I bought the car used in June of 2017, not long after I noticed a grinding noise coming from the rear passenger side, took it in and they said the rear brake was damaged it was fixed under warranty. (they supposedly did a 150 point inspection prior to my buying the car) May of 2018 when the car went in for inspection I was told I needed brakes all around so new brakes and rotors were put all around. In July I noticed a grinding noise same side (and rear) when we pulled the wheel the outside pad was down to metal. We check the driver side and it was down to metal as well (outside only; inside of both looked brand new) Fronts were perfect.
Coming home from work this week (Late September) I noticed the SAME NOISE...pulled the wheels and guess what AGAIN inside pad like new outside down to almost nothing. We figure I'm only getting about 5,000 miles per outside pad. I was told by Mazda corporate that it's my driving style (now my Ford Focus has OVER 300,000 thousand miles on it and brakes last about 30 to 40 thousand miles on that? hmmm go figure!) Nothing they can do, BUT I CAN take it in to the dealership and have them "look at it" but I am to pay all charges, UGH NOPE. For them to replace brakes it's over $350 so no I'll do it myself since they only last about 5,000 miles & I can do it for $60.
I've seen MANY of the same complaints about this issue so I'm really not sure how or why they wont to a recall, guess it will take someone getting hurt or killed for that to happen. Sad thing is I like the car but this will be the last Mazda I own, back to my ol' faithful Ford or Toyota. (They BOTH had/have well over 300,000 miles and only regular maintenance for both.) So my car that started with 25,000 miles and now has 49,000 has gone through 3, yes THREE sets of back brakes in just over a years time, well I should say OUTSIDE rear pads others are fine...just sad that Mazda WON'T stand behind the car.
I have had to replace the brakes 5 times and I've had this car for 4 years (84,000 mi). I'm done. This is insane. I've had them done by different places each time. The first time should have been covered by warranty as it involved the calipers but the dealer said it wasn't the calipers. Then Sears said it was and the dealer wouldn't honor it. Yeah, I screwed that one up. It was my ex-husband's call. No, I don't ride the brakes. It's manual transmission, and I often downshift. The only hypothesis I have is that it has something to do with the hill-start feature locking up? I really don't know.
Twice the dealership recommended replacing my breaks for $280 and this is under 60k. Rear passenger brakes sound shot with just normal use. No excessive breaking or eccentric/reckless driving. There is no reason they are charging so much and attempting to blame my driving for brakes commonly wearing out as everyone else seems to be noting.
I'll be speaking with knowledgeable people I know and learn how to replace it myself if this is going to be a constant damn issue.
27,000 highway miles on my 2014 Mazda 3. I'm a seasoned driver who does not ride the brakes in any way/shape/form. Like everyone else on this site, it turned out my pads wore and grooved the rotor. Interestingly, this only occurred on the front driver's side. Passenger's side is fine. Can't imagine how/why this occurred. Local Mazda dealer says this isn't covered--it's normal wear and tear.
This isn't normal.
I'm so disappointed. I thought I found a car line I could keep buying. When brakes go after 27,000 miles, it doesn't bode well for the big things. Guess it's back to Honda for my next car.
Brought my mazda 3 from the dealership, used city and highway. at only 50km my REAR BRAKES are almost completely worn! and the front is 50% ...this is absolutely ridiculous, i should be refunded for my faulty brakes!! plus they want me change my rotors?!?!? they say although its working fine-its better to change it. SOOOO CRAZYY.. NOTHING IS WRONG WITH IT, Y DO I NEED TO CHANGE THAT TOO!!
for $500 to change the rear brakes is way too much, they are ripping ppl off everyday, sorry for soo much ppl out there who dont know how unfair this is. wish the government can help prevent us from being overcharged and protect us from unfair motor vehicle faults.
- Sha M.,
Brampton, ON, Canada
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Replaced pads in spring. Assumed I had gotten it right since I've done brakes before. Avoided using e-brake because I thought that was my problem. Same thing happened. assumed I didn't sand down the pad enough for it to fit properly. made sure the pads were floating freely side to side this time to make sure it shouldn't happen again. GF is starting to not trust my ability to fix cars, even though I've been doing it without problems on my trucks for years.
Brakes wore down to the metal on the outside. I assumed the caliper was messed up. When I took it apart the caliper sliders seemed fine. Talked to a mechanic and we thought the cause was me doing e-brake slides in the snow which caused the piston to not retract properly. Bought new pads, had trouble fitting them in. Had to grind 1mm off inside the guide things. It's hard to explain in words. Pads fit, but definitely not as easy as my truck's pads.
i started hearing noise in the back of the car had it checked and my rear pads and rotor gone the rotor on the driver side destroyed, and they wouldnt warranty it, never buy another mazda again
Is it normal that your brakes wears out after about 1 year and half on a brand new car? Does not sounds right to me. I have about 26k km on this car. On a weekend morning as I was going to work, I was slowly driving ( around 10 km/h) in the parking lot when I heard a very distinct metal scratching noise on my front left brake. AND I wasn't even braking.
