In an initial quick test, DTC B238A00 "Fan 2 of the control unit has malfunctioned" may be active and/or
stored in the MBUX Multimedia System (A26/17)
Current MBUX Multimedia System (A26/17) software release
If there is no customer complaint present, the DTC can be ignored.
A future MBUX Multimedia System (A26/17) software release (E905.3) will prevent the DTC from occurring. This document will be updated when the software is available.
In an initial quick test, DTC B238A00 "Fan 2 of the control unit has malfunctioned" may be active and/or
stored in the MBUX Multimedia System (A26/17)
Current MBUX Multimedia System (A26/17) software release
If there is no customer complaint present, the DTC can be ignored.
A future MBUX Multimedia System (A26/17) software release (E905.3) will prevent the DTC from occurring. This document will be updated when the software is available.