Mercedes-Benz TSB #LI07.70-P-070763
2019 Mercedes-Benz GLC350E
TSB Document:
- Summary
- Fault code P06DA00 is found current or stored in engine control unit. Check engine light may be activated. Various causes Up to Model year 2018 Fault code P06DA00 can be disregarded if not activating the check engine light, unless otherwise specified in the guided test. The vehicle continues to operate as designed. Further causes should be investigated if complaint of check engine light is received. If fault code P06DA00 is activating the check engine light, update software of the ME control unit. No further repairs needed if the code no longer activates check engine light after 2 drive cycles. Model year 2019 and later Fault code P06DA00 will activate check engine light as of model year 2019. No driveability concerns will be observed, only illumination of the CEL. This fault code indicates high resistance or open in the circuit to Y130 oil pump control valve. Perform guided test for component Y130 under list of tests in ME. Diagnose location of high resistance or open in Y130 circuit and repair as necessary. Warranty claims submitted without supporting guided test results may be subject to debit.
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