fairly significant- Typical Repair Cost:
- No data
- Average Mileage:
- 10,500 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 1 complaints
Most Common Solutions:
- not sure (1 reports)

brakes problem
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Having parked my car on a friend's driveway, gone inside and spent a good 20 mins or so looking around her new house, making coffee & sitting down & chatting. (noticing the car still parked happily in front of the window when I came into the lounge with my coffee) We heard a crash and jumped to the window to find my car had disappeared. It was now resting on a neighbour's forecourt, across the road and down the hill. It had rolled backwards down the drive, crossed the road, gone up over a grass verge, scaled a low wall and launched itself about 25 ft across the neighbour's forecourt, at a height of about 5-6ft off the ground, bouncing off a gravel border and taking out a low palm tree and only coming to rest when their parked vehicle stopped it in its tracks.
We rushed to the car and I was horrified to find the handbrake was still 'on'. I tried pulling it up more, but it was fully engaged, so I let it off and pulled it on again, but it didn't make any unusual noises or didn't feel any different, but I put the car into first gear just in case it moved again and called Mazda Assistance. Obviously, I was kicking myself because although one shouldn't have to, I usually leave the car in gear - its just habit.
To cut a protracted and very unsatisfactory story with Mazda Insurance, Mazda UK & their approved repairer short, the outcome was that they tested the brakes and couldn't find anything wrong so badged the accident as 'driver error'. It was covered by insurance, but the repair is just diabolical and has ruined the finish - there are still creases in the sides and a horizontal crease on top of the front panel which the repairer has dismissed as 'trolley dents', although they definitely weren't there prior to this incident and it would have to be a monster trolley to reach as high up as the top of the bonnet! Mazda don't want to know about my ongoing more important concerns about the vehicle's safety and have refused to take the car back (I'm in a 3yr contract with Mazda) and have told me that they can't corroborate my version of events as they weren't there!
I'm absolutely appalled, having been a loyal customer of Mazda for 8yrs and this is my 3rd brand new car from them. I've never had any issues like this in 33yrs of driving and I've carried out tests to set my own mind at rest that I could not have even taken my foot off the brake, let alone stepped outside the car without it rolling back if I had, as they claimed, left the handbrake off or not engaged it properly. I still have no explanation as to why this happened and worry it will happen again, although I do put the car in gear whenever I leave it now. I regularly keep having to go back to the car to double-check it's in gear and safe and this cannot be acceptable for a brand new, top of the range car which is only just over 12mths old??
- incachick9560, Haverfordwest, UK