- kejiao, Toronto, ON, Canada