Thinking that my brake might be stuck or a rock might have gotten between the disk and the pad, I decided to get it check at my friendly local garage on Monday morning. They only had bad news for me. REAR AND FRONT pads are done, disks are completely garbage and the front left brake was already scratching on the metal of the disk.
Already weird enough that it would wear this fast, there was a TON of rust on the disks. And I do drive everyday, that shouldn't happen. I will now go dish it out with the dealership to get it under warranty for abnormal wear of brakes. this better go the right way or Mazda can say bye to ANOTHER customer.
I have a 2014 Mazda 3, purchased brand new. Have had on time oil changes, and regular maintenance appointments, all serviced by the dealership. No history of any problems. Had my 20k service appt 12/23/15, and all braking systems, etc were in excellent condition.
1/13/15, I started to notice a metal on metal scraping sound on the brakes anytime the car was in motion, coming from rear. Took it into the dealership and was told that the inner back brakes had worn down to replacement. Outer brakes looked fine. The dealership had no real explanation as to how the pads could have worn down, other than the emergency brake possibly being engaged that would explain the wear. I am not a frequent user of the emergency brake, and have never had an emergency brake light ever come on in the car. The dealership had not previously seen any other case of premature brake wear like mine on any other vehicle--yet, of course, this repair was not covered under warranty.
NO clue as to what could have caused this, and rather uneasy that the dealership doesn't really know either.
Same as the other person with Brake problems. At just before 30k, my rear brake pads have worn down to the metal and into the rotors. Now I need to replace the whole rear system parts - shoes and rotors. Front has plenty of pad left.
I've gone for years without replacing rear pads on other cars. But this is ridiculous in just 1.5 yrs the pads are gone? Something is wrong.
Damn dealer tells me that it must be my driving habits - which I knew he'd say. I told him that there was no way I was paying $500 for them to fix the brakes. I'll do it myself for 1/2 the price. What a piece of crap and a dealer who doesn't think that there is a problem.
This is the start of the last Mazda that I will own.
I had to have the rear pads replaced at approximately 18,000 miles, I don't remember the cost at the moment but I have the receipt, and today I had to have both the front and rear pads replaced and the rotors turned at 28,043 miles and a cost of $559.27! How can my brakes go bad so fast? Especially the rear pads! The person at Mazda said they are now balancing the braking systems to 50% front and 50% rear but that doesn't explain this type of wear. Also, the parts supply houses other than the dealer sent my mechanic 3 sets of brake pads that supposedly fit my car but none did so he had to procure them from the dealer at $80 more than his parts supplier. What a rip!!!!!
I bought the car used in June of 2017, not long after I noticed a grinding noise coming from the rear passenger side, took it in and they said the rear brake was damaged it was fixed under warranty. (they supposedly did a 150 point inspection prior to my buying the car) May of 2018 when the car went in for inspection I was told I needed brakes all around so new brakes and rotors were put all around. In July I noticed a grinding noise same side (and rear) when we pulled the wheel the outside pad was down to metal. We check the driver side and it was down to metal as well (outside only; inside of both looked brand new) Fronts were perfect.
Coming home from work this week (Late September) I noticed the SAME NOISE...pulled the wheels and guess what AGAIN inside pad like new outside down to almost nothing. We figure I'm only getting about 5,000 miles per outside pad. I was told by Mazda corporate that it's my driving style (now my Ford Focus has OVER 300,000 thousand miles on it and brakes last about 30 to 40 thousand miles on that? hmmm go figure!) Nothing they can do, BUT I CAN take it in to the dealership and have them "look at it" but I am to pay all charges, UGH NOPE. For them to replace brakes it's over $350 so no I'll do it myself since they only last about 5,000 miles & I can do it for $60.
I've seen MANY of the same complaints about this issue so I'm really not sure how or why they wont to a recall, guess it will take someone getting hurt or killed for that to happen. Sad thing is I like the car but this will be the last Mazda I own, back to my ol' faithful Ford or Toyota. (They BOTH had/have well over 300,000 miles and only regular maintenance for both.) So my car that started with 25,000 miles and now has 49,000 has gone through 3, yes THREE sets of back brakes in just over a years time, well I should say OUTSIDE rear pads others are fine...just sad that Mazda WON'T stand behind the car.
- Staci H., New Bloomfield, US